This is 50% of why I stay in the business

So. It's basically a quick wash version of my method without the decarb and you cook it all the way down. Really good to know, thanks so much. I've read the RSO threads before but it's good to talk to someone I trust that's actually doing it. Not some weed nerd on a podcast. I can basically take my mix then and just let it evaporate all the way down at room temp which takes about 4 days or put it in my rice cooker outside which I have done too. It's just going to be much more dank and plant tasting compared to the quick wash your do because of the chlorophyll and other plant materials in mine. I'll have to try a quick wash next time with the same strain to see if I can tell a difference. I don't mind the 7 day wait, I'm an older guy and I'm getting better at being patient for the good stuff. I've finally stopped looking for buds to be finished at eight weeks even :bigjoint: . Thanks for the advice and again for what you're doing for the patients.
I been bald (halfway by choice) for a long time. I had a spot come up on my head that was raised, red, scaled, and getting bigger. I knew what it was. I tried everything on it, but it just kept getting bigger, and got to the size of a dime, and I didn't want to go through the whole biopsy thing, so I decided to apply raw RSO every day with a bandaid. 6 weeks later, it shrank to the size of a pinhead scab. I just flicked it off, and it's not come back in over a year. Smooth as a babies butt.
I've heard some amazing stuff about it. I've had two skin cancers taken off after biopsies. Nothing gets your attention like the word malignant I can promise you. A lifetime of hard work outside, desert's with Uncle Sam, and playing outside has caught up with me.
I've done it twice with these spots on my head. I didn't let the second one get as big. I immediately applied the RSO for a month or so. ... gone. You should try it if you ever have a spot come up again. Makes your skin silky smooth!
Ain't nothing other than an orbital sander gonna make this skin silky smooth but I'll sure as shit take no tumors :hump:. I get checked twice a year by the skin doc and if he finds something I'm going to give it a try for sure if he decides to leave it instead of freeze it. Some of the little ones he says are no big deal but hell that's because he's not the one staring at them all day wondering if they look different or bigger.... assholes. Getting older sure is fun ain't it. But like my 90 year old dad says, it's better than not getting older.
Hell you can rub this stuff on, eat it and get high... It's the wonder drug the govt really doesn't want us to have right?
Don't know if you heard this story or not, but I make drops for my 75 year old dad for sleeplessness, and neck pain from an injury. He's been on them for about a year and a half now. He's has a "mass" in his guts about the size of a softball that they have been monitoring since 2016. After a year on the drops, he goes to have the yearly CT scan of the mass. It's fucking gone. Not even a shadow of it. His A1C came down so much that they took him off of pre-diabetic meds. He went back to his winter home in Mesa, and just got back about a month and a half ago. I asked him if he was still on the drops, and he said "nah... I slept so sound one night that I pissed the bed"... im like "I've shit myself standing straight up and awake, what's the big deal?"... he got back here, went for his yearly bloodwork, and the Doc says "Your A1C is back up. You need to go back to whatever it was you were doing before"... He's back on them, and goes back in 3 months for a follow up. Im going to be interested to see where his A1C is after that. It scared him so much, that he's started taking them during the day now and not just at night. I heard him out in the field the other day mowing, and I had just bought a new deck belt that I wanted to install. I drove out to where he was and changed the belt out. He was wearing his "work tunes" headphones and told me "Mowing is not so monotonous when you're a little high"... I just fucking laughed my ass off.
Hey man.. we may be Hillbillies, but we can manufacture/fabricate some shit with a shop full of tools. Okies get stereotyped, but if you're in a jam, or need help.. we can help you. Dad was an engineer for Halliburton for a long time before we moved to the Middle East in the 80's and he became the Persian Gulf Supervisor... He can create some crazy stuff. All's I gotta say is "hey, I need this for my grow op"...boom.. it's fabricated and done.
Hey man.. we may be Hillbillies, but we can manufacture/fabricate some shit with a shop full of tools. Okies get stereotyped, but if you're in a jam, or need help.. we can help you. Dad was an engineer for Halliburton for a long time before we moved to the Middle East in the 80's and he became the Persian Gulf Supervisor... He can create some crazy stuff. All's I gotta say is "hey, I need this for my grow op"...boom.. it's fabricated and done.
You know I'm not making fun of you. I love rednecks, :lol:!

And I thought Hillbillies lived in the hills in Arkansas and Lousianna, :bigjoint:
You know I'm not making fun of you. I love rednecks, :lol:!

And I thought Hillbillies lived in the hills in Arkansas and Lousianna, :bigjoint:
I know brother!.. True Hillbillies live in the black mountains of TN or like you said, the off beaten path of AR or LA.... Some parts of OK tho.... even the cops have been advised not to even go patrol there.... they have a way of making shit disappear.
Right now, we're all wondering where our County Sheriff is. He's not showed up for work in over 90 days. It's all over the news. He's calling in from an Alabama phone number, and saying that he's had trouble with his RV. Suspicious. All the local co workers are covering his story tho. I know the guy. Great guy. He's like 6'6" and is a Vietnam war veteran helicopter pilot. Always walks around strapped up with a cocked back 1911 on his side holster. Weird tho. I guess we'll find out soon enough.
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Right now, we're all wondering where our County Sheriff is. He's not showed up for work in over 90 days. It's all over the news. He's calling in from an Alabama phone number, and saying that he's had trouble with his RV. Suspicious. All the local co workers are covering his story tho. I know the guy. Great guy. He's like 6'6" and is a Vietnam war veteran helicopter pilot. Always walks around strapped up with a cocked back 911 on his side holster. Weird tho. I guess we'll find out soon enough.
Is his last name Justice?
Hey man.. we may be Hillbillies, but we can manufacture/fabricate some shit with a shop full of tools. Okies get stereotyped, but if you're in a jam, or need help.. we can help you. Dad was an engineer for Halliburton for a long time before we moved to the Middle East in the 80's and he became the Persian Gulf Supervisor... He can create some crazy stuff. All's I gotta say is "hey, I need this for my grow op"...boom.. it's fabricated and done.
Pretty much the way it is around here. You can't afford to just go out and buy a new one so you learn how to make it work or make a new one out of all the rusty shit you have out in the yard. I keep telling my wife it's not junk it's storage for projects and she keeps hauling my projects off to the dump. It would be nice to have an engineering background though. I bet it would cut down on the emergency room visits.