New posting rules for Phishy Hippies have been handed down from the Mod Gods
Please follow kindly:
"you are spamming threads with nonsensical you tube videos. I've deleted several
(Without Asking) and don't want to again. Please stop spamming this forum with nonsense. You are allowed to post what you please, but following your post with another is considered spam and will not be tolerated."
why can you feel Trey screaming
why can't you pick up "The Book"
why can't IT be named
who is Icculus?
How many attractive entities (dancing moonwalking bears) can you enumerate in the following video?
Can entities = sprites = bots?
Public Hippie Tip:
At The Gate, The Gatekeepers Shout Super-Good, Super-Secret, Super-Special Hippie Messages At 3:03 (1), 3:06(2a) and 3:09(2b) for the mod gods (2:40)(numbers in parentheses are defined this way at least here) .
Great Gate inscriptions , eh?
also at 4:20 especially for the great blue one expecting a fox on the other side of the hedge
Not fully Realizing what types of Mystic magical Blue Creatures Used Their Tails quite so adeptly So Very Long Ago.