The GPW Competition of RIU

Is this limited to photoperiod plants or can autos running on 24hour light enter? Would they talena hit for consuming more total watts per day, or would it be "fair" because the watt draw from the watt is the number being counted? Likewise, if a plant is on a 8 hour light period cycle does it gain a benifit for less total kwh being used?

If the auto is accepted on 24hour light can I break it into 3x 8 hour cycles and run 3 sets of plants manually moved into dark boxes? I can def break 3gpw doing that ;)
Yes. He already said you are one of the guys to make the rules.
We need to use kWh otherwise this just turns into who has more time to keep swapping plants in and out of the grow space in which case I’m out. But hell, I’m starting this grow anyway so.......I’m in I’ll just chill at the bottom
Yeah I’m down, I’ll start a seed when I get home from work. I was going to use a a clone of my grape god, but have decided to try 12-12 from seed with one of my Cannatonic.
If this is gonna be carried out by keeping up with kWh, then I’m out. Not at all what the title of the thread says.
So you dont think there should be a record of how long the plants are grown and how much wattage the grower is pulling for that time?

also noteworthy what about strains? are we just going for highest gpw here or are we also looking for quality?
Without keeping track of kWh how else could you really check GPW? Example would be using a 8 hr on period like somebody here suggested, you could actually add 33% more light and have the same kWh, or actual energy used. Saying I have 5 million watts of light doesn’t mean crap if it is only on for 2 seconds

Could always do a calculated kWh based on light times and manufactures power draw
If you guys play for bragging rights consider starting a new thread.
If Big Perm stops advertising on RIU this thread will be deleted and I guess the ADM would maybe move it so you can finish IDK.
Be a shame to lose all the info of the grows.
From what I understand only advertisers can start comps with prizes on RIU and any member can start a comp when it's for bragging rights.
Another bonus is a bragging rights comp can be started in the general section where more growers are likely to see it and take part. More growers will be found there vs here in the in it to win it advertisers section.