The Goal Is To Get An O...


Well-Known Member
Ok so last night I fed my plant the full strength 2tbs grow big1tbl big bloom and 2 tbs tiger bloom. When I looked at it today some of the lower leaves were starting to turn a much lighter shade of green, like almost yellow. I know my plant isn't almost done flowering so the leaves shouldn't be yellow yet, and also they shouldn't be yellow because they should not have any Nitrogen deficiency. Does this look like nute burn to you guys? I already flushed it with 2 gallons of water just in case. I'm a little nervous it may be due to nutrient lock out since I can't pH my water correctly. Do leaves turn yellow like this due to the ph being off?

ps I am currently being shipped a new electrode for my ph tester so i should have much better feeding results once I get it.



Well-Known Member
So the leaves are continuing to turn a much lighter shade of green now, going into yellow. I know this can be nute burn but not all the leaves are looking like it. Also, it shouldn't be an N deficiency either since I have given it nitrogen while using FF Grow Big. Can a a bad ph level do this to a plant. I'm really worried I'm not gonna be able to harvest this thing if this keeps up.

Any advice, tips, and tricks are very appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I'm just quoting this from a question I posted earlier in the Marijuana Plant Problems discussion board. Didn't get too much feedback but maybe it'll be seen again here.

Is this a lack of nitrogen? My plant's leaves are starting to fade to yellow. It started at the lowest leaves then worked its way up. I tried giving it full strength grow big but it didn't take it very well. I saw some nute burn starting to happen and flushed the shit out of it.

What's going on here though? I haven't had a ph meter this whole time until yesterday, so I the water I flushed it with was phed finally.

Should I maybe try to give it Grow Big at half strength? What is your guys' thoughts on this I could use some help here.


Well-Known Member
Looks like your plants could use some tace nutes.

Add some caalcium, iron, and magnesium and see if that helps.


Well-Known Member
I've been feeding it molasses with every other feeding. Molasses has a lot of trace nutrients in it, so I don't think its that.

ON ANOTHER NOTE: I flushed out my 2.5 gallon pot with 7 gallons of water PHed at 6.34. However, when I checked the runoff water as the last of the water was running out, my pH was reading 6.81. What the hell is that? I made sure it was really reading 6.81 so I took another sample from some more runoff and sure enough it was around 6.8. Shouldn't it be reading about 6.3-6.4 after 7 gallons of 6.34 water? Should I flush it again tomorrow with another 7 or 8 gallons and try to get the runoff to read 6.3ish?

I'm really freakin out about these leaves falling off. I'm like 95% sure its a ph issue and I finally got pH calibration solution today at the hydro store so I know the pH is correct now, but what should I do? Let her sit and wait it out after this initial flush, or flush again tomorrow and hope the runoff goes down?


Well-Known Member
ahhh man plants do that when there in bud after a month. thy suck the life out of the bottom leaves and work there way up let em go don't cut the leaves off thy will fall of on there own let em work on sucking them dry instead of cutting them off then it will start on others. leaf feed it with water and molasses (lil bit!!) in a sprayer every couple of days. when the buds start to thicken DON'T LEAF FEED ANYMORE it will cause mold and bud rot. a little more N as i said LITTLE more N wouldn't hurt. i use molasses from 1st to last day in my feedings. i like to put it in a jug of water with my food and let it sit a day or two before i feed you will see a foam on top of the water its just fine stir it up and feed. foam means the molasses is doing its job eating the food and breaking it down for your plants to up take it better. and gives your stash a sweet taste.


Well-Known Member
Yo Greenpeace, what's up thanks for the insight. I know the leaves are supposed to yellow in the last portion of flowering. I started flowering my plants on January 25 and the fan leaves started going to hell about a week ago (so only 3 weeks into flowering). They are falling off like crazy and I know they're dropping too fast. I'm gonna wait it out for a couple more days since I flushed them today and see where we're at then.

Question though: Will the leaves stop falling off once the ph problem is solved, or will it take a few days of the water settling in for results to show?


Well-Known Member
Another quick question: Is it possible this plant is root bound? Its in a 2.5 gallon pot (I think its 2.5 gallons). It was LSTed for its only about 19" inches high, but it would be like 30ish" if I had let it go normally. Just a though...I'm gonna pull it out of the pot real gently next watering and check the root ball to see if its too packed in there. Any one have any insight on this though?

The first pic of of the leaves themselves. These were a couple that were lying in the bottom of the pot that had fallen off over night. The last two are of my little lady who can be seen in my prior posts, just thought I'd upload them for my own recollection later on though.



Well-Known Member
Do you ph your water?

Other than that it looks fine for flowering.

I dont think that it is root bound....

Try foilar spraying with some nitrogen and see if she perks a bit.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Yep, just got a pH tester all calibrated and everything and definitely seems to be looking a lot better since then. I'm going to give it 1/3 strength nutrient tonight for the first time since flush, and maybe do a little N foliage spray with very diluted FF Grow Big tonight. The leaves stopped dropping as of now though, which I'm pumped about.


Well-Known Member
Man I thought I had the problem taken care of but I guess not. Woke up this morning to a bunch of yellow ass leaves on the bottom of my grow tent. She's still dropping em. I don't know what to do at this point considering my pH is fine now. Leaves at the very top of the plant are now starting to yellow and will fall off if this problem continues.

I was reading my Fox Farm feeding schedule and it says to feed with Grow Big during the 3rd and 4th weeks of flowering. I suppose it could be an N deficiency because I'm pretty sure I flushed out any nutrients I had previously put into the plant. Anyway I fed her with half strength nutrients from the FF trio on Friday. Hopefully they help straighten her back out and we can stop droppin damn fan leaves all over the place.

By the way, I'm sad to say that in the case of my plant pictured below, the camera is really adding 10 pounds. My buds are not nearly as crystally or dank looking in real life as they are in the pictures. haha, sucks.



Well-Known Member
Well another issue arises! I was going to give my plant some water today, so I calibrate my ph tester with the 7.01 solution and start on my way. Normally my tap water, which I had sitting out for over 24 hours, comes out about 7.35ish. When I measured it before even putting any ph down into the water, it was reading about 6.9. I didn't think too much of this, and added some ph down. Now here's the thing: normally a single drop of ph down takes a gallon of water down TOO far for me, like 6.2ish or so. Today, when I was trying to get the water to read about 6.5 before giving it to my plant, the ph down straight up wasn't working. Now, I did have it in a kinda hot spot, being right above my tent and all. And the label on the bottle says to store in a cool place. Does anyone know if storing ph solutions in a hot environment inhibits the chemicals from working or something?

Anyway, during this all I re-calibrated my ph tester 3 times cuz I thought the damn thing was already broken. But no, it was not. Read 7.01 or a just a smidgen higher every time I re-calibrated it. Here's where the problem is though; I water the plant with what I believed to be 2 gallons of 6.45 phed water. When I read the runoff though, it was reading like 5.8! What the fuck? I don't get why my soil ph would be so damn low? Tiger Bloom still in it maybe and dropping the ph real bad when I water? I know this is a problem. This fucking nutrient lock out issue has been killing me for too long now, and my plant has obviously suffered. Do I flush again with phed water at 6.5? Little nervous about over-watering, but not that much. I have to water about every other day now as opposed to when I was watering only once or twice a week about 30 days ago, so I think she'll just drink it up fine. Anyway, some input would be appreciated on this issue.

To flush, or not to flush?? That is the question.


Well-Known Member
Here's some updated pix. Largest plant lookin shitty as always, but the smaller ones are lookin damn fine.

Big Lady is all yellow and pretty wispy looking, but the buds look good in the pictures at least (which doesn't mean shit). I clipped one of the small ones real early cuz it was looking really droopy and bad, but it smoked real good even after just a quick dry. I'll be choppin the rest in about a week I think. I'll post then if anyone is interested. Peace fellas. RIU!



Well-Known Member
You need a soil ph tester, you can not change the ph of soil with water, you need to find out the ph of your soil, it is probably too low.