The Game is over Trump

that's not good, why don't the left wing send them to jail for this behaviour ?

Because its called Freedom of Choice.

A person has the legal right to be a racist. One cant stop an idea, but fight it with education, and singling out those that have such views, and make them an outcast. As long as they dont infringe on my/your/our rights, they have the legal right to protest Peacefully, and think any way they wish. Doesnt make them right, but people have the right to be selfish self centered fucktards if they wish. They simply need to go the way of the dinosaur, and eventually they will.
They simply need to go the way of the dinosaur, and eventually they will.
Policy can help with that, in particular education policy, specifically mindfulness training, or EE ( Emotional Education) as well as PE (Physical Education). These evidence based programs offer many benefits to students and schools and counter the effects of screen time and social media. Stress levels in youth have been rising steadily over the decades in lockstep with the advances in communications technology, older adults don't have these same increases in stress. Mindfulness training leads to faster and more profound emotional maturity and development plus increases in empathy. It is a social emotional deconditioning exercise that builds empathy, kills racism and bigotry dead in most normal folks.

It's just one part of the picture though, but one that works best of all, over the span of a decade by making better emotionally and socially adapted people and thus citizens. Another aspect of education is civics, history and science education and America is paying the price right now for their stifling because of racism/religious agitation and mostly in the red/racist states. I lump rightwing religion and racism together, because these pseudo Christians worship Cheeto Jesus, not Jesus. Cheeto Jesus embodies the seven deadly sins plus ones they never though of.

Get it into a school board near you, if it isn't already there, it works and there is proof, over time it can do much to heal social and even national division and is science based, not religious. It creates minds that are hard for conditioned biases to distort reality to a pathological degree. Empathy leads to wisdom and the ability to see people more clearly for who they really are.

For your children and your county's sake, it makes happier people and happy people are not assholes, most of the time anyway. :wink:

Mindful Schools | Mindfulness for Your School, Teachers, and Students
i hope it doesn't take millions of years. unless you believe in Creationism

Believe it or not, I went to a Catholic School in the 60s, and 70s, and was taught evolutionary biology starting in 6th grade. In 1969. Im also not religious ect

One of the books that are in the Catholic bible vs King James version is the Book of Wisdon.

Towards the end of that book, it has a passage that says??

And the animals that lived in the water, went to live on the land, and the animals that lived on land, went to live in the water, which infers evolution.

Even pope John Paul the whatever back in the 90s said Evolution is More than a Theory.
There are trees that are 6000 years old. Yes, I believe in science.
Judge rules Trump Org must turn over documents to NY AG as part of probe
A New York judge ruled on Tuesday that the Trump Organization must turn over documents to New York Attorney General Letitia James (D) as part of her office’s probe into whether President Trump illegally inflated assets for financial gain.

James disclosed that she was investigating several Trump properties in August, when she asked the court to force the Trump Organization to provide documents regarding several transactions.

The court ruled in her favor in September, but questions still remained as to whether it could withhold documents involving an engineer in connection to the Seven Springs Resort in Westchester County.

The Trump Organization argued that the documents were shielded by attorney-client privilege. Now, with Tuesday’s ruling, the organization is required to hand over those documents.

Amy Carlin, an attorney for the Trump Organization, argued that it had “every expectation that those communications would be confidential," CNN reported.

However, Eric Haren, representing the attorney general’s office, said the organization “waived privilege” when it disclosed certain documents to the IRS to “gain benefit,” according to the news outlet.

New York County State Supreme Court Judge Arthur Engoron ruled that the Trump Organization must hand over the communications by Friday.

“Once again, justice and the rule of law prevailed,” James said in a statement. “We will immediately move to ensure that the Trump Organization complies with the court’s order and submits records related to our investigation. My office's ongoing investigation will continue, as we continue to follow the facts wherever they may lead.”

The Hill has reached out to the Trump Organization for comment.

James began investigating in March 2019 after Michael Cohen, President Trump’s former attorney, testified to Congress that the president altered the value of his assets to get loans, better insurance rates and tax breaks.

Judge rules Trump Org must turn over documents to NY AG as part of probe
A New York judge ruled on Tuesday that the Trump Organization must turn over documents to New York Attorney General Letitia James (D) as part of her office’s probe into whether President Trump illegally inflated assets for financial gain.

James disclosed that she was investigating several Trump properties in August, when she asked the court to force the Trump Organization to provide documents regarding several transactions.

The court ruled in her favor in September, but questions still remained as to whether it could withhold documents involving an engineer in connection to the Seven Springs Resort in Westchester County.

The Trump Organization argued that the documents were shielded by attorney-client privilege. Now, with Tuesday’s ruling, the organization is required to hand over those documents.

Amy Carlin, an attorney for the Trump Organization, argued that it had “every expectation that those communications would be confidential," CNN reported.

However, Eric Haren, representing the attorney general’s office, said the organization “waived privilege” when it disclosed certain documents to the IRS to “gain benefit,” according to the news outlet.

New York County State Supreme Court Judge Arthur Engoron ruled that the Trump Organization must hand over the communications by Friday.

“Once again, justice and the rule of law prevailed,” James said in a statement. “We will immediately move to ensure that the Trump Organization complies with the court’s order and submits records related to our investigation. My office's ongoing investigation will continue, as we continue to follow the facts wherever they may lead.”

The Hill has reached out to the Trump Organization for comment.

James began investigating in March 2019 after Michael Cohen, President Trump’s former attorney, testified to Congress that the president altered the value of his assets to get loans, better insurance rates and tax breaks.

And that will be appealed all the way to the Supreme Court as well.

It's going nowhere.
say wut ?

i thought it was all over, trump lost crying and biden won ? ?

some reason i can't take you'll seriously

Biden won, but power doesn't transfer over for another month.
I predict he will be dead by June and nary a tear will I shed.
He will be fucked by June and doing time or dead from the stress, Donald's type often has low blood pressure and though he eats like a pig, he feels little stress, compared to what he should. Only when things get real or are about too will Donald feel the heat like normal folks do. He is impulsive, but he also discounts the future or fails to comprehend future consequences.

When Donald hits court for a plea will be when he will feel the stress, he will try to send his lawyer with his self pardon in hand. The judge will either set it aside and try him or remand the case pending appeal, either way Donald will be indicted and plead. The judge will most likely put a pretrial gag order on Donald and tell him to STFU about the case, I figure Donald will break the court order and conditions of bail. So while his pardon is being decided, Donald could be in Rikers pending trial and a SCOTUS decision tossing his pardon. Donald is just stupid enough to end up in Rikers and in court wearing an orange jumpsuit on national TV, his hair will be a mess and he won't be wearing make up. He called the justice system into ill repute as a high government official, so the judge might decide that justice needs to be seen as well as done.
Neighbors stress Trump can't live at Mar-a-Lago after leaving White House
Several of President Trump’s neighbors in Palm Beach, Fla., are stressing that he is legally barred from taking up primary residence at his Mar-a-Lago resort after leaving the White House.

In the letter to Palm Beach officials obtained by The Washington Post, the residents cited an agreement Trump signed in 1993 to convert the facility to a private club, which they said bars him from using it as a primary residence. The agreement bars members from spending more than 21 days per year there or for more than seven days straight.

They asked the town to formally advise the president he cannot make the club his permanent residence and calls on local officials to “avoid an embarrassing situation” after he leaves the White House.

Neighbors of the club have frequently complained about issues such as traffic snarls caused by Trump’s visits and his flouting of local requirements such as a flagpole that violated height caps, the Post noted.

“There’s absolutely no legal theory under which he can use that property as both a residence and a club," Glenn Zeitz, a Palm Beach homeowner who did not sign the letter, told the Post.

“Basically he’s playing a dead hand. He’s not going to intimidate or bluff people because we’re going to be there,” Zeitz added.

During his presidency, Trump changed his permanent residency from New York to Florida. He initially attempted to register to vote in the state with the White House as his primary address, which is not allowed under the law, and later changed the address to Mar-a-Lago's.

“Palm Beach has many lovely estates for sale, and we are confident President Trump will find one which meets his needs,” his neighbors' letter states.

Neighbors stress Trump can't live at Mar-a-Lago after leaving White House
Several of President Trump’s neighbors in Palm Beach, Fla., are stressing that he is legally barred from taking up primary residence at his Mar-a-Lago resort after leaving the White House.

In the letter to Palm Beach officials obtained by The Washington Post, the residents cited an agreement Trump signed in 1993 to convert the facility to a private club, which they said bars him from using it as a primary residence. The agreement bars members from spending more than 21 days per year there or for more than seven days straight.

They asked the town to formally advise the president he cannot make the club his permanent residence and calls on local officials to “avoid an embarrassing situation” after he leaves the White House.

Neighbors of the club have frequently complained about issues such as traffic snarls caused by Trump’s visits and his flouting of local requirements such as a flagpole that violated height caps, the Post noted.

“There’s absolutely no legal theory under which he can use that property as both a residence and a club," Glenn Zeitz, a Palm Beach homeowner who did not sign the letter, told the Post.

“Basically he’s playing a dead hand. He’s not going to intimidate or bluff people because we’re going to be there,” Zeitz added.

During his presidency, Trump changed his permanent residency from New York to Florida. He initially attempted to register to vote in the state with the White House as his primary address, which is not allowed under the law, and later changed the address to Mar-a-Lago's.

“Palm Beach has many lovely estates for sale, and we are confident President Trump will find one which meets his needs,” his neighbors' letter states.

Was just going to post the same story.
Not even one of happiness?

Not many people shed tears of joy at the death of another, some do, but with Donald, most just feel relief, like after they flush the toilet. I will probably feel a bit sorry for someone who never really lived as a fully human being, he was dangerous and brain damaged nothing more. Millions of his supporters will be grief struck and some will commit suicide. I hope they pass a law preventing him from being buried under the flag, let them use the stars and bars for his coffin or better yet the Nazi swastika. They will have to make his grave into a public urinal and it might be best to bury him under one, or his grave site will become like quicksand, the lines will be long and the ground water polluted.

Proud boys will try to form an "honor guard" to protect his grave, but they will get shit on while Donald gets pissed on.
He will be fucked by June and doing time or dead from the stress, Donald's type often has low blood pressure and though he eats like a pig, he feels little stress, compared to what he should. Only when things get real or are about too will Donald feel the heat like normal folks do. He is impulsive, but he also discounts the future or fails to comprehend future consequences.

When Donald hits court for a plea will be when he will feel the stress, he will try to send his lawyer with his self pardon in hand. The judge will either set it aside and try him or remand the case pending appeal, either way Donald will be indicted and plead. The judge will most likely put a pretrial gag order on Donald and tell him to STFU about the case, I figure Donald will break the court order and conditions of bail. So while his pardon is being decided, Donald could be in Rikers pending trial and a SCOTUS decision tossing his pardon. Donald is just stupid enough to end up in Rikers and in court wearing an orange jumpsuit on national TV, his hair will be a mess and he won't be wearing make up. He called the justice system into ill repute as a high government official, so the judge might decide that justice needs to be seen as well as done.

Trump is a bigger national security threat out of office than he is in office and a lot of people would sleep better knowing he was dead.