The Game is over Trump

I read it. Barr comes off as your average, everyday GOP politician. Sleazy, immoral and a stone cold opportunist. He'll be the next Republican president's Ambassador to the UN or UK or some shit.

personally, i didn't learn anything new, new..but happy for the post though.
William Barr Speaks
In the final months of the administration, the doggedly loyal attorney general finally had enough.

Read in The Atlantic:
Trump's reaction kinda reminded me of the scene from Downfall.
Hitler finds out Trump has lost the election
As much as it sucks to admit, donald could very well have been worse for the world if not for a few key people with loyalty to constitution over donald, ever how thin that line was.
Agreed. While Barr and Pence don’t deserve accolades for performing their duty, at least they did, in this case. That’s far more than can be said for most of their Republican colleagues in Congress.
It was no surprise to me. If Barr had a shred of proof to support Trump on this one he would have. But he had nothing to spin. And he knew that if he cooked the books he had a good chance of being caught and going to jail. Loyalty only goes so far for Barr. It is not loyalty to the Constitution, more like a man without a get out of jail card.
It was no surprise to me. If Barr had a shred of proof to support Trump on this one he would have. But he had nothing to spin. And he knew that if he cooked the books he had a good chance of being caught and going to jail. Loyalty only goes so far for Barr. It is not loyalty to the Constitution, more like a man without a get out of jail card.

there is nothing to support it and look what they're still trying to accomplish.
QAnon Supporters Express Boredom With 'Same Old' Trump Speech: 'This Is Getting Ridiculous' (

QAnon Supporters Express Boredom With 'Same Old' Trump Speech: 'This Is Getting Ridiculous'

oth QAnon and longtime supporters of former President Donald Trump criticized his Saturday night speech in Wellington, Ohio, accusing him of the "same-old, same-old" grievances against Democrats and his 2020 election loss to President Joe Biden.

QAnon supporters, some of whom are the former president's most fanatical online backers, sent a barrage of messages through the Telegram app that expressed boredom and even anger at the speech Trump described as "the very first rally of the 2022 election." They blasted Trump for not mentioning how his January 6 insurrection supporters are "rotting in jail." And numerous others said Trump should be booed by the Ohio rallygoers for even "bringing up the word 'vaccine,'" specifically because they believe COVID-19 was entirely a hoax.

But a majority of the top QAnon user comments simply expressed their outright boredom with Trump's post-election stump speech, in which he baselessly claimed to have won in November 2020 and blasted any dissenting GOP members as "traitors."

"I'm 100% with the dude, but literally switched from his speech 3 mins ago. Im [sic] done with his speeches," wrote QAnon user Jacob.

"Judging by the Trump-supporting normies I live with, they were bored with his speech," wrote another QAnon user. "I support Trump but this is getting ridiculous."

"Love President Trump. But, if I'm being honest, it's a lot of the 'same old-same old,' we've all heard a thousand times before," wrote Annmarie Calabro.

Some of Trump's more mainstream critics and former supporters also appeared to have grown tired of the former president using his rally platform to blast the same figures, such as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Ohio GOP Congressman Anthony Gonzalez. Trump also painted a dire picture of the current state of America, claiming that the country is falling apart without his so-called leadership.

"Murders, rapes, rioting, looting, stolen elections happening everywhere, all the time, nonstop in America. Nothing but carnage. Everywhere you look," Trump said Saturday night, prompting former Illinois GOP Congressman Joe Walsh to quote him, adding: "That's about it. I'm gonna go play with the dogs."

Several political pundits accused Trump of being unable to read off his teleprompter during the Ohio rally speech Saturday night. The Bulwark publication noted that Trump even attacked U.S. military leaders.

"In one of the only original passages in his Ohio speech, he criticized 'woke generals' and claimed that 'our military will be incapable of fighting and incapable of taking orders.' America's 'military brass have become weak and ineffective leaders,'" the publication noted.

Newsweek reached out to the former president's "Save America" super PAC Sunday morning for comment.
From Foxworld... I wonder what your average Trumper or Fox viewer thinks about this? Change the channel to OAN or Newsmax!
Trump denounces Barr over election in latest bitter break with a top aide | Fox News

Trump denounces Barr over election in latest bitter break with a top aide
If they were so terrible, horrible, and awful, why did the 45th president appoint them in the first place?

Donald Trump says his attorney general was "not being a man."

The AG was "very weak and very sad," Trump says. In fact, he was a "disaster."

Trump wasn’t talking about Bill Barr, who just triggered his wrath with an interview about the lack of election fraud. He was speaking in 2018 about Barr’s predecessor, Jeff Sessions.

That he has unloaded on two consecutive officials who ran the Justice Department raises this question: If they were so terrible, horrible, and awful, why did the 45th president appoint them in the first place?

Barr joins a growing list of high-powered people who fell from grace in Trump World, some because they stood up to the president and some because they turned on him first.

These include former lieutenants like Jim Mattis, Rex Tillerson and Omarosa, who get whacked only occasionally. They include John Bolton, who has been repeatedly denounced by Trump (whose DOJ sued over the former national security adviser’s book, a case that has now been dropped). And they include Michael Cohen, who went to prison, wrote a trash-Trump book, and is now a regular cable critic.

But AGs are different. They have a responsibility not to play politics as the nation’s chief law enforcement officer. That’s why Trump actually campaigned against Sessions’ bid to regain his old Senate seat—because Sessions recused himself from the Russia probe—and why he is castigating Barr for insisting there was no widespread election fraud to be found.

In a lengthy statement, Trump called Barr a "RINO" who "failed to investigate election fraud…It’s people in authority like Bill Barr that allow the crazed Radical Left to succeed… He came in with a semi-bang and went out with a whimper."

But Trump put Barr in that position of authority, and besides, why is it Republican in Name Only to say a federal investigation hasn’t found anything? Is there a Republican—and Democratic—way to run DOJ?

Barr, to be clear, has his own motives (and his own book deal). As ABC’s Jonathan Karl writes in his forthcoming book "Betrayal," Barr is telling his story because he is "widely seen as a Trump lackey who politicized the Justice Department" and wants to change that image.

In an Atlantic excerpt, Barr says Mitch McConnell twice asked him to challenge the president’s claims of election fraud because "you are really the only one who can do it." The majority leader said he and his colleagues couldn’t frontally criticize Trump because they needed him to win the two Senate seats in Georgia.

And so it was that Barr invited an AP reporter to lunch and dropped his bombshell that Justice had found no widespread fraud. Barr told Karl that "my suspicion all the way along was that there was nothing there. It was all bullshit."

Then came the confrontation at the White House, when Trump demanded to know if Barr had made the comments to the wire service and Barr said he had.

"How the f--- could you do this to me? Why did you say it?"

"Because it’s true," Barr said.

The red-faced president shot back: "You must hate Trump. You must hate Trump."

That, naturally, was not Trump’s attitude when Barr minimized the findings in Robert Mueller’s report, or moved to drop charges against Michael Flynn, or intervened in the Roger Stone sentencing. Barr was terrific then, because he and Trump were on the same page. Now, according to Trump, "Bill Barr was a disappointment in every sense of the word."

It’s worth noting that Trump was also unhappy with Barr’s successor, acting AG Jeffrey Rosen, in his few weeks on the job. Emails obtained by the New York Times show Trump pressuring Rosen to investigate fraud claims rejected in recent lawsuits, plus a wacky theory that people in Italy were using satellite technology to alter American voting machines.

Rosen said in an email: "Asked if I would reconsider, I flatly refused, said I would not be giving any special treatment to Giuliani or any of his ‘witnesses’, and reaffirmed yet again that I will not talk to Giuliani about any of this." Trump considered replacing Rosen with yet another department official as the clock ticked toward Jan. 20.