the funny thing about yield..

use it on the-

petunias. think im kidding? ever see the folks with petunia baskets that are a 5 foot sphere? that's how.

fine for use on ornamentals.
Well what a week! lmao.
Off to TC for afternoon.
Homeless came up north for a few days and helped me sort out my hydro gear. Fun time, great guy!! Always fun meeting rollitup members that I talk to so much. It puts things into a different perspective once you actually meet people. lol. Great time though, and he helped me out a lot!!
Next time we will spend more time BBQing and less time working. lol.
(I think couch-lock found one of your roaches and rolled a fatty this morning with it. lmao!! Im gonna to go tell him what his new name is. lol)
Thanks again brother. A few days of work and medication had me sleeping like a baby last night. lol.
hey everybody i am couchlock a patient of Medicatedacres thanks homeless for the nugs and it was a pleasure meeting you

Welcome to the party couchlock. Keep Workin like you did Friday and you will have lots of your own nuggs to pass out!

Pleasure was all mine Meetin you guys.
Okay you fucks - I was joking about couchlock after those other two guys got all bent out of shape for us being leery.
I had already read the post by homelessbeans and knew he was cool.
Besides - if Glad vouges for someone that's good enough for me.;-)

So just to be clear: Couchlock420 is not the man.
lmao. I knew you were joking.
I couldn't pass up the opportunity to talk a little shit in case he reads it.

Couchlock is a 'neighborhood kid' (like 26 now. lol) that me and Belle know. He is the same age as Belle's son. Difference is, when couchlock comes over he always tries to help out. He would always cut grass, shovel snow, whatever. (her son, not so much. lol). He falls under the category of being in the shed, but not very sharp. lol. He loves riding bikes and one day he was riding a bike up 553 into Marquette and was literally rolling down Marquette mountain on a mountain bike, hauling serious ass!!! I guess a semi truck went blowing by him and the draft of something put him ass over tea kettle. I believe it about killed his ass. Quite a bit of head trauma. He gets headaches a lot, was in the hospital for awhile, does work, etc. He wants to learn how to grow and at first I was like, ya fucking right, but when I saw he was serious, I figured why not. He is one of those dudes that may not catch on, but if he does!! If he is able to grasp it, he will do really good. I am trying to get him to research a few strains to see what he can find out, then have him get one going here on rollitup and see how he does. We took my list of seeds and marked a few out for him. I know one is Jack the Ripper (TGA), another is the Goji OG (Bodhi), the other is one of the rare dankness strains I forgot, I have seven or eight rare dankness.

I wouldn't have explained all this if I didn't think there was a good chance of him not being on here from time to time.
Should be interesting to see.