the funny thing about yield..

Can you guys get a product called dairy doo? Area farmer had too much cow shit too 'legally' spread it. One thing led to another and now he commercially makes compost. His worm barn is huge and damn icky. Great stuff. That clone is setting in some seed starter amended with worm castings- mostly;)

i've found the dairy doo in a couple places.

that was my first plan until i went over the whole vegan thing in my head. and i haven't made that jump yet, but sooon.
I like the idea of vegan, but I have chickens, I am getting rabbits.
I have super soil with bat shit in it. I will be using that and researching over the summer.
We need to get you a camera tomcat!
What area are you in?

a camera for me and a computer for Abe - who else needs donations? lol

i'm up north - houghton lake area if you know where that is. (soo south of you guys in the UP lol)

my AACT -> (compost tea)
Compost, EWC, alfalfa meal, kelp meal, alaskan fish emulsion, fish bone meal, crab meal, neem meal, molasses.
let it bubble in the bucket for about a week an a half.
(all the stuff besides the liquids were put into a nylon stocking tied off as a tea bag)
I like the idea of vegan, but I have chickens, I am getting rabbits.
I have super soil with bat shit in it. I will be using that and researching over the summer.

dont use the chicken manure.

but omfg rabbits for sure!!! rabbit poop is awesome i hear! -little slow release pellet form already! lol
dont use the chicken manure.

but omfg rabbits for sure!!! rabbit poop is awesome i hear! -little slow release pellet form already! lol
Yeah man watch the chicken shit!!! Mixed with water you can use it like round-up.

Really let it cook in your compost.

Vegan equals 'no face'. No bat shit,fish,chix, nada. Towards the end of Moonshines*/RD's lab thread he posts a vegan nugg to tweak the organic vs Chem trollers... Freakin resin ball.

I would look to the dairy doo to make ACCT teas in less time. A bag of Brads worm castings is a great start for the time and $$$$.
Cause time is $$$$ in my world.

BTW mr Morgan is very pro Cannabis, not a user to my knowledge.By Being him self, has probaly done more for our cause than the whole mmma

It just so happened I was taking a drink of my coffee when I saw that comment and now my screen is dripping with joe.
After reading I don't know how many posts of you crying like a little girl and bitching like an ex wife throwing your tantrum its really hard to think of you as a tough guy.
Big bad tough guys don't get their wittle feelwings hurt from shit posted on the web and my guess is you hurt a finger or two typing out of rage. Might want to think about taking some self esteem class's or something if peoples opinions effect you that much.
I just love all of the excuses the rest of you have used to explain why you have been such assholes. The low sugar was a good one but the guy that blamed the tough guy for his comments gets the prize for being the most cowardly one of all. Man up and take responsibility for what you said it's what real men do.

O/T: My caregivers been showing me how to lst in a mix with pinching and super cropping. Right now we are trying a new thing with strainers in the bottoms of our pots. It creates an air pocket and works much like those soft pots do. It's also supposed to help air out the soil more. They have a pot out with one built into it but we figured why buy all new pots when we can convert the ones we have for a buck a piece from the dollar store. I feel funny pinching the plants and bending them over but once I saw how the plants react it's getting easier. Now to see how it will effect my harvest. From what I've heard I should get a lot more this run then I did my last one just doing the tree shape. I got 2 oz a plant last time so I'm hoping for 3 this time.

BuddyG, I didn't call you out on this bogus account you set up months ago, but I will now. It's really cute that you created a fake persona to take your own back in little RIU tiffs, but it's pretty pathetic. If YOU have something to say, grow a pair of balls and just say it yourself instead of rolling out your cyber imaginary friend to fight your battles.

It makes you look like a bigger retard than you already appear to be.
BuddyG, I didn't call you out on this bogus account you set up months ago, but I will now. It's really cute that you created a fake persona to take your own back in little RIU tiffs, but it's pretty pathetic. If YOU have something to say, grow a pair of balls and just say it yourself instead of rolling out your cyber imaginary friend to fight your battles.

It makes you look like a bigger retard than you already appear to be.

lol.... rly? how do you know stow?

but if it is... then buddy - you werent supercropping before? -easiest way WITHOUT the PGRs to control the growth. and have you heard of a hempy bucket? i use lava rock - way easier than buying strainers.... just saying.
also gives a place for that microherd to live.
I thought the chicken shit was good to throw in the worm composter and then the worm casing are much better. Rabbit shit too.
If not, the future isn't looking very good for the chickens.
a camera for me and a computer for Abe - who else needs donations? lol

i'm up north - houghton lake area if you know where that is./QUOTE]

Well I don't have extras of those, but I see deals all the time. A basic digital camera isn't that expensive. Many people have them lying around. You may find someone with extra or I may find someone with an extra.
If all you need is a camera to get some grow knowledge online for us, we will get you a camera somehow.
Same with a computer. Lots of people have spare computers. craigslist must have just dozens for under $100.
a camera for me and a computer for Abe - who else needs donations? lol

i'm up north - houghton lake area if you know where that is./QUOTE]

Well I don't have extras of those, but I see deals all the time. A basic digital camera isn't that expensive. Many people have them lying around. You may find someone with extra or I may find someone with an extra.
If all you need is a camera to get some grow knowledge online for us, we will get you a camera somehow.
Same with a computer. Lots of people have spare computers. craigslist must have just dozens for under $100.

so true. and i do have a working cell phone. but no plan. i'm not sure if i still have the memory card.. if i do.. i could finaggle my way some pics on here.

my expenses are near null... with my bloom room in shambles after the war with mite and an hps went out.. still not sure if bulb or ballast. and just needing more light in general - once the bills are paid (priorities) - then moar light... so hey.. if you guys have any cheap 1000 watters out there i'd like to upgrade in the near future so near it should've been yesterday but i has no monies.. i have a sun system crop master 1000 watt and a 600 what quantum, which is the one not staying lit. it's probably the bulb though. and i'm rly not sure how much more light i need. the room is 9 x 11 and i was only able to use half of it. but now i have the whole room for bloom hence the upgrading.

so i'll work on pics today as i have the day off.
so true. and i do have a working cell phone. but no plan. i'm not sure if i still have the memory card.. if i do.. i could finaggle my way some pics on here.

my expenses are near null... with my bloom room in shambles after the war with mite and an hps went out.. still not sure if bulb or ballast. and just needing more light in general - once the bills are paid (priorities) - then moar light... so hey.. if you guys have any cheap 1000 watters out there i'd like to upgrade in the near future so near it should've been yesterday but i has no monies.. i have a sun system crop master 1000 watt and a 600 what quantum, which is the one not staying lit. it's probably the bulb though. and i'm rly not sure how much more light i need. the room is 9 x 11 and i was only able to use half of it. but now i have the whole room for bloom hence the upgrading.

so i'll work on pics today as i have the day off.

My father-in-law has a switchable 1000 watt balast, parabolic hood, and light rail .... along with a MH and HPS bulb that was used for one grow before he got spooked and they named me their caregiver. I'm sure he would part with it for a reasonable price. I wish I could say it's free, but he's a bit of a tight-wad. :-)

Let me know if you want prices. I can send you a PM.
My father-in-law has a switchable 1000 watt balast, parabolic hood, and light rail .... along with a MH and HPS bulb that was used for one grow before he got spooked and they named me their caregiver. I'm sure he would part with it for a reasonable price. I wish I could say it's free, but he's a bit of a tight-wad. :-)

Let me know if you want prices. I can send you a PM.

send the pm my way! i'm all ears...
BuddyG, I didn't call you out on this bogus account you set up months ago, but I will now. It's really cute that you created a fake persona to take your own back in little RIU tiffs, but it's pretty pathetic. If YOU have something to say, grow a pair of balls and just say it yourself instead of rolling out your cyber imaginary friend to fight your battles.

It makes you look like a bigger retard than you already appear to be.

Lmao, nice try.

That is one of my patients, I want him to see what was up with throwing out the nutes and a couple of plants. I asked him not to reply to any of it but I'm glad he did now that you've shown yourself to be more of a stalker then truth seeker.
I've got to say, for someone that upsets and bothers you so much, you sure do know a lot about me, or seem to think you do. You should charge me for all that space you've given me in your head, you could be rich in the matter of days.
And maybe I didn't make myself clear when I mentioned toothless and retarded if you ever spoke to me that way in person for you to think I need to grow some balls.

And go ahead and try to claim it's a fake profile, between inviting a few other posters to my place, and you having trouble making up your mind about whether I'm arrogant and condescending looking down my nose at you or me being pathetic and in need of a fake profile to back up my own arrogance you are starting to look like a paranoid idiot stalker. When other people around here shake my hand and meet all of my patients including him, what will your next claim be, I'm a cop? (by the way, they tried that last year to discredit me)

Now seriously man, get off my dick and get a life that doesn't involve me..
gonna jumpstart me exorcise routine, so I don flip anotha switch and start takin' it out on any ol soul in here.
there must be better ways to get me kicks, it's summertime afterall... peace.