the funny thing about yield..

well start grilling some veggies and fruits :D grilled pineapple=my favorite!

and glad you watched the movie and like it! -i highly recommend the next one now (a beautiful truth)- definitely more on the informative side on a lot of things, but fat sick and nearly dead is amazing in showing how well it works, how easy, and when you get the the trucker guy, who breaks down and makes that phone call.. i swear it made me want to show this movie to any i knew.'s not hard to grow true organic..and quality dosen't suffer at all...the chemicals are mostly snake oil, in my opinion

but sadly the state is riddled with the opposite and most who use it arent aware of what goes into it. just like the food they consume. education is the key and that is why whether i'm a producer or consumer; i know what's safe(ish) lol
They sure do, so much they give me deals on everything I buy and other shit for free.
And you might do better quoting me rather then spinning and changing what I posted for what ever dramatic effect it is you're looking for.

You mean this quote?

"Gravity.. Creates rock hard nugs that weight 3 and 4 times more then the same size nugs."
Buddy, I have no issues with you spraying chemicals on your plants to increase your yield. You are obviously peddling weed for profit, and that's your prerogative. I've seen the pictures of the new vehicles you purchased where you admitted they were from the sales of weed. That's great that you can make a good living off of something like growing marijuana.

Where I take issue with you is when you try to convince people that you are the opposite of this. That you are only looking out for your patients, giving away free meds, taking good care of them, etc. You've already said that you pull 3-4 zips per plant, and here you are spraying some chemical bullshit on your plants to do one thing: INCREASE YIELD. If you were really concerned with your patients, and their health, wouldn't you be avoiding products that could be detrimental to their health?

Either be honest about what you're doing, or don't comment at all .... but when I see you on here running your yap about how you take such good care of your patients, I'm going to call you out on your bullshit.
3-4 times yield = hyperbole, and that's an understatement...
that's all I need to read there. There's no f'n way he even believes that himself.
Buddy, I have no issues with you spraying chemicals on your plants to increase your yield. You are obviously peddling weed for profit, and that's your prerogative. I've seen the pictures of the new vehicles you purchased where you admitted they were from the sales of weed. That's great that you can make a good living off of something like growing marijuana.

Where I take issue with you is when you try to convince people that you are the opposite of this. That you are only looking out for your patients, giving away free meds, taking good care of them, etc. You've already said that you pull 3-4 zips per plant, and here you are spraying some chemical bullshit on your plants to do one thing: INCREASE YIELD. If you were really concerned with your patients, and their health, wouldn't you be avoiding products that could be detrimental to their health?

Either be honest about what you're doing, or don't comment at all .... but when I see you on here running your yap about how you take such good care of your patients, I'm going to call you out on your bullshit.

Teah..Ihave to pretty much agre with this. The only advantage I see over growing true organic (like I do) yeild of speed of maturity....niether falls into "best quallity possible"
Teah..Ihave to pretty much agre with this. The only advantage I see over growing true organic (like I do) yeild of speed of maturity....niether falls into "best quallity possible"

Again, I have no issue with someone focusing on yield because they want to maximize profits. There is a place for people like this within the marijuana community. But be honest about it. Below is a quote from buddy which illustrates how he talks out of both sides of his mouth.

"There is no doubt in my mind that I can out grow most 1000 watt growers with 600's.
Not only will my yields be higher the quality will be too"
Again, I have no issue with someone focusing on yield because they want to maximize profits. There is a place for people like this within the marijuana community. But be honest about it. Below is a quote from buddy which illustrates how he talks out of both sides of his mouth.

"There is no doubt in my mind that I can out grow most 1000 watt growers with 600's.
Not only will my yields be higher the quality will be too"

Again, I agree.....but call yourself what you are..I've got in many debates on the topic of care giver or profiteer...and I don't care if someone is in it for profit...just don't make your self out to be "all about patients"..
So for that particular expert, 400's would produce even better results. Less is more, Bud!

Actually..there is some science behind that...3 600's is better than 2 1000's, and 5 400's may well out produce 2 100's.

There is a multiplying factor with lighting overlap as you add more points of light.....but you still need the total wattage...
Actually..there is some science behind that...3 600's is better than 2 1000's, and 5 400's may well out produce 2 100's.

There is a multiplying factor with lighting overlap as you add more points of light.....but you still need the total wattage...

That depends on the footprint, bob. If you have one plant, you are better off using one bulb over that plant. It would be impossible to stack several lights right over top of that plant, and the further away the source of light is from the plant will return diminishing results. If you have a bunch of plants in a rather large footprint, I would agree that several lights would be better due to the large footprint.
That depends on the footprint, bob. If you have one plant, you are better off using one bulb over that plant. It would be impossible to stack several lights right over top of that plant, and the further away the source of light is from the plant will return diminishing results. If you have a bunch of plants in a rather large footprint, I would agree that several lights would be better due to the large footprint.

agreed...i was making the assumption of multiple plants and a decent sized foot print
Ideally I go for the candelabra shaped plant, which allows a 1000 to successfully penetrate further into the canopy, allowing for lower nugs to get dense. A 600 won't produce anywhere near the same quality overall. Now if I tied the plant down and made a hedge, a 600 might be fine because all the lower stuff is shaded anyway. Major drop-off of light w the 600's unless it's right on top of the plants. There are a number of variables (light overlap is another) but with larger plants this has been my finding, contrary to Buddy and his huberness. With individual bulb wattage, usually less is not more.
Yes I watched the movie and loved it. It punched me in the face and gave me a big hug. I woke up at 5am, did my chores, and went and bought a few hundred dollars worth of produce. I fried up a few eggs yesterday and threw them on toast. Last night when I watched the rest of the movie, I was exhausted, stoned and starving. It's been well over a day since I ate and I am not sure if starting a fast hungry as fuck helps or hurts. I was shakey as fuck when I left this morning so I had a few 24 oz. bud light and clamato's. (2), not 6. Juiced up a bunch of shit. Slammed three BIG glasses of shit and now I am ready to smoke a joint and shit myself. Sept 1st I was 301. This morning I was 235.0.
This last court case took a toll on me, between that and Belle's illness it has been rough. I woke up at 300 pounds. I said any fat fucker can lose 100 pounds in a year. I will certainly do it.
As far as the gravity goes. We will see. I will not use it on my organic plants. I may even go veganic with a bud room. My conscience will be fine using anything to produce yield, and we will see what I do with that yield. I stayed away from the compassion vs. profit thread cuz I have strong feelings about this. I something like gravity increases my yield, that will reflect in my pocket, in my grow room, with my patients, with people right here on rollitup. I tell people just go online. I let people know where I am at. Not everyone that makes money is a piece of shit. If buddy takes care of his patients, his grow store, and his friends and has a new car, great for him. He should. What is wrong for that. NOW if his patient logs in a says bullshit he doesn't give anything and charges 350 then maybe his car isn't so sweet.

Ok, put it this way. If a caregiver is new and sucks and charges $300 an ounce. Isn't making shit, struggling his/her ass off. Barely harvesting anything, but giving his patient a free ounce a month also. Then along comes 'a buddy', Offers 2 ounces per month and $200 an ounce for extras and has better meds. Which guy should the patient have as caregiver. What is the second caregiver is also making a profit! That is america. That is the American way. One must learn to grow some fucking weed and take care of your patients or you suck as caregiver.
As far as the gravity goes. We will see. I will not use it on my organic plants. I may even go veganic with a bud room. My conscience will be fine using anything to produce yield, and we will see what I do with that yield. I stayed away from the compassion vs. profit thread cuz I have strong feelings about this. I something like gravity increases my yield, that will reflect in my pocket, in my grow room, with my patients, with people right here on rollitup. I tell people just go online. I let people know where I am at. Not everyone that makes money is a piece of shit. If buddy takes care of his patients, his grow store, and his friends and has a new car, great for him. He should. What is wrong for that. NOW if his patient logs in a says bullshit he doesn't give anything and charges 350 then maybe his car isn't so sweet.

Ok, put it this way. If a caregiver is new and sucks and charges $300 an ounce. Isn't making shit, struggling his/her ass off. Barely harvesting anything, but giving his patient a free ounce a month also. Then along comes 'a buddy', Offers 2 ounces per month and $200 an ounce for extras and has better meds. Which guy should the patient have as caregiver. What is the second caregiver is also making a profit! That is america. That is the American way. One must learn to grow some fucking weed and take care of your patients or you suck as caregiver.

Here's the thing with buddyG ...

He comes on here with a condescending attitude towards other caregivers if they don't meet his standards of caregiving. He acts as if he's the best caregiver in the state, swinging his dick about everything from yield, to the quality of his meds. If he wasn't such a judgemental prick, I probably wouldn't have said shit ..... but if he is in this for his patients (like he claims), then spraying something potentially harmful on the plants solely to increase yield makes him a hypocrite in my books. If he were using a product to improve the quality of his meds for his patients, that would be one thing, but he's not.

If you came on here saying the same thing he was, I might have offered my opinion, but I would not have jumped on you like I did him. Call it selective outrage, but that's where I stand.

If someone is growing for profit, I don't care. Rock on. If someone is non profit looking out only for their patients, then good on them. But don't ridicule others for not treating their patients like you think they should be treated, and then brag about spraying some cancer causing shit on your plants just to squeeze a few extra grams out of your harvest.
I agree about his attitude, no doubt. But I don't think gravity just makes your buds heavier. It is to increase your harvest like everything else on the market. I use Fox farms full line of nutes and the same shit is in those. I do not believe companies that say nutes cause cancer, when they are the very ones fighting legalization because cannabis cures cancer. To me, I don't trust any of them. I have been wanting to try the gravity for bigger yields, if it is some concrete spray or I have a bad feeling about it, I will throw the shit out.
Personally, we could find out bat shit isn't healthy. That wouldn't surprise me one bit, then what. Everything has bat shit in it.

I am so torn about it. The way I look at it is organic is the best way to go. I do not produce nearly enough meds organically to do what is needed. I am going to do half hydro to offset lower yielding organic. I do not for one minute think that gravity is any more harmful that Advanced Nutrients full line, General hydroponics full line or even fox farms full line of steroid bullshit that clogs lines from all the salt build-up and shit. We use those for yield. I think I am doing the right thing by separating the two, until I am a better organic gardener. Which is getting close, quickly. I am a half hour into the second movie and all of our food is fucked also, not just our plants nutes - but ours too! lol.

I think the product is questionable enough for me to not use that bullshit on my whole garden. That says something, but I think it's worth checking out and we will discuss it. That is exactly why I bought the tents. Every single product is questionable, and nobody in their right mind wants to risk the harvest, whether it be for 1 patient or more.
Another thing that I find funny is that I just now realized I do not need to use my tents to separate the plants. I can just use the shit on one plant and see the difference. lol. I have those tents ready and I am just ready for any excuse I guess. lmao. I am going to use the tents first for 12-1 light schedule. I will just use the gravity on one cutting off a grow journal. I will use the gravity on one or two of the Granddaddy Purple clones in my regular room. That will show 2 things I have wondered about. Discussion usually doesn't cut it for me. Then I will run organic soil next to either an organic hydro or a 'roided up hydro.