the funny thing about yield..

People need to learn how to cultivate the plants that all.
Take any normal gardener as an example, one can produce huge crops of veggies while his neighbor does ok for himself.
Same sun and rain, but different cultivations skills.

There is no doubt in my mind that I can out grow most 1000 watt growers with 600's.
Not only will my yields be higher the quality will be too.

I just trimmed a plant that came in at 1688 grams wet of perfectly hand trimmed frosty bud, which will be 12-14 oz's dry, using just Maxibloom,protekt, and drip clean. Hell, It coulda been bigger with more veg:)

I'll do a run against your 600's;)
there's no one secret crop-mega-booster. gradually identifying limiting factors, then correcting each one will bring one closer to giant yields, and total enlightenment will most likely result as well. can you say... canopy management? im about due for new light bulbs and the glass needs to be cleaned.
there's no one secret crop-mega-booster. gradually identifying limiting factors, then correcting each one will bring one closer to giant yields, and total enlightenment will most likely result as well. can you say... canopy management? im about due for new light bulbs and the glass needs to be cleaned.

I agree.
Dialing in whatever setup you are using is the best way to increase yield.
What works in my basement may not be too good for yours; so it takes attention to detail to get it right.
Mine's a lot better than when I started; but it still needs work for sure.
If you can control heat issues, a 1000 watt bulb hanging vertical, will out yield any hood on the market.

Maxibloom is the best one part fert there is, it has has it all. I use it thru out the entire run, and the plants are in perfect health.
I agree.
Dialing in whatever setup you are using is the best way to increase yield.
What works in my basement may not be too good for yours; so it takes attention to detail to get it right.
Mine's a lot better than when I started; but it still needs work for sure.

I double agree...there is a dance between light intensity, co2 amounts, temp and feeding. They all affect each other.

More light and co2, they will actually want slightly higher temps..and they will want more food. My best sucess started after I found the 'sweet spot" for my strain,,I've got 1200 watts of hps and 600 watts of led, covering 24 sq ft (6 x 4) lots of light..co2 seems to work best at 1200ppm, temp 84...and I use a "super soil" that took a few batches to get right....but now, it's pretty much water and wait
that's the beautiful thing about soil, it's messy but once it's off and running it's lower maintenance than everything else.. This suits my style. now if I could just get better at schedualing so I don't have to harvest more than one at once ever. one per week may be the answer, but a perpetual garden has it's drawbacks too.
that's the beautiful thing about soil, it's messy but once it's off and running it's lower maintenance than everything else.. This suits my style. now if I could just get better at schedualing so I don't have to harvest more than one at once ever. one per week may be the answer, but a perpetual garden has it's drawbacks too.

Yes it does..Mine is perpetual, the main issue is canopy have to shim the small plants to get them up where the light is. It's part of the reason I have 6, 100 watt leds ufo's in there...I can move them around to get a little extra light where needed.

And it is nice only harvesting 1 at a time...make the manicuring and harvest process less you don't have a huge influx of dry product at any one time...
Here's the thing with buddyG ...

He comes on here with a condescending attitude towards other caregivers if they don't meet his standards of caregiving. He acts as if he's the best caregiver in the state, swinging his dick about everything from yield, to the quality of his meds. If he wasn't such a judgemental prick, I probably wouldn't have said shit ..... but if he is in this for his patients (like he claims), then spraying something potentially harmful on the plants solely to increase yield makes him a hypocrite in my books. If he were using a product to improve the quality of his meds for his patients, that would be one thing, but he's not.

If you came on here saying the same thing he was, I might have offered my opinion, but I would not have jumped on you like I did him. Call it selective outrage, but that's where I stand.

If someone is growing for profit, I don't care. Rock on. If someone is non profit looking out only for their patients, then good on them. But don't ridicule others for not treating their patients like you think they should be treated, and then brag about spraying some cancer causing shit on your plants just to squeeze a few extra grams out of your harvest.

Wow... I've been told many times that I have a strong personality but no ones ever made comments like this.
I know there was a time when I enjoyed bantering back and forth with other posters and you and I even traded a few personal mails about it, but cheese and rice man, I haven't really been on much at all since the first of the year and you are still this bent out of shape ?
And it's like we never had those private conversations where I apologized to you.

I'm sorry but I'm not going to apologize for making my opinion on different subjects be known and since I've stopped with the bantering back and forth there isn't anything else I need to apologize for as far as I know. (If there is something please point it out to me and if you're right I will.)

If you have a problem and feel my posts are condescending or that I'm talking down to you or anyone else, I don't know what to tell you because those are not my intention's. I was simply trying to share some of the things I've learned over the last 6 months.
I mean fuck man, I'm excited about all the changes I've made and the improvements I've seen in the grow from yield to quality, so what's the big deal if I pat myself on the back, I deserve it for being willing to learn and put the effort out and take the chance with new nutes and additives.
I risked it all and it paid off and I've learned a lot that goes against most of what I learned in my first couple of years doing it.

But if it makes you feel better about yourself to try and insult me and imply a bunch of negative shit about me go for it.
I'd rather you take it out on me then for you to rip someone else up that isn't able to handle such comments.

Now, as far as your comments about the supplements I mentioned in my earlier post, all of them can be checked out through state sites and all have been approved. So I don't know if you are just going off of what other people have told you or if you've done any real research on them. It might be a good idea for you to do so if you haven't. Chances are the next time you try and attack and insult me like this I'm not going to be nearly as polite or respectful.

Here is the link that comes on the back of just about every nutrient and supplement on the market and you will find that everyone of them has been "approved".
Yes, I do plenty of research before I use a product, and if there is any other information you think I should know about I'd be more the happy to read it and very thankful for the help.

I would also like to add that I still stand 100% behind what I posted. The whole wattage and longer veg are a small part of the big picture when it come to cultivating plants.

And to clarify something else you mentioned, higher yields means several things, lower plant count, lower operating costs and more meds for the patients. I don't believe better quality needs any explanation.

P.S. If you ever talked to me or anyone I know like that in person, you'd be a crippled toothless retard by the time all was said and done. So be careful, you may find yourself in a real life situation and run your mouth like your on-line, and that selective outrage could get you hurt. Just say'n...

Happy growing!
3-4 times yield = hyperbole, and that's an understatement...
that's all I need to read there. There's no f'n way he even believes that himself.

I don't believe that and if he were to properly quote me you would see the difference. I read the same thing from that post and pointed it out to him.
I said "Gravity.. Creates rock hard nugs that weight 3 and 4 times more then the same size nugs." . I never said anything about 3-4 times the yield.
A nug that used to weight out to a gram now weights out to 3 or 4 grams.

The comment I made about yield was a Brix + mix foilure spray a week or two before harvest which can increase your yields anywhere from 10 to 20%.

Which pretty much removes his basis for the rant and attack.
Buddy, I have no issues with you spraying chemicals on your plants to increase your yield. You are obviously peddling weed for profit, and that's your prerogative. I've seen the pictures of the new vehicles you purchased where you admitted they were from the sales of weed. That's great that you can make a good living off of something like growing marijuana.

Where I take issue with you is when you try to convince people that you are the opposite of this. That you are only looking out for your patients, giving away free meds, taking good care of them, etc. You've already said that you pull 3-4 zips per plant, and here you are spraying some chemical bullshit on your plants to do one thing: INCREASE YIELD. If you were really concerned with your patients, and their health, wouldn't you be avoiding products that could be detrimental to their health?

Either be honest about what you're doing, or don't comment at all .... but when I see you on here running your yap about how you take such good care of your patients, I'm going to call you out on your bullshit.

Well I'm the one that put that out there so I'll be man enough to admit that I lied when posting those pic's.
I let my ego get the best of me in a posting battle and thought it would be funny to put a few people in their place.
Those pic's were taken when I lived out in Washington and the charger was my ex wife's company car.
The truck's been gone for more then 3 years now and I've only been doing this indoor thing for about 2 .
You can verify that by check my posts, I make it clear that I'm a newbee with my first grow going in a super cropping thread and the pic's were posted just a month or so later. So unless I pulled in a couple of $30,000 harvests in between me signing up and posting those pic's you will see that I'm being honest "now".
Hell, I just got my license back last month after not having it for more then 4 years and don't even have a car right now, and haven't had one since my truck, which my ex totaled after we separated.

So the truth is out there and I own my lie and bullshit.

Now build you so ever hateful and nasty case against me Stow, lets see if it still comes out the same.
Wow... I've been told many times that I have a strong personality but no ones ever made comments like this.
I know there was a time when I enjoyed bantering back and forth with other posters and you and I even traded a few personal mails about it, but cheese and rice man, I haven't really been on much at all since the first of the year and you are still this bent out of shape ?
And it's like we never had those private conversations where I apologized to you.

I'm sorry but I'm not going to apologize for making my opinion on different subjects be known and since I've stopped with the bantering back and forth there isn't anything else I need to apologize for as far as I know. (If there is something please point it out to me and if you're right I will.)

If you have a problem and feel my posts are condescending or that I'm talking down to you or anyone else, I don't know what to tell you because those are not my intention's. I was simply trying to share some of the things I've learned over the last 6 months.
I mean fuck man, I'm excited about all the changes I've made and the improvements I've seen in the grow from yield to quality, so what's the big deal if I pat myself on the back, I deserve it for being willing to learn and put the effort out and take the chance with new nutes and additives.
I risked it all and it paid off and I've learned a lot that goes against most of what I learned in my first couple of years doing it.

But if it makes you feel better about yourself to try and insult me and imply a bunch of negative shit about me go for it.
I'd rather you take it out on me then for you to rip someone else up that isn't able to handle such comments.

Now, as far as your comments about the supplements I mentioned in my earlier post, all of them can be checked out through state sites and all have been approved. So I don't know if you are just going off of what other people have told you or if you've done any real research on them. It might be a good idea for you to do so if you haven't. Chances are the next time you try and attack and insult me like this I'm not going to be nearly as polite or respectful.

Here is the link that comes on the back of just about every nutrient and supplement on the market and you will find that everyone of them has been "approved".
Yes, I do plenty of research before I use a product, and if there is any other information you think I should know about I'd be more the happy to read it and very thankful for the help.

I would also like to add that I still stand 100% behind what I posted. The whole wattage and longer veg are a small part of the big picture when it come to cultivating plants.

And to clarify something else you mentioned, higher yields means several things, lower plant count, lower operating costs and more meds for the patients. I don't believe better quality needs any explanation.

P.S. If you ever talked to me or anyone I know like that in person, you'd be a crippled toothless retard by the time all was said and done. So be careful, you may find yourself in a real life situation and run your mouth like your on-line, and that selective outrage could get you hurt. Just say'n...

Happy growing!

well the website you linked is a dead link -404 not found sir.

and also.. if you are using Gravity or snowstorm or any other product by "Humboldt County's Own" - likelihood is that is needs to be put in the trash because it hasn't been approved by the very state they say it is produced in or the FDA. lol

DO SOME EFFING RESEARCH ON PGRs (plant growth regulators)

ooh... &

all you are doing is killing your patients - what kind of quality is that? lol

liver damage, carcinogens.. good work man!

good luck with that one.
Well I'm the one that put that out there so I'll be man enough to admit that I lied when posting those pic's.
I let my ego get the best of me in a posting battle and thought it would be funny to put a few people in their place.
Those pic's were taken when I lived out in Washington and the charger was my ex wife's company car.
The truck's been gone for more then 3 years now and I've only been doing this indoor thing for about 2 .
You can verify that by check my posts, I make it clear that I'm a newbee with my first grow going in a super cropping thread and the pic's were posted just a month or so later. So unless I pulled in a couple of $30,000 harvests in between me signing up and posting those pic's you will see that I'm being honest "now".
Hell, I just got my license back last month after not having it for more then 4 years and don't even have a car right now, and haven't had one since my truck, which my ex totaled after we separated.

So the truth is out there and I own my lie and bullshit.

Now build you so ever hateful and nasty case against me Stow, lets see if it still comes out the same.

we have a nasty case against you - every consumer of marijuana does!

"Now, I’m not gonna say you’ll die from smoking cannabis that has been grown improperly, but we really don’t know what the long-term affects are. Cannabis does have potent anti-cancer properties, but do you trust that they’re potent enough to protect you against what could potentially be in there? For instance: PG&E (Nor-Cal’s version of FPL, or Con Edison) uses a chemical called paclobutrazol to inhibit vertical growth in trees. It is in no way intended to be used in plants that are being consumed by humans. But, it can be found in two commonly used additives: Phosphaload, and Bush Master and more. Using these compounds improperly in weeks four to seven of the growth cycle causes the flowers to become denser, harder, and heavier. So, for the unethical grower adding dangerous chemical compounds means more money. And for the careless dispensary, or dude on the block, there’s no way to know that the grower has done this. You tryin' to smoke paclobutrazol? I’m not.
So, it’s kind of funny what Anslinger and Nixon have done right? They took a drug that was basically as safe as can be, and manufactured an environment that has created the potential for it to be harmful. Smoking cannabis can’t hurt you (the smoking can hurt you, but not the cannabis itself). But, smoking high levels of persistent chemicals can hurt you. The only way for those persistent chemicals to get in there is for unethical, or unskilled people to put them there. The only way you’d smoke those chemicals (hopefully) is if you don’t know they’re in there. The only way for you to know that they’re in there is to get your cannabis legally."

and sadly now legally in Michigan means buying death because everyone is in it for the money and yield

oh and this!!! hahaha

"PBZ relasing NOx upon combustion."

"Equivocal teratogenic effects were observed in both rats and rabbits, with cleft palate observed at doses of 240-250 mg/kg bw in rats (in two studies) and skeletal malformations "

oh man.. just what i wanted is my MEDICINE!

oh and now this is for STOW - remember when we all were arguing about strecting, night and day, temps and all that jazz??

"Later studies by Braut-Boucher (1980) on clones of 2 strains from South Africa revealed a complex pattern of biosynthesis according to strain, gender and chemical homologue produced. [SUP]2[/SUP]What this means is that some experimentation is advised; however, in all instances night temps need to be lower than day temps in order to minimize stretch. A good starting point (optimum) is 26- 28[SUP]0[/SUP]C during the day and 4- 5[SUP]0[/SUP]C lower at night."

i totally said night temps to day temps are the reason for plant growth.. BOOM there it is.

Seriously man, you've got no reason to come off on me like that.
If I've made a mistake by using certain products then I've made a mistake, and if anyone can offer up any real information I've already made it clear that I would be more then willing to read it, but for you or anyone else to imply or assume I did something harmful and destructive knowingly is asinine at best.
If you are so concerned about what I'm putting in my plants or patients meds you would try to be helpful. At this point you being anything but.

Here, these should work.
I've check both and they work..

And you will see that Calif has approved them.

Now, would you have any for me ?
Thank you very much for the link and information, and timing couldn't be better since my next run was going to start with it tomorrow.

Again, thank you very much..

If anyone has anything on Brix+ I would really appreciate the info..
Wow... I've been told many times that I have a strong personality but no ones ever made comments like this.
I know there was a time when I enjoyed bantering back and forth with other posters and you and I even traded a few personal mails about it, but cheese and rice man, I haven't really been on much at all since the first of the year and you are still this bent out of shape ?
And it's like we never had those private conversations where I apologized to you.

I'm sorry but I'm not going to apologize for making my opinion on different subjects be known and since I've stopped with the bantering back and forth there isn't anything else I need to apologize for as far as I know. (If there is something please point it out to me and if you're right I will.)

If you have a problem and feel my posts are condescending or that I'm talking down to you or anyone else, I don't know what to tell you because those are not my intention's. I was simply trying to share some of the things I've learned over the last 6 months.
I mean fuck man, I'm excited about all the changes I've made and the improvements I've seen in the grow from yield to quality, so what's the big deal if I pat myself on the back, I deserve it for being willing to learn and put the effort out and take the chance with new nutes and additives.
I risked it all and it paid off and I've learned a lot that goes against most of what I learned in my first couple of years doing it.

But if it makes you feel better about yourself to try and insult me and imply a bunch of negative shit about me go for it.
I'd rather you take it out on me then for you to rip someone else up that isn't able to handle such comments.

Now, as far as your comments about the supplements I mentioned in my earlier post, all of them can be checked out through state sites and all have been approved. So I don't know if you are just going off of what other people have told you or if you've done any real research on them. It might be a good idea for you to do so if you haven't. Chances are the next time you try and attack and insult me like this I'm not going to be nearly as polite or respectful.

Here is the link that comes on the back of just about every nutrient and supplement on the market and you will find that everyone of them has been "approved".
Yes, I do plenty of research before I use a product, and if there is any other information you think I should know about I'd be more the happy to read it and very thankful for the help.

I would also like to add that I still stand 100% behind what I posted. The whole wattage and longer veg are a small part of the big picture when it come to cultivating plants.

And to clarify something else you mentioned, higher yields means several things, lower plant count, lower operating costs and more meds for the patients. I don't believe better quality needs any explanation.

P.S. If you ever talked to me or anyone I know like that in person, you'd be a crippled toothless retard by the time all was said and done. So be careful, you may find yourself in a real life situation and run your mouth like your on-line, and that selective outrage could get you hurt. Just say'n...

Happy growing!

Two things:

1) You've been nothing but an arrogant prick the entire time posting on this site. I'm not the only one that feels that way. If you've turned over a new leaf, then I look forward to conversing with the new and improved Buddy.

2) If you think for one second that I'm intimidated by you, think again. I used to get paid to slap around guys that would eat you for lunch.
1. Yeah, I think you made that very clear in several of your post's, but if it make you feel better you can repeate it a few more time's ...
And as I said, I don't know what to tell you about how you take my posts, that's on you and who ever else has a problem with it.
You read what you want to read and take it how you want to take it, that's totaly on you.

2. Well I'm not an idiot and wouldn't think anyone with common sense would be intimidated by something posted on line, my point was maybe you should look at yourself, you seem to be pretty good at what you claim is my problem..

3. Do you have any links about Brix+ specialized foliar spary, you seemed to mention it over and over so I figured "you" would have some kind of information to share, and it wasn't mentioned in the link Tomcat posted and it's another one approved in Calif and Oregon.
Seriously man, you've got no reason to come off on me like that.
If I've made a mistake by using certain products then I've made a mistake, and if anyone can offer up any real information I've already made it clear that I would be more then willing to read it, but for you or anyone else to imply or assume I did something harmful and destructive knowingly is asinine at best.
If you are so concerned about what I'm putting in my plants or patients meds you would try to be helpful. At this point you being anything but.

Here, these should work.
I've check both and they work..

And you will see that Calif has approved them.

Now, would you have any for me ?

well didn't provide a damn thing..just sites with their search functions.

which i used.. and could not find Gravity amongst any. AND Humboldt County's Own is not listed under the companies.

anyways.. aside from that.
