The fundamental problem that plagues the politics section

should we not b elieve your confession about calling jews "lying rats" and "penny pinchers" with your golf buddies?
You’re going to believe whatever you want. I am a strong supporter of Israel, married to a very wonderful Jewish woman, and have a Jewish daughter, that’s my reality.
You’re going to believe whatever you want. I am a strong supporter of Israel, married to a very wonderful Jewish woman, and have a Jewish daughter, that’s my reality.
i didn't dispute any of that, i reminded you that you admitted to saying very vile and anti-semitic things with your golf buddies
Association fallacy Bucky.

A is a member of group B.
A is a member of group C.
∴ Group B is C.

I hang out with a few MAGAs, Tankies, Radfems, and even filthy Centrists, I am none of these things.

Edit: clarity in my proof.
do you go golfing with people who openly call jews "lying rats" and "penny pinchers"?

if they did, would you continue to go golfing with them?
do you go golfing with people who openly call jews "lying rats" and "penny pinchers"?

if they did, would you continue to go golfing with them?
The well is poisoned, and also ad hoc, and again association fallacy.

More then happy to answer though:
Unlikely I would golf with such people, but as I said, Tankies. Those fuckers think Stalin and Mao dindu'. One of them thinks the final bloody revolution is right around the corner. Remember, "Liberals get the bullet too," isn't just a far-Left meme when you get into Tankie territory.

Last week I spent four hours talking with them about how they (Marxist-Leninists) shouldn't just purge everything that the U.S. has touched because it's had a colonial history. I oppose their hatred of Liberals and their purge-happy attitudes and attempt to change their viewpoints slowly.
Edit: capitalization, punctuation.
The well is poisoned, and also ad hoc, and again association fallacy.

More then happy to answer though:
Unlikely I would golf with such people, but as I said, Tankies. Those fuckers think Stalin and Mao dindu'. One of them thinks the final bloody revolution is right around the corner. Remember, "Liberals get the bullet too," isn't just a far-Left meme when you get into Tankie territory.

Last week I spent four hours talking with them about how they (Marxist-Leninists) shouldn't just purge everything that the U.S. has touched because it's had a colonial history. I oppose their hatred of Liberals and their purge-happy attitudes and attempt to change their viewpoints slowly.
Edit: capitalization, punctuation.
what would you think about people who go golfing with people who call jews "lying rats" and "penny pinchers"?
what would you think about people who go golfing with people who call jews "lying rats" and "penny pinchers"?
That they have friends who are either silly, mislead or haven't researched what they are discussing. Their friends are even, very likely, anti-semites. I'm too grounded in statistics to make more inferences. I'm sure I could dig up data that could support any of these things but inevitably more data is needed to draw a solid conclusion.

Perhaps their friends are anti-semites, maybe the golfer of topic is actually an ADL psyop agent who will one day go on to serve the apparent anti-semites a fat helping of Hebrew Hammering.
How old are these Marxist-Leninist? If they're under 40, they aren't anything yet except posers. You're lucky if you've found your final philosophy by 40. if they're over 40, i'm not sure they're worth your effort to change their minds. They seem like perennial losers, if they've chosen Marxism as their life's political philosophy, and are still following it past 40
That they have friends who are either silly, mislead or haven't researched what they are discussing. Their friends are even, very likely, anti-semites. I'm too grounded in statistics to make more inferences. I'm sure I could dig up data that could support any of these things but inevitably more data is needed to draw a solid conclusion.

Perhaps their friends are anti-semites, maybe the golfer of topic is actually an ADL psyop agent who will one day go on to serve the apparent anti-semites a fat helping of Hebrew Hammering.
I think the actual quote is something about one of my Jewish friends calling another Jewish friend a cheap Jew regarding a golf wager in a private conversation among friends. Hopefully buck will quote it for us.
Sorry. Respect is earned.
You're right, respect is earned, for an idea/opinion. But I think disrespecting people off the bat just based on the opinions/beliefs they hold that you might disagree with is wrong since you then can't even hold a conversation with them to discuss why you believe they're wrong or why you hold a disagreement. At that point, it just becomes a shouting match which gets neither party anywhere. It's a lesson in stroking the ol' ego and getting pats on the back from e-friends. That's exactly what this sub has turned into because of the complete lack of respect to other human beings who hold jobs and raise families and share the same citizenship.

I'm simply voicing the deterioration precipitated by them. Tom Perez claimed the Democratic establishment would remain neutral when the DNC created the Unity Commission to try to earn progressive votes during the midterms after all the trust was destroyed when it was revealed Hillary Clinton rigged the 2016 Democratic primary. Yet they're openly endorsing corporate candidates against progressives all across the country with the help of the DCCC.

They're actively destroying all the momentum the backlash from the Trump administration has built by ignoring their constituents and continuing to prop up corporate friendly candidates that will uphold the status quo.

In reality most get butthurt at some point, and some get perma-butthurt.
That's the gist of it