The fuck cats thread


Well-Known Member
So your debate is about irresponsible dog owners who can't control and train their dogs? I've had a German Shepard before and she never did anything like that around people, what does that say? I'm a good dog owner is what it says.

so you are denying the facts of that article simply because it doesn't pertain to YOUR dog?



Well-Known Member
Not unless you train them early and be a good dog owner...such as myself.

*Gives smug look* Next.

And shall I Google how many dogs have saved humans compared to cats?
and what about all the BAD dog owners?

suddenly. this is all about YOU.

you deny dog attack people?



Well-Known Member
Most dogs are gentle around babies and small children, cats are more prone to attack them because they get annoyed easily when the kid pulls on their tail.


so dogs don't bite people?

you're really proving nothing. other than you can't accept FACTS.

don't make me start posting pics.


Well-Known Member
Of course they have, they're animals and cats do the same thing but if trained early, they honestly will not bite unless command to do so, look at police dogs. Dogs are not a liability at all when trained well.


Dog attacks are attacks on humans by feral or domestic dogs. With the close association of dogs and humans in daily life (largely as pets), dog attacks — with injuries from very minor to significant (severe to fatal) — are extremely common, with fifty percent of the payout of home insurance due to attacks committed by homeowners' dogs. Attacks on the serious end of the spectrum have become the focus of increasing media and public attention in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.[SUP][2][/SUP]
It is estimated that two percent of the US population, 4.7 million people, are bitten each year.[SUP][3][/SUP] In the 1980s and 1990s the US averaged 17 fatalities per year, while in the 2000s this has increased to 26.[SUP][4][/SUP] 77% of dog bites are from the pet of family or friends, and 50% of attacks occur on the dog owner's property.[SUP][4][/SUP]
There is considerable debate on whether or not certain breeds of dogs are inherently more prone to commit attacks causing serious injury (i.e., so driven by instinct and breeding that, under certain circumstances, they are exceedingly likely to attempt or commit dangerous attacks). Regardless of the breed of the dog, it is recognized that the risk of dangerous dog attacks can be greatly increased by human actions (such as neglect or fight training) or inactions (as carelessness in confinement and control).
A person bitten by an animal potentially carrying parvovirus or rabies virus should consult a medical doctor immediately. A bite victim may also incur serious bacterial infections of soft tissues or bone (osteomyelitis) which can become life threatening if untreated, whether or not the animal has parvovirus or rabies virus.

  • Capnocytophaga canimorsus transmission (a gram-negative bacterium) following a dog bite can cause overwhelming sepsis in asplenic patients, the elderly, and the immunocompromised. Empriric treatment for this bacteria following a dog bite, consisting of a third-generation cephalosporins early in the infection, should be instituted in these patient populations, or following deep bites or dog bites to the hand.


Well-Known Member
I have to refute trollings statement that dogs won't bite unless commanded to as well. I've worked in military k-9 units providing security cameras. Those motherfuckers would have ripped my face off if let out. No command needed, this came from more than one of their handlers that had to escort us. More than one dog had confirmed kills on the battle field.


Well-Known Member
try to get a cat to wait while you play in the puddle...

Black and orange stray cat sittin' on a fence
I ain't got enough dough to pay the rent
I'm flat broke but I don't care
I strut right by with my tail in the air
Stray cat strut, well, I'm a ladies cat I'm a feline Casanova, hey man that's that Get a shoe thrown at me from a mean old man Get my dinner from a garbage can



Well-Known Member
try to get a cat to wait while you play in the puddle...

That dog is straight up protecting that kid. He or she looking around and checking back on the tyke. Reminds me of my childhood dog, though this dogs head indicates mastif genes.


Well-Known Member
That dog is straight up protecting that kid. He or she looking around and checking back on the tyke. Reminds me of my childhood dog, though this dogs head indicates mastif genes.

Yeah that is one well trained dog.. I love how the kid walks thru it.. pauses for mere seconds and goes HOLY COW....... that was a nice puddle.. I gotta do it again.
when we were younger my brother wearing his diaper + and cowboy boots took the toilet plunger our dog and set off down the road together..

I have just spent like 2 hours on the website Man I am glad I dont leave the house much I'd hate to made be into someones animated gif.


Well-Known Member
cats are independent. they don't allow themselves to be others play things. they are not there to entertain you. they are not bitches.

i see no problem with any of that. ;)


Well-Known Member
a friend of mine who passed rip was a dog handler in the army (me a 12b) and his dog freaked out before he would of stepped on some hme so I call that a win for the dog can a cat sniff out bombs?


New Member
so dogs don't bite people?

you're really proving nothing. other than you can't accept FACTS.

don't make me start posting pics.
Why do you keep putting words in my mouth, dogs are more "prone" to be gentle around babies, compared to cats.


New Member

Dog attacks are attacks on humans by feral or domestic dogs. With the close association of dogs and humans in daily life (largely as pets), dog attacks — with injuries from very minor to significant (severe to fatal) — are extremely common, with fifty percent of the payout of home insurance due to attacks committed by homeowners' dogs. Attacks on the serious end of the spectrum have become the focus of increasing media and public attention in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.[SUP][2][/SUP]
It is estimated that two percent of the US population, 4.7 million people, are bitten each year.[SUP][3][/SUP] In the 1980s and 1990s the US averaged 17 fatalities per year, while in the 2000s this has increased to 26.[SUP][4][/SUP] 77% of dog bites are from the pet of family or friends, and 50% of attacks occur on the dog owner's property.[SUP][4][/SUP]
There is considerable debate on whether or not certain breeds of dogs are inherently more prone to commit attacks causing serious injury (i.e., so driven by instinct and breeding that, under certain circumstances, they are exceedingly likely to attempt or commit dangerous attacks). Regardless of the breed of the dog, it is recognized that the risk of dangerous dog attacks can be greatly increased by human actions (such as neglect or fight training) or inactions (as carelessness in confinement and control).
A person bitten by an animal potentially carrying parvovirus or rabies virus should consult a medical doctor immediately. A bite victim may also incur serious bacterial infections of soft tissues or bone (osteomyelitis) which can become life threatening if untreated, whether or not the animal has parvovirus or rabies virus.

  • Capnocytophaga canimorsus transmission (a gram-negative bacterium) following a dog bite can cause overwhelming sepsis in asplenic patients, the elderly, and the immunocompromised. Empriric treatment for this bacteria following a dog bite, consisting of a third-generation cephalosporins early in the infection, should be instituted in these patient populations, or following deep bites or dog bites to the hand.
I have to refute trollings statement that dogs won't bite unless commanded to as well. I've worked in military k-9 units providing security cameras. Those motherfuckers would have ripped my face off if let out. No command needed, this came from more than one of their handlers that had to escort us. More than one dog had confirmed kills on the battle field.
Those dogs weren't properly trained, I've had more cat scratch attacks than the way, never had a dog attack me before, weird.
i love dogs, it's ignorant dog owners that i have an issue with. ;)
Exactly my point, thank you.