The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

I pulled out my hash class notes out this afternoon Doc and realized that I needed to clarify what I told you earlier. The first wash was fifteen seconds, the second was five minutes and then he said "each wash should get longer and longer". But during the class he didn't go to much longer than five minutes per wash.

If you ever get a chance take the class. Frenchy spends a whole day going over the details of his methods. It's a good time..
I actually did, I always start with a few seconds and the last is usually over 10 minutes.
Yeah you do still hear some of the old Brother of the Eternal Light friends speak of it in the late 60's early 70's there. Interesting stories.

I have a friend who spends half his time in Nepal now out the Annapurna range. He called me up few days ago sounding very upbeat and said "I found the cream", I'll see you soon". I had to smile for him
We do things differently but we have the same passion :)



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Throw back shot of some pressed full melt I did some time back, I want to say its of some Jack Skellington from TGA. All the credit goes to Frenchy Cannoli and Matt Rize for putting up videos of their techniques, otherwise I wouldn't being pressing fire like that today.


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Thanks frenchy for opening my mind.
I have access to 4 plants, unfortunately not feilds or acres as some lucky folks do.
Useing just a 220 screen I get about 6 grams of Kiev/ fruits.
As much as I'd like too, 6 grams is just not enough for water hash either the time or the outcome
So frenchy help me out.
With a 220 screen how would I proceed??
I understand this is not optimal but it's what I got.
6 grams of screen fruits.
You're not going to get anything "optimal" with 1x 220 screen. You get only that because you arent filtering for any other sized particle. If you want fruits you need to get the proper material first off, then you need the gear, which is at minimum a set of bags. 1x 220 screen is not going to get it....
I run a 200 and a 55, biodiesel filters from eBay fits right on top of a 5 gal bucket. It's a really hilly Billy setup but im able to harvest some beautiful hash with those 2 screens alone by being gentle. In fact I don't really stir anymore I poor from 1 bucket to the next until I'm ready to filter. First wash only a few back and forth will yield a decent amount of very clean hash... well considering the setup. I will eventually upgrade but I make little at a time. I'm getting up to 10%ish return with this method and 3 washes.
Thanks for the replies
I'm slowly going through the full 255 pages here.
Sometimes I get a little excited and ask a Allready asked ( but not read yet by me) question.
I asked about the 220 because I saw a vid with frenchy Makeing morrocan hash useing a 220 screen and a bowl they banged like a drum.
I grind my meds (I know I know it's not gentle, but it's what I got) for vapeing they go in a pollen box with a 220 screen.
The pollen collected is way better than what was collected in my old 4 peice space case grinder.
A light golden color with nice smells.
Since it's only a small amount a ice wash/washing machine is not practical.
I think I am understanding the hand press tech, and want to understand the pressing.
Useing a wine bottle @220. (F or C? ) do you have to refill with hot water dureing the 20 min press??
Any word on those frenchy. Custom presses??
Thanh you frenchy.
I have dabbled in bho, aicohol washes, rosin oils, and none really worked for me, I'm sure mostly cuz of the small amounts I have to process.
Hopefully I'll have a nice bit of Keith (errrrr KEIF...dang auto correct) by octobers end to do a press run, let it sit for a bit and give away as "stocking Stuffers" come holiday time
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Thanks for the replies
I'm slowly going through the full 255 pages here.
Sometimes I get a little excited and ask a Allready asked ( but not read yet by me) question.
I asked about the 220 because I saw a vid with frenchy Makeing morrocan hash useing a 220 screen and a bowl they banged like a drum.
I grind my meds (I know I know it's not gentle, but it's what I got) for vapeing they go in a pollen box with a 220 screen.
The pollen collected is way better than what was collected in my old 4 peice space case grinder.
A light golden color with nice smells.
Since it's only a small amount a ice wash/washing machine is not practical.
I think I am understanding the hand press tech, and want to understand the pressing.
Useing a wine bottle @220. (F or C? ) do you have to refill with hot water dureing the 20 min press??
Any word on those frenchy. Custom presses??
Thanh you frenchy.
I have dabbled in bho, aicohol washes, rosin oils, and none really worked for me, I'm sure mostly cuz of the small amounts I have to process.
Hopefully I'll have a nice bit of Keith (errrrr KEIF...dang auto correct) by octobers end to do a press run, let it sit for a bit and give away as "stocking Stuffers" come holiday time
I never use a 220 micron to dry sieve I prefer 190 micron screen but you are right the dry sieve Moroccan style was done with a 220 bag and it is better than nothing. If you cam have a 160 or 120 to refine through a second sieve you would have pretty clean resin which however doesnt mean quality