The French Cannoli` Hash Thread


Well-Known Member
It was fun and very rewarding! I wish could remember details it is all hazy, I go into a kind of trance and I am left with feeling and no details.
Exactly why I held off hammering the temple balls too hard during the event. So thanks for the Jyarz with the take home sample.
Wewill definitely be incorporating the rinsing technique you showed us. c'est vraiment manifique!!


Well-Known Member
I am in the process of making new one that would really be teaching tools, not just showing what I do with too little details. Sorry for the inconvenience
:clap: can hardly wait...

And thank you in advance.

I can assuredly say we really appreciate your willingness to so openly share your talents with all of us.


Well-Known Member
something for everyone.

a zen Roshi, Shihan and 6th degree Shorinji Kenpo master once told me this story.

Nearing the end of his training a kendoka (honored student of the sword) knelt at this masters feet and told him tearfully. "Master, thank you for all that you have taught me." To which the Shihan ( Master instructor) fell down and kissed his apprentices feet and tearfully told him " Thank you for all that you have taught me"

What are some of the lessons to be learned here?

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
something for everyone.

a zen Roshi, Shihan and 6th degree Shorinji Kenpo master once told me this story.

Nearing the end of his training a kendoka (honored student of the sword) knelt at this masters feet and told him tearfully. "Master, thank you for all that you have taught me." To which the Shihan ( Master instructor) fell down and kissed his apprentices feet and tearfully told him " Thank you for all that you have taught me"

What are some of the lessons to be learned here?
It always goes both way and it is a very exhilarating experience


Well-Known Member
Wash your feet?
Exactly !! (metaphorically speaking)

here was my answer. it received some interesting comments from the members of the dojo I remember giving it like it was yesterday.

Each bit of learning is a precious experience. Since a student is on a very steep learning curve learning comes at a fast pace.
However for a master, who is on a very flat learning curve, those bit come much more slowly and therefore are much more precious.

One of the most poignant replies came from the Roshi himself who gave us all another lesson. This lesson is as follows.

There are only three mistakes. the novices mistake, the intermediate mistake, the advanced mistake and the experts mistake.

of course the students quickly pointed out those are four mistakes not three.

after smiling slightly the Roshi instructed us "no there are only 3 mistakes " .

The novice mistake is no correction. he simply doesn't realize there is a problem and therefore doesn't realize there is any correction to make. He simply plods forward in ignorance.

The intermediate mistake is over correction. HE realizes that there is a problem and corrects but due to his lack of mastery and understanding he doesnt know the proper magnitude in which to correct and therefore is destined to return again and again to the start making several gross adjustments till he, prosperity serving, finally gets it right..

The advanced mistake is under correction. the advanced practitioner realizes that returning again and again is a huge waste of time and energy and although the reiterative practice is worthwhile it doesn't befit an aspiring master of any trade so he makes several small corrections in an effort to get it right and soon does so.

At this time the Roshi paused to sip his tea and meditate while our wheels were turning.

in no time what so ever the students inquired of the master . "So Master what is the experts mistake?'

Again the Roshi smiled slightly took a cleansing breath and replied "As I instructed there are only 3 mistakes and I have told them all to you. Do you not see the masters mistake?"

After several minutes and several guesses the Roshi put our minds at ease and told us "You see the experts mistake is the same as the novices. No correction. However there is a difference. where the novice errs out of ignorance the expert errs out of pride."

" Do you now see why the master cried and kissed his students feet?" (he reminded him the importance of washing his feet-metaphorically speaking) Seek not to become an expert but seek to master yourself and therefore every trade."


Well-Known Member
And this is why I travel many hundreds of miles this weekend at some expense to work for only a short time with this Master Hashishin.

Because although he has spent several decades working his trade he is still consistently refining it and therefore is still a student of it. That shows brightly not only through commitment and passion but a real love for the work.It shows to the point where it obviously has become an art form to him. It shines in his humility, his words deeds and eyes. I see that even clearer after working with him personally.

It has taken me decades to plainly recognize these kinds things yet they are of the utmost importance. . Because these are possessed by exactly the kind of people I want to learn from. Not so much for them sharing their knowledge per se', which is beneficial in its own right, but because they inspire me.

And for that I an truly thankful.

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
And this is why I travel many hundreds of miles this weekend at some expense to work for only a short time with this Master Hashishin.

Because although he has spent several decades working his trade he is still consistently refining it and therefore is still a student of it. That shows brightly not only through commitment and passion but a real love for the work.It shows to the point where it obviously has become an art form to him. It shines in his humility, his words deeds and eyes. I see that even clearer after working with him personally.

It has taken me decades to plainly recognize these kinds things yet they are of the utmost importance. . Because these are possessed by exactly the kind of people I want to learn from. Not so much for them sharing their knowledge per se', which is beneficial in its own right, but because they inspire me.

And for that I an truly thankful.
You made me cry and made my day at the same time. WOW this is more than a compliment this is what I aspire to be and I am not there yet.
Thank you so much.


Well-Known Member
I'm really reconsidering running the Platinum OG. it is such fine smoke Others really like it too.

I am considering
  • Getting some full mesh Boldt bags to complement my bubblebag set (thinking 45,73 at least) any other recommendations?]
  • Build a new bucket stack
  • set up a mixing bucket with a drain system (so I dont ruin the 220 bag by stretching it out from lifting it will all the wet trim and ice etc.)

those bags are still on special order with the code phrase "Frenchy weed nerd' from Stephani " right?


Active Member
Jaro full spectrum Hashish

I really dig the term "full spectrum" for an old school guy like myself separate micron sizes might be "resin" but it's not Hashish . Bravo Frenchy ! modern cleanliness and technique w full spectrum of resin heads, pressing, aging and no chemicals ie : modern hashish