The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

Just got back from cbcb frenchy! I am smoking your pinot noir and I am so happy :) the quality is amazing... I saw the lab results for it as well, incredible!! You can tell so much love went into it, the high is incredible. I hope one day i will be able to produce something of this quality. How long has this batch been cured, if you don't mind me asking?IMG_2982.jpgIMG_3012.jpgIMG_3009.jpgIMG_3000.jpg
Just got back from cbcb frenchy! I am smoking your pinot noir and I am so happy :) the quality is amazing... I saw the lab results for it as well, incredible!! You can tell so much love went into it, the high is incredible. I hope one day i will be able to produce something of this quality. How long has this batch been cured, if you don't mind me asking?View attachment 2776602View attachment 2776603View attachment 2776604View attachment 2776605
It is still the 2012 Pinot I think and must taste a lot like chocolate, if it is the case 2 months or so.
Thanks Frenchy, I actually ended up putting it on top of some flower and enjoying it that way. I do plan on making more and perhaps pressing it. I have 5 different dry sifting screens that I use. The one pictured if I recall correctly was the 75u.
Thanks Frenchy, I actually ended up putting it on top of some flower and enjoying it that way. I do plan on making more and perhaps pressing it. I have 5 different dry sifting screens that I use. The one pictured if I recall correctly was the 75u.
There is a new thread on dry sieve that has potential
I have not done it since I started with water but Boltdbags will be making a special Frenchy sieve, (How soon, not soon enough) and while it is done I have ordered silk screen frame that should work. I would love to make real traditional hashish because what I actually make with ice water is quite different
There is a new thread on dry sieve that has potential
I have not done it since I started with water but Boltdbags will be making a special Frenchy sieve, (How soon, not soon enough) and while it is done I have ordered silk screen frame that should work. I would love to make real traditional hashish because what I actually make with ice water is quite different

Ah yes I posted my pic in that thread as well, his work is beautiful though. The first hash I ever made was with my 110 silk screen and then I would squish it over and over in my hand. Some called it hand hash but I just called it hand pressed. The dry screens I have now is 220u (never used it but nice to have I suppose), 150u, 140u, 120u, 110u(don't use it often anymore), 105u, 74u, and 50u. Some of them were bought different times that's why they are so related.
About Qwyzo it seems to me like the guy could a be a "light asperger". Based on the way he reacted (no offense intented). Plus to be honnest i have to agree with him, why the fuck would you care about his picture if the guys drops mad knowledge? I sure love watching frenchy's pics but i'd much rather have him explain how he made it!
I'm not sure i would post a picture if i was living in Texas either an his harvest description was one of the best i've read. I wouldnt say i'd rather listen to Candide than Machiavel but this conversation wasnt going anywhere tough, too bad. We "smart-monkeys" are still learning how to use the web haha

Going back to hash making, what's the smallest batch you think is worthy of being processed frenchy? I've been running a lot of smaller batches and felt like i should wait for more material - even if it meant mixing 2 plants - to get a good run... I was either agitating to hard or leaving to much trichomes on the sugar leaves after inspection.

What do you think?

Also, I've seen you giving advice on hash strain on youtube, let me ask you if you dont mind, is there any strain you know that get close to real Paki/Afghani hash taste? I'm thinking of growing Bora Bora from Dna or Night Shade from Barneys. Any thought/suggestions?

Thank you very much for everything, can't wait for you to make that dry sieft tutorial, it seems to me like we're all gonna learn much more in this tutorial than in the bubble bags one. Let me explain why: You say that hashish is about genetic because in your opinion the guy running a batch is doing nothing but "manual work". I remember when i watch subs full melt video for the first time and smoked my first full melt - made following his method - what a magc moment! Watching your video wasnt as much as a revolution after seing his to be completly honnest - although pressing was a giant step forward in my quest - but i'm sure the dry sieving will be just the same thing with the time you spent learning in the best places on earth!

(I really hope this doesnt comes as a spoiled child comment, i trully appreciate what you do, your hash making video was more about the simplicity of the process to me highlighting your opinion on "hashishin are like the guys that get honey from the bees". It's not their "savoir-faire" that gives great honey but the bees, the flowers they have around, the environment they live in etc. Hashishin collect what plant gives)

Frenchy how would you do dry sieving ? would you do it like old school and thrash the marijuana or wold you use one of those sieving boxes only bigger
Hey SH,
What is a "light asperger". I wanted to see some pics to be able to understand what he was talking about when he says Hash for example, to be able to "speak" the same language which would have helped. You were impressed by his harvest description, I am still not sure if he was talking of Hashish or extracts (harvesting first clear to cloudy trichomes at 17 weeks, et.). I would like to see pics of so called hash made at such an early stage of ripeness. You really think that posting a few pics makes a difference after posting days of "compromising" text and why would you not just say so??? He also mentioned having posted in the past. Anyway, I actually learned tons but it was really difficult to follow and not only because of the technicality of it, and I will leave the episode at that.
Coming back to hash making, there is no too small batch, I am too curious. I processed literally a handful of the Paki just so I could see the strain resin by itself after working with the Pinot Noir, Black Label and Humboltd Cognac.
Any batch is worthy, smaller batch = better quality in general. I have been a little "anal" about working strain separately and even smoking the hash only with the flowers it is made with. I have had a change of mind after testing some super yummy cocktail. The latest was for Sub, Jack Cleaner and Jack the Ripper and it was the sweetest lemonade flavor ever. All this to say that if you have strains that would complement each other at that level go for it and mix it up.
There is nothing like the Paki/Afghani hashish, the reason of its "popularity" through time immemorial. I was brought back to my twenties last month because I had not seen anything like that since m1980.
I do not know the strains you mentioned but you will have to look for strains with Hindu Kush landrace in them.
There is nothing impressive or revolutionary in my video I know, the goal was actually the opposite, simplification. You will not be impressed and will not be part of a "sieving revolution" after seeing dry techniques either my friend. Sieving with or without water is still sieving, it is how you do it that makes the difference. I really love your comparison with the wild bee collectors.
it is a little (actually very) strange to be treated like a legend/rock star, all this make me feel quite uncomfortable most of the time. I am just sharing what I learned and trying to figure out the science behind. I am not looking to convert, I do not need disciples, I like my privacy above all.
I gave my privacy away for credibility to be able to teach and the rewards are obvious when you read this thread. I appreciate above all truthfulness when respect come with it my friend.
All the best
Frenchy how would you do dry sieving ? would you do it like old school and thrash the marijuana or wold you use one of those sieving boxes only bigger
Old school do not trash their products my friend, the young generation on the other hand..........Just joking!!!!!!
I would use a sieve box ( size is not important) and vibrations to shake the resin glands, Sub putting his sieve box on speakers is the perfect example of what I mean.
Total opposite of Bubbleman technique, he "card" through the screen, I let vibrations do all the job. Not effective if you look for quantity but the quality.................
Not trash Thrash with sticks like I saw in a video from morocco They put the marijuana on a table or something with a screen then covered with some kind of material then hit it with sticks
Not trash Thrash with sticks like I saw in a video from morocco They put the marijuana on a table or something with a screen then covered with some kind of material then hit it with sticks
They have a large deep "bowl" with a screening sieve very tightly stretched over it, you put your flowers on the screen, cover with a plastic so that trichomes do not fly all over and drum beat the side of the bowl gently for best quality. Then you beat gently the material itself for the second, apply more force for the third, etc.
Old school do not trash their products my friend, the young generation on the other hand..........Just joking!!!!!!
I would use a sieve box ( size is not important) and vibrations to shake the resin glands, Sub putting his sieve box on speakers is the perfect example of what I mean.
Total opposite of Bubbleman technique, he "card" through the screen, I let vibrations do all the job. Not effective if you look for quantity but the quality.................

That's like what I do, I don't really do the card tech but more so a light shake. I kinda made a custom sieve box, or am working on one. Nothing special at all though.
So what size micron would you use also if making a box would you use screen or would you use nylon mesh like the bags
Asperger is a form of autism, some people have light form of it, they're pretty much like you and I but have trouble with social interaction but they have "overly" develloped skills - mostly maths or memory related.

I agree when you say you werent speaking about the same type of product that's why the discussion wasnt going anywhere, beside had he just tried to press some he would have seen the difference.
I couldnt tell really how accurate his description was and if i could apply it to bubble harvest considering we're not sure about the way he process his trims, but i really liked the way he clearly described what he was doing. Just like you do - and einstein said - i think revolutionary thing reside in simplifying stuff rather than making it more complicated. I think this is where your discussion got confusing, throwing so much data without answering basic question might seems closer to a "big dick contest" than a enlightening conversation. You dry sieving will be a revolution in that it will simplify dry sieving without making it a "dry sieving for dummies" forgeting crucial details.
Let say you're the stephen hawking / Winnie the pooh / Stevie ray vaughn of the weed nerd.

If you tell me that pressing hash makes it better, that i can try that on a few g's and after doing it i realize it's best i dont need any other proof.

I wouldnt put text and pics in the same category though, call me a conspiracy theorist but the Snowden case i think opened a lot of eyes. I've posted pics in other forum - i'm not posting right now cause i dont have a cam - still, text you could argue that it was nothing but a fantasy, pictures where they can see part of your home, i think can be used as an evidence.
I'm not trying to be the "devil's" advocate, but in all honesty the only time where i found picture to be usefull was when learning mainlinning. Other than that it's just pure pleasure...

Tora Bora is La Confidential X X18 (wich is a pure pakistani landrace). Nigh shade is Kashmir x Nepal, i guess they both pass in the "looking for a strain that makes me some old school black" category?

Peace! - and thanks for the putting your privacy into jeopardy thing, i'm sure being in the crowd at htcc might sucks sometimes but every weed nerd definetly appreciate every second of your time!
I know Winnie the Pooh but will have to check for the other names, I'll take that as a compliment in any case.
Both strains mentioned sound good, the Night Shade especially because it is a cross of strains coming from the same "Hood", they may complement each other better for what you are looking.
My privacy is not in jeopardy, I just had to make an exchange with popularity to be able to teach. A choice that is validated in this thread (mostly), thank to you all