The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

I NEVER freeze my trims or use a freezer

Man frenchy you the man! I was wondering about that my self. I really admire that you answer all questions for us. There's some threads I won't even post in because you get ignored or get somebody makin you feel stupid for even asking a question!
Man frenchy you the man! I was wondering about that my self. I really admire that you answer all questions for us. There's some threads I won't even post in because you get ignored or get somebody makin you feel stupid for even asking a question!

So damn true..
Man frenchy you the man! I was wondering about that my self. I really admire that you answer all questions for us. There's some threads I won't even post in because you get ignored or get somebody makin you feel stupid for even asking a question!
DO NOT EVER feel stupid my friend when you are trying to learn, life itself is all about learning
So do you use fresh trim or do you cure it before making hash?
I use both, fresh trims to get the whole terpenes spectrum and to get a high more on the Sativa side like Charas. Otherwise dried and cured seems to be the best. We will be doing some lab tests this summer to learn what is the best and have number to back i tup
So I don't know how you'll feel about this frenchy but I had you in mind. I havn't been able to get and bags yet, so I was doing a grain alcohol extraction yesterday. I used a different drying method to evap off my alcohol, so it all never got over a 100 degrees when I processed it, and I left it evaping until this morning. Well I was kinda excited it had dried so much that it was far more of a hash then an I pressed it!! The smell was pretty great to start with it was a very stinky bubba kush, smelled strongly of coffee. But I really think the press changed it too. I pressed it out in a bag with the hot water bottle 4 times, then cannoli'd it! I gotta say I'm really pleased it turned out nice the flavor is great, and it burned nice. I ended up with right about 10% return. Anyway heres my first Cannoli of sorts.

man i cant wait to try and make a cannoliIMG_1560.jpgIMG_1561.jpgIMG_1562.jpg, def will put some pics up,heres a pic but not a cannoli, im going to try and keep each strain separated to and not all mixed up but i love this thread great job to the french man
I use both, fresh trims to get the whole terpenes spectrum and to get a high more on the Sativa side like Charas. Otherwise dried and cured seems to be the best. We will be doing some lab tests this summer to learn what is the best and have number to back i tup

Thanks for the answer dude your fucking awesome!!!
Well I gave the Frenchy Bags a try last night, here are a few pic I took:

The Strain is Chernobyl, It's smells so amazing! Its was so sticky it was super hard to scrap and separate.....
Really cool Thundercat, I never thought you could press oil like that and that the flavors could be enhanced by pressing. THanks for sharing
I was really pleased with the results. The first wash is still drying as we speak. It will be much lighter in color I can tell now, but it looks like it might dry similarly. Its very interesting the difference in how this turned out vs when I dried over a double boiler in the past. That was made from the exact same trim but obviously got heated when it was evaping, and it turned out more like a typical oil.

I also did an infusion into a bottle of markers mark whiskey yesterday, tried that out today, and I was very impressed/pleased. The flavor was nice, and it actually smoothed the whiskey out nicely. It was neat too it turned milky when you poured it over ice from the oils in the alcohol.
Looking top shelf Wood! That is going to press out beautifully.

Frenchy, I'd love to get your feedback on this idea. In wine, a Mono-cépage means that all of the wine in that bottle was derived from a single varietal of grape. Contrarily, a Meritage is how we classify a Bordeaux-style blending of several varietals. What do you think of adopting these two terms for hashish classification, adjusting the former? Do you think that the world of hash will one day get to the point where there is demand for hash blendings for a syngergy of flavors and effects?
Looking top shelf Wood! That is going to press out beautifully.

Frenchy, I'd love to get your feedback on this idea. In wine, a Mono-cépage means that all of the wine in that bottle was derived from a single varietal of grape. Contrarily, a Meritage is how we classify a Bordeaux-style blending of several varietals. What do you think of adopting these two terms for hashish classification, adjusting the former? Do you think that the world of hash will one day get to the point where there is demand for hash blendings for a syngergy of flavors and effects?

There's a French guy here in South Africa that does that already, mixes for flavour and effect, and he will always give me something that does exactly what I want because he knows my tastes. I know I wasn't asked but I've been looking forward to the day it becomes standard practice and gets proper 'terms' attached to it. Definitely heading that way for sure.
Unreal pics and info. Going to have to take a week to go through all of this. Thanks so much for sharing all your secrets. This is excellent.
Looking top shelf Wood! That is going to press out beautifully.

Frenchy, I'd love to get your feedback on this idea. In wine, a Mono-cépage means that all of the wine in that bottle was derived from a single varietal of grape. Contrarily, a Meritage is how we classify a Bordeaux-style blending of several varietals. What do you think of adopting these two terms for hashish classification, adjusting the former? Do you think that the world of hash will one day get to the point where there is demand for hash blendings for a syngergy of flavors and effects?
That's a very interesting idea Smokey and yes it may go that way but since genetics can give us that "power" I am not sure it would be more than a fade