The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

I got my 3 all mesh bags yesterday, I was wondering if there is anything that can be done with the plant material after running. Is it just garbage at that point?
Hi Frenchy !
I have a question about the morrocan process ; I had some real Ketama few weeks ago and I fall in love with it.
I know that there is more or less a technic per family but I also know (believe?) that most of them make their herb drying outside with the sunlight. Do you know if it's true ? And does it improve in any way the final product ? I think it has repercusion with the terpenes and others like THC (the sunlight destroys the THC if I rembered well) but I don't know if it's good or bad.
I also think that this drying would make a begining of decarboxylation but I prefer to ask to you.

To be honest I want to try the most traditional ways to make hash and if you think the morrocan method is a good one I would give a try (même si le pauvre soleil par ici n'est pas aussi fort que celui du Rif...)

Also big thank for all your knowledge you are sharing.
It is a real good question ArisKindt, Cannabis plants are usually dried in loose bundles in full sun at first; the drying process is next completed in a shaded room with a good airflow, this process is done in EVERY producing country but the reasons behind are not known. It most certainly help the natural decarboxylation occurring during drying and curing but the real pros and cons have to be studied.
Morocco is the new kid on the block as a hashish producing country, the quality you find today in Morocco is due more to the imported genetic than the technique of the local. The masters of the art are the Afghanis and Lebanese
this thread is very interesting.

I like how people think back and try traditional methods... they worked this long time... and there are things you can not improve through technical progress only...

making hashish is one of these things..

caring for a plant its whole life... harvest it and prepare it caution... handle it with care till you get to the precious resin..

I have made hash over the years but was unable to grow medicine a few years.

now I am back for my patients and happy to meet people with similar interests...

thank you frenchy! you may not be the first, but you are this type of people who remember and care for old traditions! keep up
@BDOGKush take your bubble leftovers and your fan leaves and cook it down with some coconut oil in water for a few hours. strain with cheesecloth and then seperate water from oil in fridge in plastic...oil will form a hard cake on top you can pop off. you can then cook with the coconut oil. i usually use 1:2 oil to dry trim/leaf, then use about 1-3 grams of oil per dose depending on how high i want to be. good luck
Just stopping in to say hello to all the hash lovers:) Frenchy how's life been treating ya? See some nice pics on here...keep up all the good work everyone!