I made the best, most melty dry sift of my life the other day. It had been a couple months since I cleaned out my bubblebox. I worked the sift collected under the 140 screen through the 100 micron screen ( with a nice melty bowl left on top), and then carded the 70 screen until I was left with a very clean product, but far from full melt. I proceeded to run this over the Dry Sift Wizard screens.
The results were 5 star clear dome bubbly goodness. This is a fantastic method of cleaning sift to a very pure level. Next time I make some, I am going to try the newly discovered parchment paper over dvd case trick, but I will also try it on the catch plate under the DSW screens.
This tech will then contain components of Bubbleman, DSW and the Meze Maccalman way to clean dry sift. All I care about is the end product, and I have now finally found a technique that produces very clean hash with relatively minimal carding. I have spent hours carding the bubblebox alone and only got the hash to sizzle.The DSW screens worked well, but very very small return when using dry material.
I now want to get a small motorized tumbler, and really start churning out some grams of sift with bone dry TGA gear.
Tumbler + Bubblebox + DSW Screens + Parchment paper trick.
Here are some pics: Instant headband with this stuff. The strain is TGA's Timewreck 100% Oouh La-La!
I had only used the DSW screens with raw material, and had some success, but the return was way too low, and frustrating. But using cleaned sift, it is much more rewarding. At least every time you scrape the catchplate you get a couple bowls.