The First time you smoked...


Well-Known Member
I was about 14 years old and a buddy I knew asked me if I wanted to buy a J so I did..

cost 5$ back then too... (CT during the 80's I said YES!)

But it did nothing to me.. I was a cig smoker too back then and got more of a headrush off my 1st cig of the day then the J he sold me.. he felt bad I even smoked it with him... back OHhhhh so many years ago when I could share a J and be lit for hours.

About a week later he asked me again and we headed out to the woods near our house with another person
We were sitting on a log passing the J around

We were pretty lit and just sitting there like this... I started to crack up and told my buddies who also thought it was funny..

I think I was 14 and it was Northern Lights out of a 2ft Graffix bong. I smoked till I passed out on a candle spilling wax all over myself.
I think I was 14 and it was Northern Lights out of a 2ft Graffix bong. I smoked till I passed out on a candle spilling wax all over myself.

see I was smoking this stuff in the 80's it had a generic upc symbol on it... never knew names back just happy to find a dime bag to last a week..
13 or 14, I moved and met a friend that smoked a joint with me, we jumped on the trampaline and laughed. been hooked on Cronics since
see I was smoking this stuff in the 80's it had a generic upc symbol on it... never knew names back just happy to find a dime bag to last a week..

Names were just starting to get big when I started smoking, the 90's. That's why I remember it was Northern Lights, the guys I was smoking with wouldn't shut up about it.
I went to a tiny Roman Catholic High School where I hung out with a couple of other geeky guys before anyone ever said "aspergers". I also hung out with the handful of stoners - didn't get high, though, and they didn't mind. The geeks weren't into Jethro Tull and Pink Floyd. But I didn't smoke weed until fall of 1979 when I entered community college and immediately joined the volunteer student radio station. I've been an on-again, off-again user ever since depending on location, situation, job, etc. I've pretty much been daily for the past 5 years or so.
1963. A handful of joints rolled in Zig Zag wheat straws. Payment for giving a friend a ride across El Paso, TX. I was 14. Another friend helped me smoke them a few days later.
I was 13, and we stole a brown paper bag full of weed from my buddy's dad, he had a big grow in the garage, and had piles of weed everywhere. The friend who's dad had the weed took a pile, ground it up, and rolled it in a zig zag orange. It was so loose that the paper just burned into fire and the "joint" was thrown into the toilet.

we went and asked another guys older brother to roll one for us. We were rock stars when we showed up to the older kids party with that bag of weed later that night. You could probably smell the weed smoke for miles that night :).
15 in my parents garage with an older brother-it was supposedly alcapolco gold-fell into the car pit,broke my nose and couldnt stop laughing about it.
the old, i didn't get high the first time trick.

i was 15 back in 1969. smoked a joint with an older kid i kind of knew. nada.

a few nights later, smoked the same stuff and i was in love.

he had a friend working the local corner store and while we were in there getting munchies, a cop pulled up. my eyes were bloodshot red and half closed. they made me go read magazines and told me not to blow it. then, i started giggling. fuck!

i guess the cop thought i was a goofy kid because he didn't bother me.

i swear i was going to jail. lol
1968 I was 15 years old. The weed was Acapulco Gold. It's never been as much fun as that first time. A friend and I got a lid each $10 and the baggie was full. It was full of seeds also.
damn.. average age is about 14? I have a 16y.o and a 13 y.o... both have said they wont use it.. but heck I'd have said that if asked too...
asked wifey 1st and only time she smoked was age 13.. never felt anything... never did it again..
damn.. average age is about 14? I have a 16y.o and a 13 y.o... both have said they wont use it.. but heck I'd have said that if asked too...

pot's a funny thing. i was a good kid. never got in trouble. didn't have any reason to lie to my mum.

then i got high at 15 and spent the rest of my life lying about it to her and most other people. if they think you will react badly, they might let you know when they are in their 20s. maybe. i never did tell my mum.

i do tell people that i would rather my kids smoked/vaped/ate pot than drank booze. too much booze makes you stupid and dangerous to yourself and others. too much pot makes you want chinese.
I was 13, went to vigil of some sort , but some guy with a long coat, sun glasses, opened his coat.Man a million joints,50 cents, I'll take one, nutin.the seconded time I puked,after that,nuttin but good times,with good weed,
pot's a funny thing. i was a good kid. never got in trouble. didn't have any reason to lie to my mum.

If my dad got any hint or idea that I was hanging out with a stoner in high school, he would flip out. Even one I started smoking in college, he didn't know and flipped out when he found a pipe in his borrowed van. "It wasn't mine," I said, which was true. And he had to believe me cause I borrowed the van to be roadie for my friends - they played Folk City in the Village the night before.

My parents are dead - might have suspected but never found out. Of course, that was way back in the eighties. Now, I'm a daily user, don't have to pee test at work - and prior job stated weed wasn't enough to fail. And I take a lot less Excedrin - that stuff will kill ya! I'm a criminal, I think - it is all confusing up here. Oh well. I stay low key and I'm trying to become self-sufficient.
Tried it when I was 14 years old, met a kid at the golf course and grabbed a baggie off him. Smoke some with the trouble maker kid at the end of the road and not a damn thing...he was acting all funny and I was rather disappointed - convinced myself that weed is just a mental game and people never get high, they just think they are. Threw the bag away and didn't touch it again until I was 16, a kid on the golf team asked if I smoked and wanting to sound cool, I said "does a bear shit in the woods?"

Went over his house later that night while his parents were at work and took at least 8 huge rips out of his 4' bong. Almost freaked out because I was not expecting it! I laugh about it now but during the first hour I thought I was having a heart attack and desperately wanted to cry for my mom and go to the hospital. I kept my cool fortunately and was considered the man to boot due to the number of hits I took. That first "high" experience scared me away for a couple of months and I decided to give it a try again and have been hooked for the better part of a decade.
My first time was with my best friend and another kid from high school. It was the beginning of sophmore year I think so maybe 15 or 16. The other kids name was something like Wee Ha CHo. He was a foot shorter then us and had a mustache...same age. hahah. Anyway, we smoked a "honey" joint in the woods then jsut walked around for a few hours.

Better then that was when I bought my first bag a week or so later. It was me and my bud again and we were going to meet this senior. He wanted to go to this cheap motel. Anyway, we show up and he isn't back yet but his hot girlfriend let us in wearing nothing but a small white towel. She had just taken a bath and was just dripping wet, tan, hot... this chick was one of the hottest girls in the senior class, and had kind of a trashiness to her...Anyway, pretty sure my buddy and I sat there for about 15 minutes with boners until the dude showed up. Walked away with an ounce of the dirtiest brick weed and a huge smile. That was my go to spank bank file for most of high school. Not to mention the moment I fell in love with Mary Jane
Tried it when I was 14 years old, met a kid at the golf course and grabbed a baggie off him. Smoke some with the trouble maker kid at the end of the road and not a damn thing...he was acting all funny and I was rather disappointed - convinced myself that weed is just a mental game and people never get high, they just think they are. Threw the bag away and didn't touch it again until I was 16, a kid on the golf team asked if I smoked and wanting to sound cool, I said "does a bear shit in the woods?"

Went over his house later that night while his parents were at work and took at least 8 huge rips out of his 4' bong. Almost freaked out because I was not expecting it! I laugh about it now but during the first hour I thought I was having a heart attack and desperately wanted to cry for my mom and go to the hospital. I kept my cool fortunately and was considered the man to boot due to the number of hits I took. That first "high" experience scared me away for a couple of months and I decided to give it a try again and have been hooked for the better part of a decade.
Thats funny, the first time i got stoned was on the golf course too. Second hole was across the road and its always backed up so two old dudes that i was golfing with lit up a doob. They offered me some and i just grabbed that thing and smoked on it like it was a cig. I wasnt passing it around or anything. Just holding it and smokin off it. By the end of the second hole, right on the green it hit me. I started laughing and it felt like i was in another world. It was so much fun, i felt so relaxed and care free. I had to go back to work after the round which sucked. I was the dumbass that drives the cart around the driving range picking up golf balls and i got so parinoid that my boss knew i was high. Now that i think of it im sure i just walked in and grabbed the cart key and walked out without saying a word. I think i was high all day! Damn i wish i got that high still. What a great feeling.