The first 3 members of Trumps administrative team are....


Well-Known Member
A woman, a gay man and a black man.

Could it be more inclusive than that?

Could we all take a deep breath and try to come together as Americans?


Well-Known Member
Actually, it's all the same person, claiming to be a woman, a gay man, and a black man all at the same time. Hoping to suck dicks in the women's bathroom, and then date a Kardashian girl.

Reported for extreme homophobia,
The more you post ,the Dumber you look, lol.


Well-Known Member

Good grief...Giuliani is still on the list and Palin? Jeff Sessions has his name on several lists, I'd say he's in one way or the other.
Newt as Sec. of State? Sheriff Joe as Homeland Security Sec. ?

Excellent choices to serve the Reich.

Make Germa...America Great Again!

We shall cast off ze shakles of the TPP and restore Ger...America to its rightful place amongst the nations.

Ve shall have law and order and security and will have a solution to the Jewish...I mean "Muslim issue".