THe Final Weeks!! Guidance might be needed!!


Well-Known Member
since you said that you do alot of pollinating then if I am trying to seed my females will a male in the room cause my crop to be ruined ?? and if so what are good ways to keep pollen and pollinate later in budding ?/ Someone told me this and I just wanted another opinion


Well-Known Member
As far as pollinating, I wouldn't keep the male in the same room as all the females, I would put pollen in Baggy and Rubber band around a bud or two..Try to separate that plant to just in case..If pollen gets on the Females they will seed..It wont ruin it but don't be looking to get allot of potent smoke!!

Here are two small out door S.S.H. about 12 to 14 inches put out two weeks ago as clones started flowering last week!! I timed it so they would be about 2ft when done..We shall see..bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie



Well-Known Member
On the 6th they were watered (P.H. at 6.0) with a mixture of molasses, seaweed extract and the mm2000 I gave them a 1/4 teaspoon of the MM2000 and the seaweed extract per gallon and 1tbl spoon of molasses, I also gave them 1tble spoon of Dr. Hornbys guano bloom ppm at 650!! Temp is at 74.5 in dark and 81.4 high during light cycle..Humidity at 48%. The Light is about 14 inches above, I have the carbon filter blowing threw the hood and out the back..Two fans a small haning fan and a 24in box fan..
In the Closet I have the four hundred with a small desk fan that keeps it cool A/C set to 78..Their are 4 GDP and 1 Cyber Crystal and 1 N.L. all doing very well.. They are 26 to 30in tall and the S.S.H. are 40 to 48in tall!!

Today they will be watered with Molasses mix, P.H. 6.0.. I will feed them Nutrients once more next week and continue the Molasses for two weeks, Then Im going to Flush!!



Well-Known Member
Well here they are this morning (Night for them). I snapped these shots while they are resting, It doesn't seem to bother them!
The close ups are of the GDP, man is she looking nice and smelling sweet..The N.L. and Cyber Crystal are starting to fill in nicely, No smell on the N.L. but the Cyber man does she smell fruity.. All of them are between 24 and 30 inches..I have 7 GDP,3 in with the S.S.H. and then the others in the small closet..They are all loving it..The S.S.H. seem to really be filling out nicely, They each have between 8 and 12 main Kolas besides all the little Nugs!!

Then theres the 2 outdoor, One is a bush, the other is going to be a nice main Kola..I put them out 3 weeks ago, they were 3 weeks old from cutting to planting!! Started flowering a week later!!Total 6 weeks!



Well-Known Member
Here they are this morning, They were watered last night with a mix of molasses.They seem to be filling out nicely.Temp 74.5 in the morning and 82.4 high in the evening.Humidity at 44%.
The cyber crystal is yellowing a bit more than the others, I think it needs a little Nitrogen, Im giving it a little bit of grow tonight.1/8 tsp. It was started 2 weeks later.. The rest are coming along great..



Well-Known Member
hey thraxz, how're they hanging? i see cheezy been around bragging again. your "son" sure can talk a good game but we're all about to see who's the real king. i'm betting on you


Well-Known Member
Yes Jr does get a little excited sometimes! But that's what makes him a good boy, LOL! I'm thinking those sweet things you have are pretty full and stout!! We shall hopefully see soon as long as the Harvest moon cooms!! I will have some nice pics tommorrow. looking good Guys ,Looking good!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah im that dude.... i havnt seen any of d-rats pics lately.....but i hope there good... im proud of you dad.... you grow the best schwagg just trying to get on yo level.....if i did that.... id be on a hole....hole nutta....level..... hey its been slow round ones stopiing by....hope everyone okay...laterz


Well-Known Member
Wed the 10th, They are doing fine, Looking nice and healthy, Some yellowing in the lower leaves to be expected. I gave them water tonight (P.H. ant 6.5). The temp is at 80.1 and humidity is at 45%..
I will be feeding once more this week and then go for a two week flush..A few of the GDP and the Cyber Crystal will go for another 3 weeks it looks like!

I have no clue as to what to expect at harvest..I haven't gotten that far before, But they are looking fat!! The Trichomes are so beautiful and so sticky!!

