Here are some pics of another crop, S.S.H. and GDP, 5 still hanging! They are some dank nugs!! Looks as if they were sugar coated! I am well pleased with the quality!
I let them hang for two days then break up and put on the racks for 3 to 7 days, Then in the jars...I open them once to twice a day and leave open for about 5 to ten minutes!! This all seems to be doing fine.
Yea Stoney they are great.. So here you go Son ( Cheezy ), This is all the S.S.H. and 4 GDP three still going, How much you guess? Rat I haven't heard from you.. Hope youre girls are doing O.K, Don't be shy second is cool.LOL! The jar on the left is GDP and right is S.S.H.!!
Comments welcome!