The Drunk Thread!

need just rename thread title to IM TO DRUNK POST SHIT IM DRUNKER THEN A DONNY
i am so sad
i found this thread and first felt at home found my drunk brothern then u guys light weight drunks and all passed out wtf
Lol, I have work tomorrow morning bro. Don't be sad..

I'm drunk, but will likely regret it in a few hours.. I like to watch interesting shit or listen to good music while drunk. If you were here in person it'd probably be different. Got Skype?
Lol, I have work tomorrow morning bro. Don't be sad..

I'm drunk, but will likely regret it in a few hours.. I like to watch interesting shit or listen to good music while drunk. If you were here in person it'd probably be different. Got Skype?
i had update my dating profile
told them hoes whats up
sorry i was busy
sites a ****ing joke and women a joke
im sorry but if u been online datinf like most u ****es have for yrs and claim u want long term relationship and still single u got some issues
either u a player or u to ****ed up to date
call me negative but met most u sluts and ones i havent thank god
dude u cuss them hoes hot they want get all up on your junk
works everytime
i talk sweet to them they chump off u talk shit they be on u

Oh man, holy fuck Norton is hilarious! The contrast between the compassionate moments of heartfelt advice and breaking all barriers Jimmy doesn't give a fuck mode with the drunk chick are perfect!!
