The Drunk Thread!

Steve French

Well-Known Member
Did you. I saw RmK about a year ago. Those cats were OVER influenced. Throwing Guiness at the crowd, what fun. I have to admit....i'm still a bit more of a Dropkick fan (irish roots and all) but's good to hear some people still have a decent taste in tunes. Cheers and hugs. To you, and April for putting up with us.
I'm still more for the Pogues and Dubliners. Even if the Pogues were actually english.

My grandfather was quite fond of this good tune


Used to play it on the squeezebox.


Well-Known Member
I'm still more for the Pogues and Dubliners. Even if the Pogues were actually english.

My grandfather was quite fond of this good tune

Used to play it on the squeezebox.

Ferk ya, boyo. Up the IRA!
I'm still a huge sucker for almost all of Christy Moore's stuff.
I named my first born daughter after one of Shane McGownan's song that he happened to cover.
Aisling. Fucking gorgeous.
It means a beautiful dream. I think I have a youtubes of it..(here it is)
Big hugs <3

birthday girl.jpg

Aisling aged 3 years.

Steve French

Well-Known Member
Cute kid.

And damn, that was a great song.

MacGowan has got to be one of the greatest songwriters out there, manages to tear it up with just a few simple open chords and some great lyrics.

And that cover kicks the piss out of the original. Thought it was the original for years due to the mislabeled songs from early filesharing systems.


Well-Known Member
Okay, so now on to RACIST shit. I'm a fuckin SPANIARD DECEDENT. The holy trinity was brought forth by the only real PALE FACES SPAIN! LMAO CONQUISTADORS WRECKED HAVOC ! Now in this day and age knowing how judgmental people are ,I would have pillaged a bit more but shit... CALL ME POMPOUS I LOVE MY DRY, COLD BLOOD.

But, this is just a topic on the interweb on RIU in the DRUNK THREAD. I'm still herererererere


Well-Known Member
MacGowan has got to be one of the greatest songwriters out there, manages to tear it up with just a few simple open chords and some great lyrics.


I would felate you in public for that statement. Damn. I don't have alot going on, huh? hahahahahaha. Shane is a fucking champ. Beautiful person.


Well-Known Member
LMAO I forget. I'm how do you say " TWISTED" "2SHEETS TO THE WIND" "PLASTERED"
Lookit, boyo. You can still be a drunk, and have an amazing world view. Why do you insit on dragging everyone down to your specific level of ignorant homophobic-bigotry? I like your energy, but, jeebus fuck....


Well-Known Member

All humanitarian shit. I dont gay bash, or homophobe. I realisticphobe. You are a smart species I respect the ratchet bro


Well-Known Member

I see you went back and deleted these delicious gems.....Why come bruh? I thought you had something we all needed to hear?


Well-Known Member
LOL maybe because I need no backing. Innuendos maybe you meant? Maybe you know something more than RIU does. AWWWWWWWWWW

Drink MOFO Drink Bro


Well-Known Member
I didn't delete delicious anything. Fuckkin sour power gummies delicious . I didn'te know I could 'Back to the future" and congregate my own comment and delete. I'm getting drunker and drunker. Don't mind me Pinwork


Well-Known Member
It's like watching a young dude with blue hair, and brown teeth charge the stage and get slapped in the fucking mouth everytime. I love it. Keep it up. Keep that homophobic-rhetoric out of this awesome thread, and you can charge whatever stage you want too my young one...