The Drunk Thread!


Well-Known Member
Long time no see....... Captain and Dos Equis in the lineup tonight



Well-Known Member
It's Friday night, so it's full speed ahead!



Well-Known Member
all you need to do is roll up some good grass every day for about 600 years



Well-Known Member
Fuck yeah, I'm smashin dowm some Pinot Grigot smaokin some White Russian and AK-47.

What is everyone drinking tonight???


Well-Known Member
guess i should be postin here now. chilln with my lady perkin and listenin to some music. 2 shots and 2 coronas. time for another blunt tho


Well-Known Member
I gotta say, being drunk wouldn't be nearly as great/relaxing as being drunk with pot.. :weed:
I get pretty messed up when I mix the two, especially if I've had a considerable amount of either

One is fun, two is playing Russian roulette

I'm pretty buzzed atm, and my stash is sitting right next to me, and it's dank, oh so dank, and video games are so much more fun with weed.. decisions..