The Drunk Thread!

was going to shlep down some Bonded Old Grand Dad tonight but @Pinworm I thought of you and cracked open the Blanton's, binge watching "Turn" season 1, thinking about pizza. flipping to yessy's thread and wondering how many more drinks @Yessica... is going to have....
was going to shlep down some Bonded Old Grand Dad tonight but @Pinworm I thought of you and cracked open the Blanton's, binge watching "Turn" season 1, thinking about pizza. flipping to yessy's thread and wondering how many more drinks @Yessica... is going to have....
♥ Evening, my dude.

I got a big fat rail sitting on the coffee table for ya. There's a fresh pitcher of longislands in the pink pitcher on the counter and iced down beers in the Frankenstein ice chest. I'm doing some burgers here as soon as I clean off the grill.
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sounds good Pin, I'm on my wayyyyy. feed the burgers to the dog my brother, I'm bringing porterhouse and jumbo shrimp. bump don't stop me eating,

I am feeling buzzed. buddy of mine started shit at the bar so I had to take the long way home.

mmmph I think it is a morphine and cocaine kinda night.

still want to go bash my friends head in. o well off to the ladies house for a speedball.

You ever get that where you wake up and vomit everywhere and don't remember shit and have to have your friends recount the night for you? That occurred today.
You ever get that where you wake up and vomit everywhere and don't remember shit and have to have your friends recount the night for you? That occurred today.
Last time that happened to me was at the gay pride festival in Thunder Bay last June. Fuck that was a weird night....