Well, my in-laws are coming to the island to visit next week, so we have been in full speed getting the property cleaned and ready to go. Got the acreage mowed and weed-eated, and I gotta admit, even having lived here now for 2 years - I still can't believe this little slice of Hawaii is mine. After the grass and palm circle get manicured, its always so breathtaking. Even this photo as pretty as it is, doesn't really capture it.
Hard to hate life roaming this piece of jungle with aries and seeing the hard work coming together!
In garden news - It was that time- had to pick up a pallet of fox farm soil which was about all the was available on the island and filled 20 more pots of soil up to complete the greenhouse. I now have it looking more like how I want to see it - 4 nice even rows of 10, all in 25 gallons pots. My last few cycles, well all of them really, I've been in a hodge podge of different pot sizes, and its made watering cycles and stretch, and canopy management very subpar. Going forward - especially in the next cycles, Ill be striving to make sure to pull very even size clones, and will be working on dialing in this greenhouse more and more. Thats really what farming is about - no matter what size canopy you are running, the constant battle of self improvement, and learning from every single cycle, and attempting to make the tweaks. This is one that I know over the next cycles is going to really pay off.
Don't even ask what a pallet of fox farm runs on this island! And no - I don't love fox farms - its pretty inconsistent, even in this pallet you can spot bag to bag each one seems to have a different level of wood chips in it, and some have more perlite, and some have different smells. But in true farming and homesteading tradition - Its gonna have to work! Each cycle Ill amend, top dress, and use the Korean natural farming magic to improve it.
In the greenhouse, here is how things are looking now! I also have started hooking up my dripper system as well. Pretty simple low tech system, just running 4 main supply lines, 2 down the middle of the 2 rows, and each supply line has 10 feeders, 1 per pot. I got the first half setup and working today, but will need to hit the supply store for some more connectors to finish the other half.
Looking a lot fuller now ain't she!
and the biggest gal of this cycle so far -
Crumble cake female..
Also, Last night after sundown, I did a heavy spray using pure neem seed oil, mixed well with dr Bronner's 18 in 1 as an emulsifier to help spread the neem properly. Its pretty important to make sure with neem oil that its super mixed up, as it has a tendency to clump up, even with the soap added, it takes a good 10 mins of mixing it up to get a proper mix. If you find its clumping - more mixing, or warmer water is needed! Another trick is to get a protein shake mixing cup and use that to pre mix a good amount and then add that into the sprayer and mix that. Makes for an easier time. As you can see at the end of this blog, I added some links of the products from this blog. Yes I do get a tiny bit of money if these are used. Full disclaimer.
https://amzn.to/3KrjtnU https://amzn.to/35LkJU5 https://amzn.to/3HVtMij https://amzn.to/3IV5ma0 https://amzn.to/3IZyRYc https://amzn.to/34pRkOG https://amzn.to/361WTTM
Amazon.com : Habitech 3-Pack 1/2 Inch Drip Irrigation Tubing to Faucet/Garden Hose Adapter - Reusable Connector Fittings for Most Rain Bird, Orbit, Dig, Toro 1/2 or 5/8 Tubing x 3/4" FHT : Patio, Lawn & Garden
Amazon.com : Habitech 3-Pack 1/2 Inch Drip Irrigation Tubing to Faucet/Garden Hose Adapter - Reusable Connector Fittings for Most Rain Bird, Orbit, Dig, Toro 1/2 or 5/8 Tubing x 3/4" FHT : Patio, Lawn & Garden
Amazon.com : Dceyaor Irrigation Drippers Drip Emitters Plastic Micro Spray Adjustable 360 Degree Sprayer Vegetable Garden Patio Lawn (50 pcs) (Blue 01) : Patio, Lawn & Garden
Amazon.com : Dceyaor Irrigation Drippers Drip Emitters Plastic Micro Spray Adjustable 360 Degree Sprayer Vegetable Garden Patio Lawn (50 pcs) (Blue 01) : Patio, Lawn & Garden