The Dragons 2022 adventures.

Been a busy week - Getting last IPM sprays in on the flower cycle, getting things cleaned, deleafing, top dressed etc. I had forgotten how much harder it is to work in a trap house vs the nice big outdoor and greenhouse spots Ive been doing. So much extra cleaning, and worrying about messes and water everywhere etc, but the shows going on regardless. Hopefully soon enough we will be back in a proper spot.

But anyway, while I pulled everything out to clean, I jotted down the list of everything thats in these 2 tents that will all be seeded by the TK x SKunkdog bx1 male.. Should make for some very fun projects and lines to put into testing!

Been a tough week, my grandfather passed away. He was a fundamental person in making me a man, taught me how to be hard, tough, and also, how to be wize and kind. He had a grit built into him, like many of that generation. He fought hard till his last breath, and even on dialysis 3 times a week, managed to get up every day, and continue to do what he loved, and support his family. He was an artist with sheet metal, and restoring cars, and even on dialysis, he was out pulling motors, and doing body work. His work won awards all over the PNW, and there was a time when if you raced at the Cottage Grove track, my grandfathers hands worked and touched every car. He fought thru throat cancer, and when he was diagnosed, he put his tobacco pipe down and never again picked it up, that was the kind of determination he had. Please hug your loved ones, for any day, can be their last.

Been a tough week, my grandfather passed away. He was a fundamental person in making me a man, taught me how to be hard, tough, and also, how to be wize and kind. He had a grit built into him, like many of that generation. He fought hard till his last breath, and even on dialysis 3 times a week, managed to get up every day, and continue to do what he loved, and support his family. He was an artist with sheet metal, and restoring cars, and even on dialysis, he was out pulling motors, and doing body work. His work won awards all over the PNW, and there was a time when if you raced at the Cottage Grove track, my grandfathers hands worked and touched every car. He fought thru throat cancer, and when he was diagnosed, he put his tobacco pipe down and never again picked it up, that was the kind of determination he had. Please hug your loved ones, for any day, can be their last.

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Very sorry to hear,may you live out the good he began.
DFG / Matchmaker genetics collab project - male has done his job, and both tents are fully seeded. He has the stanky fuel skunky floral vibe, getting a lot of both parents in the smells coming off him. Very excited to see how his kids look and smoke!

Tk x Skunkdog bx1 (2).pngTk x Skunkdog bx1 (1).pngTk x Skunkdog bx1.png
Been a tough week, my grandfather passed away. He was a fundamental person in making me a man, taught me how to be hard, tough, and also, how to be wize and kind. He had a grit built into him, like many of that generation. He fought hard till his last breath, and even on dialysis 3 times a week, managed to get up every day, and continue to do what he loved, and support his family. He was an artist with sheet metal, and restoring cars, and even on dialysis, he was out pulling motors, and doing body work. His work won awards all over the PNW, and there was a time when if you raced at the Cottage Grove track, my grandfathers hands worked and touched every car. He fought thru throat cancer, and when he was diagnosed, he put his tobacco pipe down and never again picked it up, that was the kind of determination he had. Please hug your loved ones, for any day, can be their last.

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My condolences on your lost and thank you for sharing a piece of his story with us.
Well, life has definitely gotten pretty busy. Ive gone back to university to finish my business degree, and now it looks like we are going to be moving into a new townhouse. We have been looking for a true grow property, but its been getting clear the tides have shifted here in Oregon, and so we ended up pulling the trigger on what is an upgrade, but not quite as nice as an upgrade as we had been hoping to find. I will now atleast have a garage to grow in, and we will have more living space, and the dogs get a small backyard, but not big enough to do any outdoor plants. Cheaper rent then the place we are currently at, so still a win. But its looking like while I finish college anyway, we are going to be doing indoor strictly, unless I find a place to just grow. But anyway, we are hopefully getting keys around the 10th, so willl post the new build out once we are in the new place.
didn't take many photos this run, been so busy with school. but, these two tents are going to be coming down in the next week. We are moving into a new spot, but have to do an inspection at our current spot, so need to get these down and moved over to dry at the new spot. In a perfect world I would love to give them a full 2 more weeks, but life doesn't always allow that. I have pulled some seeds out of each plant, and they are pretty close, so hopefully with this last week of flower, they will do the thing.. I turned the ac up at night to get colder nights as well to hopefully get them really knowing its time. Hopefully everything comes out nice and ripe.
Feels like forever, but starting to get things rolling. We are moved into our new place, which upgraded me into a medium sized garage, and out of flower tents again. The new place still has a lot of work to go, but starting to get it all together. one light in the first round will have the new RDWC setup, which will be the biggest shift in grow style in over a decade for me. The other light will be my standard style in soil. I plan after round 1, assuming I like what I see from RDWC, to add 4 more sites to make it an 8 site no soil, no medium, no more lugging pots, no more lugging around top dressing, or shop vacuuming up water and soil. Goal will be much much cleaner!

rdwc intro photo.png
Well, the current culture / diy piecemeal system is starting to come together. Everytime I do plumbing like this I have to chuckle to think people can do this with only one trip to the home depot, I also seem to take 6 trips and a pile of extra shit I didn’t really need. But, its starting to get done. Got the hard 3" pvc stuff all primed and glued and set, and got my measures for the soft line I need to run from the filter to the pump, as well as go from the drain ts to drain the buckets. Hopefully in 3 more trips to home depot and another day of work Ill be able to fill and test for leaks.

Moms are growing nice now from the move, so should be pulling cuts of those here in the next couple days as well. I did a grandevo spray yesterday and want to get a suffix oil spray in as well before I pull cuts, then when I pull cuts, I’ll do a lost coast or zymes dunk. I always get extra paranoid when moving, as the plants don’t get ideal conditions during the tear down and setup phase, which always makes it easier for pests to come in.

But, anyway, things are moving along. I know, this is kind of the boring stuff right now, but I promise, bud porn will be just around the corner!
Well, Crop salt and current culture both sent me a package of nutes to sample, the current culture stuff fedex left on my porch and it was stolen, and crop salt actually locked it in my box, so looks like crop salt is who I will be running for the first round.
I got the 4 site system all set up finally, and did the first test fill, and ran it for 24 hours. Have a minor leak at the drain hose connection to resolve, but none of the bulkheads or uniseals (which those uniseals...those are the weak point for sure) are leaking. So that gives me a lot of satisfaction. Even if it took 30 trips into the plumbing supply store. Pulled the cuts for the first run as well. Modified macberry moonshine, blackberry moonshine 12, blackberry moonshine bx1, and haole moonshine #3 are the planned, and I pulled a few of each and are in the aero cloner now, I pulled an extra black velvet just in case as well.
Well, looks like that batch of sour cherry orange og isnt happening, Put 30 in to germ and none popped for me. Looks like time, and all the moves was to much.


I went ahead and popped something newer, that was really calling to me...

Cherry pie "bay cut" x Modified Macberry Moonshine. these ones I made in hawaii, and within 24 hours all popped, so these will be what I look thru next. The CP cut hated Hawaii, so I didn't get many beans made of this, so the plan is to do an open pollination of what I made, and Ill likely seed the 4 site current culture with the males outta it as well depending on what I seed.

Got some good progress, led are hung and test fired. Now just need to get things cleaned up and organized.

Got the cherry pie x modified macberry moonshine seedlings up nicely, and the blackberry moonshine bx1 seedlings up as well. will be the next male hunt...

Well, got back after a few days out of town, and the clones I need have roots now, so Ill should be getting them plugged into their final homes in the RDWC system very very soon! Just need to grab some PH down
I know...boring stage at the moment, but things are moving along.

Blackberry Moonshine Bx1 seedlings....



I know...boring stage at the moment, but things are moving along.

Blackberry Moonshine Bx1 seedlings....

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Cherry Pie x Modified Macberry Moonshine seedlings


Aero Cloner - just doing its per usual the modified macberry moonshine is the fastest and most aggressive rooter

today was a good progress day. I added 2 20amp circuits into the garage, and got them all tested and working. Since we are in a rental I wasn't able to turn the power off to do it...while I mostly know what Im doing from having to wire up so many grow houses, working on a live panel was a bit more ass puckering lol. But, no shocks, and everything went fine. Now I can run all the equipment I need, and not have to any funny business to make it all work. The cloner roots are popping off nicely now. I had some special rubber balls a friend was showing me for medium ordered but they ended up shipping to my old place by mistake so ended up grabbing clay hydroton instead. I ran 3 of the air stones, but underestimated how much I need, so gotta go back to the grow store tomorrow and grab some more. Then I will get the system filled with the nute solution and get it plugged! getting pretty excited to see how this run goes! I also ordered some Elite reversal spray...I was going to go with a male...but I think I might beat my face one more time trying to reverse something. Prob the modified macberry moonshine...IDK. That gives me more time with the seedlings - can get clones pulled instead of planning on revegging them.

Anyway, I smoked some Hashburger and apparently Im rambling lol...

cool thread. You have a lot of quality dna going on

im flowering out a maui walker from matchmaker right now. Pretty bomb. Everything i saw from this pack and from the pics of your males shows a heavy lean towards the dad on that line. Most the females i had were shorter with long petioles but the female i ended up keeping was an anomaly;?tall, sturdy branching, and lots of vigor.