The Dons' Organic Garden

Mission time during bed time..image.jpg

Staggered the t5s, mon.. as much as cords would allow. Covers the new width a bit better. Added 2 more lights, and a sturdy wood frame. Better for 2 rows now, plus the room in the middle good for cfl or par, or even led. The 1x3 be better for the eyes toolimage.jpg
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have you ever tried using just coco coir as the media to amend? any suggestions?
I have a potted vine that has some for a top dress but i dont see it as an ammendment, except the thin layer touching the soil will decay a bit. Best ammendment is more supersoil, then a wiggler tea, then pure ewc, imo. unless your mix lacked it in first place, lol.

We endorse coir despite arguments about the lower cec's a dees source of P and K too. We are close to eliminating dol-lime entirely as well as pH concerns..
With more focus on the soil food web and the fungal and bacterial armies..and the nutrient pathways that follow mon..

We rock a niiice humus rich base, a secret of our success.. Own castings too a biggie. But we just did a side by side of our supersoil vs un amended.. Results were revealing.

The supersoil had density down low like Serena Williams..
The basic four way meanwhile was crackhead Larfy and required a staged harvest, but that was a gift in disguise, too, imo.

Other than that, most organic guys use 33% castings in their base mix.. We use 15% based on the less is more research @DonPetro found that states decreased advantages with 20%+ ewc mixes .. Eg..less branches than 15% mix, more nodal spacing, etc.

So start a worm farm out of scrap wood if u can. Get castings locally to kickstart. rock some aeration, and a well rinsed coir.. Build a basic 4 way mix.. Once you got some organic black strap molasses and a TBSP of your own castings, you can make your own ammenmendent, the almighty ACT. Micro-life Innoculated rhizospheres, can't stress the importance of this, even just one time, makes big diff.

Insect Frass is a killer fertilizer natural pesticide too.
But we different. Just ask Petro. He be the truth. But he just gonna say same thing in less words. Get one amendment at a time, source as you go. Lol. Hope that helped a bit
already go the worm farm lmfao, I have been into vermiculture for quite some time lol I actually have to harvest that soon I get twelve pounds every two to three weeks depends on how muchc food I gave them to eat what worms are you using im using regular red worms and super red worms, and I meant like just using coco coir as my media but turn it into a super soilless media, like a super soil but a soilless meadia does that make more sense. I was gonna use sub cools recipie but with my tweaks added to it. and I use worm teas and such all the time have you ever added alfalfa tot eh worm tea it is an aweseome bacteria food source which is what te molasses is for too.
already go the worm farm lmfao, I have been into vermiculture for quite some time lol I actually have to harvest that soon I get twelve pounds every two to three weeks depends on how muchc food I gave them to eat what worms are you using im using regular red worms and super red worms, and I meant like just using coco coir as my media but turn it into a super soilless media, like a super soil but a soilless meadia does that make more sense. I was gonna use sub cools recipie but with my tweaks added to it. and I use worm teas and such all the time have you ever added alfalfa tot eh worm tea it is an aweseome bacteria food source which is what te molasses is for too.
Nice wc output! Would love a pic here.. kK good. Misread your q a bit, but yea i get you, But yea again big endorsers of the supersoil. You can add all the amendments to coir solo, but you will be lacking exudates imo, and the symbiotic synergy that lies within. Amazing what can be in just a teaspoon of good garden soil.. The numbers are staggering. Coming from a guy who makes all his own stuff, so I never say don't pioneer, but it may be a lost cause. But do a side by side, both is always best. Then you can't fail. You succeed and learn too, maybe even teach. Til then, I'm reading teaming with microbes and soil is a world among worlds, you have no idea if you haven't read it yet.
And yes alfalfa, we mellow it right into our mix and I'm open to triancantonal teas upon the 1st 2 weeks of the flower flip too
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hmmm ok, ill definitely have to do that, or what about mixing a bag of potting soil into two parts soilless, idk I hae soo many ideas I just cant do tham all at once. ill just get different medias and make super soils out all of them and see which media does the best. im just a firm believer in coco coir, that's all ive been using and just wanted to see what other thought aboutn that. and no I haven't but I know that book is highly recommended especially for organic growers like me and you, it just sucks that people are now just realizing that organics are the way to go for high quality meds and shit know what I mean.
what would you add to make it ha=ve the exudates, and have that symbiotic synergy?
sorry for all theses questions.
hmmm ok, ill definitely have to do that, or what about mixing a bag of potting soil into two parts soilless, idk I hae soo many ideas I just cant do tham all at once. ill just get different medias and make super soils out all of them and see which media does the best. im just a firm believer in coco coir, that's all ive been using and just wanted to see what other thought aboutn that. and no I haven't but I know that book is highly recommended especially for organic growers like me and you, it just sucks that people are now just realizing that organics are the way to go for high quality meds and shit know what I mean.
what would you add to make it ha=ve the exudates, and have that symbiotic synergy?
sorry for all theses questions.
its good to have ideas, its even better to test two of them at a time, na mean?
you can test 8 theories a year that way np.
we some firm believers in coir too. hence we rock a peat free mix. you see, the more micro life in your soil, the higher the CEC as well, a point not talked about often. if you have bacterium and microbes living inside old channels that fungus left behind, then certain nutrients remain INSIDE their "bodies" or " anatomical structures" so therefore, protected from predators, as well as leaching. I.e. a higher CEC based on preservation of life

As for it sucking, i just enjoy the journey I'm on, vs enjoying the journeys other ppl be on. They realizing things slow, but truth is ridiculed before accepted as self evident, so don't worry bout dat. Better today than tomorrow, bruh

As for exudates, etc, here's the basic 101: as slugs, protozoas, worms, nematodes, and other life forms move around in soil, they excrete a liquid called "exuduates" that are packed with nutrients. What be slimy waste for these life forms be ionically available prime food for the plants, (thats what helps build aggregates, or clumps in soil) so if you rock pure coir, texture of it would become the utmost importance. Some are more pithy, and stringy chunks dominate… others have a soil type basis. this would be paramount. Loamy is the goal. So to answer your Q, you would prob have to add compost or castings or some dirt, humus based being the ideal. You may want to try 75% coir mix vs 50% coir first, and go from there, and document, for us curious cats, of course.
ps it would be best to test the same strain too, of course. and ideally clones from the same area of the mother, a mother that has never been flowered is best imo
ok, lol like I said I was gonna dump 12 lbs of my castings into, I just added the new layer with old coir soil, and added my old EXhale bag, and they be loving the shitt outta that man, and add huumic acids and other shit into. also I just mixed up three gallon pot full of coir perlite and my compost, as well as the humic acids. and then added a crap ton of bacterium and fungi into it. so int a couple of weeks ill be able to throw a seedling that's in a .5 gal
yea just be careful you don't have too many worm castings even though you may want their texture..
what %'age of castings will your mix be, approx?
our most effective base mix is, per 1 cu ft:
6 gal humus soil
4 gal aeration
4 gal coir
3 gal fresh castings (15%)
1 gal manure
(plus all the amendments..)
plants have been finishing with serious integrity..glossy and REAL happy

we also start seedlings in a lower powered mix. supersoil cut with 4 way base mix ~50/50
actually seedlings in basic 4 way, with fresh castings

first up pot in supersoil thats simmered down

then flowering pot is full power
Looking good man! Any confirmed ladies yet?
PETROOOO!!! been worried bout chu mon! u been away for 3 days, thats 6 rotations on RIU at least.. dope to have you back.

Just waiting for confirmation pistols to protrude, them glands be small as hell, bra