The Dons' Organic Garden

This is interesting.. Pathogen, bacteria, or fungi?

Have you decided on what you're running for your 4x4 room, Hyroot?

As for attached pic, @Stow @DonPetro is this.. uh. what is this? white spoof looking marks, very small, numberous though, in spots. Seems a weaker one got them
been vegging perpetual with marsII for a while no complaints they love those big 5w leds. .

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Houston, we are ready for takeoff...image.jpg

The vamp blend (red) had me wondering a bit..

Until I put it in this new strong box, and got to see herds of worms EVERYWHERE.. Literally handfuls of giant aggregates bound by worm slime. Another Critter too. I wasn't liking the woodchips but they are snapping like crackers and shredding like mini wheats
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Houston, we are ready for takeoff...View attachment 3304527

The vamp blend (red) had me wondering a bit..

Until I put it in this new strong box, and got to see herds of worms EVERYWHERE.. Literally handfuls of giant aggregates bound by worm slime. Another Critter too. I wasn't liking the woodchips but they are snapping like crackers and shredding like mini wheats
View attachment 3304529
It's alive!!! Lovin the tight corners with the durofoam too. Love that stuff! So easy to work with and serves multiple purposes.
As for attached pic, @Stow @DonPetro is this.. uh. what is this? white spoof looking marks, very small, numberous though, in spots. Seems a weaker one got them

That looks like early stage of thrips to me.

This is what a leaf looks like once they settle in.....

It's alive!!! Lovin the tight corners with the durofoam too. Love that stuff! So easy to work with and serves multiple purposes.

I KNOW! Those centipedes are amazing to watch, their legs move in little clusters so fast they almost look like wings, its organized motion, almost sacred geometry. And yea durofoams real nice.. your cab is gonna be pimped by 2015. Eye Wish you could be here, bra!

ps. Looks like majority of clones are rooting now!...image.jpgAdded pic @DonPetro !
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Just keep an eye out. Nothing to stress over. They are visible to the naked eye. Look for a long'ish yellow'ish thing moving about the leaf. If you see one, or if those spots get worse then you can treat them with neem, azamax, or spinosad.

They are easy to deal with. Only if left unchecked for a while will they do some serious damage
Just keep an eye out. Nothing to stress over. They are visible to the naked eye. Look for a long'ish yellow'ish thing moving about the leaf. If you see one, or if those spots get worse then you can treat them with neem, azamax, or spinosad.

They are easy to deal with. Only if left unchecked for a while will they do some serious damage
Thanks again, bra.
Looks like the lone girl who was left in a beer cup for too long got it a bit, she's separated from the pack..
Ima keep a close eye.. whats better u think? the neem or spinosad
I KNOW! Those centipedes are amazing to watch, their legs move in little clusters so fast they almost look like wings, its organized motion, almost sacred geometry. And yea durofoams real nice.. your cab is gonna be pimped by 2015. Eye Wish you could be here, bra!

ps. Looks like majority of clones are rooting now!...View attachment 3304596Added pic @DonPetro !
Should try to have those clones' roots protected from the light. I will try to find some plugs like these picture.jpg for you.
You can then cut holes in a lid for whatever type container suits your needs.
And bro, you have no idea how much i wish i could be there.
Did you guys catch that thread where the fella was cloning using aloe vera vs ? ... He's getting great results

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Aloe Vera plants are good to have around. I remember burning myself as a kid and my grandma cut a leaf off and squeezed it out onto the burn. Felt so good.
Haha we've all got one a them good ol granma aloe vera stories! Lol

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We could all learn a lot from our grannies.

I used to cut my grandmothers lawn when she started getting older.....and she always insisted on me bagging the clippings and hauling them to the compost bin. Push lawn mower, bag after bag after bag hauled to that god forsaken compost bin on the other side of a one acre lot. :cuss:

My mom used to always marvel at her roses and other flowers. I had no clue at the time, but granny knew what was up. She used that nice rich compost in her flower beds, along with rain water that she caught in big 55 gallon drums.

In hindsight I wish I would have taken notes
We could all learn a lot from our grannies.

I used to cut my grandmothers lawn when she started getting older.....and she always insisted on me bagging the clippings and hauling them to the compost bin. Push lawn mower, bag after bag after bag hauled to that god forsaken compost bin on the other side of a one acre lot. :cuss:

My mom used to always marvel at her roses and other flowers. I had no clue at the time, but granny knew what was up. She used that nice rich compost in her flower beds, along with rain water that she caught in big 55 gallon drums.

In hindsight I wish I would have taken notes
Sounds alot like my grandma. She's always had a green thumb. My mom can't keep an artificial plant alive so i know where i get my affinity for all-natural, organic gardening. A lot of weekends spent out at the farm as a kid playing in the dirt and exploring the forests.