The Dons' Organic Garden

There are going to be strict rules in place with only the very best being up-potted in about 10-14 days then straight into flower a few days after that. We will end up with less than half in a SOG from seed type of style. Thanks for stopping by!
-big up to china for all the manufacturing help!
-the Chinese Martian Light be on for almost 18hrs a day now,
-29 babies officially survived the first genocide, couple getting thicker already
-puppa put 2 more 36" T5s on full time too, its a bright tent now
-this 6" Stealth Inline Fan from china sure be movin air
(it popped my ears 1st day, it moved so much air so quickly, ha)
Hey Big Stow, how ya doin? yeah, this lil crop is getting pulled off in ol'Caynada, no doubt about it.

Where we travel/move to tho, to learn, grow, practice, expand and collaborate, we will never fully know, for this passion, my friend, will know no end.

If I had to enrol in spanish classes and get a dual citizenship its np.. could move to Cali, Colorado, or Amsterdam or anywhere pro-jane, gladly.

As long as I could stay in touch with the brothas. Ladies, well they are everywhere, lol.

**If you have any of your top suppliers abroad that you wanna share (or tips), we're all eyes and ears, bud.. we are aware that you don't play around, lol.

Right on. The way you spelled "favourite" tipped me off to you Canucks. ;-)

I'm a Canadian citizen as well, but I live in the States. What part of Canada you guys from?
Good to be back my organic friends. Things have really taken off and we will update with some pics soon.
(Warning, Nah = No, Jah = Yes)

Home sweet organic home, my brethren and breedrens..
Jah Jah! we be cool runnin' with our favourite come-unity again..
Babylon got dropped like a bad habit… Well, Alright!

So then Later today we show u da new t'ings we been adding, you get me?
(our Big boiMon DonKodiak just built us somet'in so dat every tin'
work togethah so easy …BIG UP! )

Plus di'girls be stacking steady
(and we nah talking nah paper they only got one job thats to be girls, right?)
they wanna show off they new curves to u, ok boys?..
PuppaPetro nah kid us, they takin off so to him i say REESPECT BRO,
but dont forget the wood chips please brothamon .. we got roots out da beer cups mon,
Ps some of ur worms say.. "Yo and s'thank you VERRRRRRRRY Mulch"
Peace ALL our Don-Bro Amigos,
Til Light Time!
TESLA & The Petro Wigglaz bongsmilie
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Attached in parallel style mon like how puppa like da ladies,
we now looking at some over-ridin',
Flickable Light switches and digital timers for da:

2)UFO light
3)mini fans, mon, and
4) da Inline fan

So if u wanna make something catch a fresh and chill, u just flick a switch for a sec
and nah spark nah fly no more
Big UP, DonGreezlo!
Da whole ting smooth runnin' on jus 15 amps & 120 volts,
please, tell me bout da efficiency!
See PIC:


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PSHT! Yo Check It!
Timeable to the minute, making life so breasy? Yah!
<-------Left to Right------>

Puppa Fan (6" Inline)
……………………………..………. Baby Fans
……………………………………….…..…………..…… Baby Lights (T5's)
……………………………………..……………….……………………………… Puppa Lights (UFO)
With lots of room to Menage !

BLESSS The TLO Don REV-VO for convincin us to go digital!YAH!
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(I was blazon, forgot Da total cost, for u number guys:
*$20/timer, plus
*$80 for da whole mashup
So Like $80 and $80 or
Sweet $160, but thats just one time, so over 10 years thats more like 16 sweet ones ones a year, or $0.04 a day, or 43 millidollars a day, u get me? Well, Alright!)

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Shit son. DonKodiak made me laugh real hard. That looks sweet bro. We transplant today then for sure. How you liking the new site?
Tell me bout da Don's soil mix, jah?! Wow!
JAH! Best soil I've ever used.. da nature be mixed right in, mon! so simple, adding da water never felt so good! Just had a dream i had worms mating on my phone so bad they were sprouting mini worms from the seams and from under the screens.. it was awesome