(Warning, Nah = No, Jah = Yes)
Home sweet organic home, my brethren and breedrens..
Jah Jah! we be cool runnin' with our favourite come-unity again..
Babylon got dropped like a bad habit… Well, Alright!
So then Later today we show u da new t'ings we been adding, you get me?
(our Big boiMon DonKodiak just built us somet'in so dat every tin'
work togethah so easy …BIG UP! )
Plus di'girls be stacking steady
(and we nah talking nah paper they only got one job thats to be girls, right?)
they wanna show off they new curves to u, ok boys?..
PuppaPetro nah kid us, they takin off so to him i say REESPECT BRO,
but dont forget the wood chips please brothamon .. we got roots out da beer cups mon,
Ps some of ur worms say.. "
Yo and s'thank you VERRRRRRRRY Mulch"
Peace ALL our Don-Bro Amigos,
Til Light Time!
TESLA & The Petro Wigglaz
