The Daily Blow by Blow Impeachment Hearings and Trial of Donald Trump


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Guilty Verdict For Stone A Lesson To Trump On Witness Tampering | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Rachel Maddow points out that on the same day that long time Donald Trump political adviser Roger Stone was convicted of felony charges, including witness tampering, Donald Trump bumbled into his own impeachment proceedings by insulting the witness while she was still on the stand, risking the addition of witness tampering as an article of impeachment. Aired on 11/15/19.


Well-Known Member
Trump Ukraine Theory Seen As Classic Vladimir Putin Alternative Narrative | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Rachel Maddow traces where Donald Trump picked up the conspiracy theory that Ukraine hacked the 2016 election, spotting it being pushed by Paul Manafort, and highlighting a portion of Marie Yovanovitch's Trump impeachment hearing testimony in which Vladimir Putin is quoted pushing the theory. Aired on 11/15/19.


Well-Known Member
Oh good, some new ones.'re way more on the antifa side than I am. You're kinda nazi in your whole "DEM-OR-DIE, NO LITERALLY...GO DIE...AND FK UR MOM POOP NO U WARE MAH SLURPEE AT?!? MAAAAAAA THE MEATLOAF!!!!" schtick.
You’re like the ninth sock puppet in the last few months who pretends not to be a trump cocksucker


Well-Known Member
They are gonna wring the truth out of Gordon Sondland like a water from a wet glove, he is well and truly fucked and is in a very tight perjury box. He's gonna have to roll over completely to get any kind of deal on perjury and conspiracy charges, Donald will toss him under the bus and a pardon won't cover lying to congress. Donald can't make pardons for coconspiritors stick, the SCOTUS would strike such pardons down anyway.
Roger Stone’s Conviction A Warning For Gordon Sondland | The Last Word | MSNBC
Former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner, who was in the courtroom every day of the Roger Stone trial, joins Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss how Stone’s conviction on all 7 counts of witness tampering, obstruction, and lying to Congress might inform what Gordon Sondland decides to do in his public testimony next week. Aired on 11/15/19.


Well-Known Member
They are gonna wring the truth out of Gordon Sondland like a water from a wet glove,
He is at heart a pussy and won't do any time He'll sing like a canary. Hes a millionaire donor to Trump, no way he does time.

and what the hell does the Amb to the EU have anything to do with the Ukraine? They aren't in the EU


Well-Known Member
Imagine if the democrats win it all in 2020? I've seen so many former justice officials and former prosecutors on TV who are heart broken and outraged. Imagine all the evidence that a democratic AG will have to work with, how many grand juries are gonna be empanelled over this shit. If they are at all enthusiastic about their job (and they will be!) they will have hundreds of these cocksuckers by the balls and be looking for the maximum sentences for most of them. Many will squeal long and hard to try and avoid the consequences of their actions and more will go to prison for the rest of their lives. I can't see how people like Pompeo, Barr, Perry and a lot of other cabinet officials are gonna avoid prison for conspiracy. Pence might get off with a future presidential pardon, if Pelosi can use him as a puppet POTUS until 2020, though she will pick his AG and vet his cabinet officials. If Pence doesn't get to be POTUS and follow her orders he will go to prison too. Cutting a deal with the democrats is the only way out for Mikey

How many congressional and blue ribbon investigations and committees are gonna work on things like election security, internet security, social and broadcast media behaviors and regulation? If the democrats win in 2020 there are gonna be a lot of reforms starting with H.R.-1 and a lot of necessary investigations and perhaps several special prosecutors and a lot of grand juries. A lot of these assholes must be freaking out right about now and even more will freak out after 2020 if the democrats win at least the house and the presidency, if they take the senate too, it will be game over for the GOP.


Well-Known Member
Taylor basically repeated what he heard, if the president of Ukraine which is supposedly the victim here says that none of this happened and is all bullshit what does that mean?
In any court of law Taylor's testimony would be tossed out the window along with him.

A party may impeach a witness by introducing those of his prior statements that are inconsistent with his current testimony at trial. In a minority of jurisdictions that follow FRE 801, the prior inconsistent statement may be used not only to impeach but also as substantive evidence

Dats my bike punk

Well-Known Member
I'll just put this here for you'll to cry over. I'm pretty sure the MSM is trying to keep this buried as a non anti trump bash fest is not good for ratings.
Impeachment over in 30 seconds.


Dats my bike punk

Well-Known Member
I mean after all this thread does say blow by blow lol but so far I and anyone else with half a brain can see theres nothing to see. No smoking guns or anything remotely close to getting this to the senate.
Trump 2020 and than trump jr. In 2024.

Dats my bike punk

Well-Known Member
Even obama says Warren and Bernie are way to far left to be elected. Only a Democrat looking for early retirement to live off the government would elect these clowns.


Well-Known Member
I mean after all this thread does say blow by blow lol but so far I and anyone else with half a brain can see theres nothing to see. No smoking guns or anything remotely close to getting this to the senate.
Trump 2020 and than trump jr. In 2024.
It’s hilarious how you’re too embarrassed to do this from your actual account

that says it all right there

Dats my bike punk

Well-Known Member
I just read the transcript. “Do me a favor though”

I just watched mulvaney say “we do it all the time, get over it”

that’s them admitting to bribery and extortion
Well the key witness in an extortion and bribery case would have to be zelensky. He is out to lunch lmao. Case closed.