The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

Trump Condemns The 'Disgraceful' Raid Of Michael Cohen
Following the raid of his lawyer's office and hotel room, the President called the FBI a wide variety of words like 'disgrace' and... 'disgraceful.'
Who will Donald fire, Sessions (replaced by Pruitt), Rosenstein (he's got a real hard on for Rod), or Mueller (The boogeyman)?
All of the above?
Will he burn the DOJ to the ground with mass resignations and firings?
Will Donald wait to fire Sessions, Rosenstein or Mueller until he launches a few missiles at Syria, or go full impulse and have a Friday or Saturday massacre this weekend?

Donald is like a starship with a broken warp drive, he moves on impulse power only. He's sweating bigly and there should be a tweet tornado on the weekend. The baited trap awaits, will the orange tiger step into it? Rosenstein just stuck a rather big stick up the wild cat's ass and he's howling...
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2019 NYT best sellers
Doing Donald by Robert Mueller
From the White House to the Big House, the Donald Trump story by Rod Rosenstein.
How I found Jesus by Donald Trump (with Jerry Falwell Jr.)
or maybe
Escaping the Deep State Coup, My flight to moscow and freedom by Donald Trump
This matters...... It's been confirmed by multiple news outlets. It matters because Ryan hasn't flipped on trump. It means the party position is to support trump. Other retirees have flipped once they were unshackled from election concerns. But ryan hasn't.

Paul Ryan confidants say he's not running again
Source: AXIOS

House Speaker Paul Ryan has told confidants that he will announce soon that he won't run for reelection in November, according to sources with knowledge of the conversations.

Why it matters: House Republicans were already in very tough spot for midterms, with many endangered members and the good chance that Democrats will win the majority.

This decision has been long rumored but his final deliberations were held extremely closely.
Ryan, 48, was the Republican vice presidential nominee in 2012, and has long harbored presidential ambitions. Friends say he could make another run in the future.
Friends say that after Ryan passed tax reform, his longtime dream, he was ready to step out of a job that has become endlessly frustrating, in part because of President Trump.
Friends say Ryan was contemplating a minority or slim majority and decided that there was no good time to leave — it was time for at least a stint in private life.

What comes next: The two most likely to replace him are Kevin McCarthy and Steve Scalise, though Scalise has said he won’t run against McCarthy, who appears to have first bite at the Apple.

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It means the party position is to support trump. Other retirees have flipped once they were unshackled from election concerns. But ryan hasn't.
Until Trump does something stupid and Paul surprises everybody. I don't figure they have a snowball's chance in Hell of holding the house and are concerned about the senate. If anybody is touched in the DOJ this weekend, including Sessions, Rosenstein will before a senate judiciary committee on monday morning with an interim (or even complete) report in hand, fired or not.
As they said in Star Wars, "It's a trap"!

We will know soon, this can't go on for too much longer with Donald going ape shit and the DOJ into Cohen's/Trump's files.
Trump's Obstruction Of Justice Tweet Has People Wondering If He's Admitting To It

17 min ago

President Trump's early-morning Twitter rant on Wednesday took a turn that some social media users believed was nearly incriminating. When the president wrote that he hadn't committed obstruction "other than I fight back," people on Twitter wondered whether the post amounted to Trump admitting to obstruction of justice.

I (we) are doing things that nobody thought possible, despite the never ending and corrupt Russia Investigation, which takes tremendous time and focus. No Collusion or Obstruction (other than I fight back), so now they do the Unthinkable, and RAID a lawyers office for information! BAD!
Twitter users were struck by the phrasing of his tweet. Saying that you didn't do something but then immediately adding an exception ("other than"
sounds like an admission of guilt, they argued.

"Is he....admitting to obstruction?" wrote MSNBC reporter Chris Hayes. "Trump just said no obstruction 'other than I fight back' … That's obstruction," said Rant Media's Ahmed Baba. "The hidden benefit of insomnia is watching Trump admit to obstruction of justice on Twitter in real time," wrote author Molly Knight.

Until Trump does something stupid and Paul surprises everybody. I don't figure they have a snowball's chance in Hell of holding the house and are concerned about the senate. If anybody is touched in the DOJ this weekend, including Sessions, Rosenstein will before a senate judiciary committee on monday morning with an interim (or even complete) report in hand, fired or not.
As they said in Star Wars, "It's a trap"!

We will know soon, this can't go on for too much longer with Donald going ape shit and the DOJ into Cohen's/Trump's files.

Hey, anything is possible. the numbskull nunes is threatening to impeach rosenstein and wray. This is full employment season for cable news analysts, that's for sure.
Hey, anything is possible. the numbskull nunes is threatening to impeach rosenstein and wray. This is full employment season for cable news analysts, that's for sure.
The TV talking heads, Washington lawyers, newspapers and cable news companies love Donald. The democratic leadership secretly love Donald, just as much as the republican leadership secretly hate him.

Donald is gonna gut the GOP from asshole to appetite before he's done, that's what happens when ya make a deal with the Devil, he gets his due.
the numbskull nunes is threatening to impeach rosenstein and wray.
I'd love the GOP house members to go on the record with an impeachment vote on that! What great election ads for the dems! Impeach my ass, if they were guilty of anything Trump could fire them with cause. What bullshit, on par with his usual stunts. I understand he might have a bit of trouble in his district lately, he's not polling like he used to and come the midterms there will be lots of donations for his opponent from outside the district.
The TV talking heads, Washington lawyers, newspapers and cable news companies love Donald. The democratic leadership secretly love Donald, just as much as the republican leadership secretly hate him.

Donald is gonna gut the GOP from asshole to appetite before he's done, that's what happens when ya make a deal with the Devil, he gets his due.

You have to worry about who you signed up with when his favorite story is about a scorpion killing himself and the animal taking him across the river.......
Poor bubbies..... Maybe they should impeach the donald; nothing left to lose. ;)

‘This is the nightmare’: Republicans are freaking out about Paul Ryan’s decision to not run for reelection

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) on Wednesday announced that he would not seek reelection — and Republicans are now starting to freak out about imminent doom in this year’s midterm elections.

In an interview with the New York Times, former Rep. Thomas M. Davis (R-VA) said that Ryan’s decision to step down after his current term could portend disaster and crush Republican morale heading into this fall’s elections.

“This is the nightmare scenario,” he said. “Everybody figured he’d just hang in there till after the election.”

Similarly, Axios reports that “one of Washington’s best-wired Republicans” thinks Ryan’s announcement could be the final nail in coffin for the House GOP’s majority.

“This is a Titanic, tectonic shift,” the source said. “This is going to make every Republican donor believe the House can’t be held.”

Ryan’s retirement also makes it more likely that a Democrat could pick up his seat this November, as Ryan was already facing a well funded challenge from Randy Bryce, an iron worker and union representative who raised an impressive $2.1 million last quarter to challenge the outgoing Republican leader to represent Wisconsin’s first congressional district.

With Ryan not running again, election forecasters at the Cook Political report have shifted WI-01 from being a “Solid R” district to only being a “Lean R,” while Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball has shifted it from “Likely Republican” to “Toss-up.”
aha, about that bridge I have for sale... ;)

Ryan: I've Received 'Assurances' That Trump Won't Fire Rosenstein, Mueller
Source: Talking Points Memo

By Matt Shuham | April 11, 2018 10:42 am

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) on Wednesday said he had received “assurances” that President Donald Trump would not fire the deputy attorney general, Rod Rosenstein, or Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

At a press conference Wednesday, shortly after Ryan announced his retirement from Congress at the end of his current term, a reporter asked about Trump “openly talking about firing Bob Mueller and potentially firing the deputy attorney general.”

“What are your thoughts on that?” the reporter asked. “My thoughts haven’t changed,” Ryan said. “I think they should be allowed to do their jobs. We have a rule of law in this country and that’s a principle we all uphold. I have no reason to believe that that is going to happen and I have assurances that it’s not.”

“Why?” the reporter asked.

“Because I’ve been talking to people in the White House about it,” Ryan said.


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I have no reason to believe that that is going to happen and I have assurances that it’s not.”
It was reported yesterday that Trump tried to fire Mueller twice once last june and again in december! Does Ryan have any idea how stupid he sounds? Mitch is calling the shots on this one, Eddy Munster will go along with Mitch cause he is wise... Besides the heavy lifting will have to be done in the senate with a 2/3 vote.
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