The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out


Well-Known Member
It's odd that "Our" Oil Industry has not protested the inability to do business in Africa without US representation. Tillerson didn't protest or mention a loss of American interests in Africa nor addressing terrorism taking place there. The reason for his trip before he was relived of duty.

These distraction gives Exxon more time to avoid a Tort hearing.

From New York to California, trade groups representing the oil and gas industry are waging a public relations campaign against climate lawsuits.

Lying to the public, downplaying Global Warming, Liquidating flood plane assets, lobbing against renewable energy and public transportation, Lobbing for the sale of National Oil Reserves, Transferring downhole technology to Russia amidst sanctions being in place.

They could still be in Govt much like Phillip Morris, free to fuck over the rest of the world but not fuck "US" directly in the ass, they can go thru the FDA if they want to fuck us.

I'd love to see Mueller take this all the way and help with some environmental justice as well.

Sadly I'd be disqualified as a juror.

greg nr

Well-Known Member
Sadly I'd be disqualified as a juror.
Serving on one of these juries would be the experience of a lifetime. Can you imagine sitting in judgement of one Donald J. Trump, aka David Dennison, aka John Miller, aka John Barron, aka............? ;)

I can't imagine what the screening process would be like. Of course, if he can't get any lawyers to defend him, they probably won't be that tough. You could probably slip by with felonies and a drug use history. ;)

But sadly, none of them will be in my neck of the woods. Even with a change of venue, MA wouldn't get picked. Trump would want a southern state.

It's nice to dream though!

greg nr

Well-Known Member
Poor bubbie, can't take his victory lap around SA..... awwww.

The White House announced on Tuesday that President Donald Trump has canceled his planned trip to South America as multiple scandals are exploding around his administration.

Via CNN’s Jim Acosta, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters Tuesday morning that Trump would not be travelling to Peru or Colombia as originally planned, and would be sending Vice President Mike Pence to those countries instead.

Sanders said that Trump was staying behind in the United States because he wants to “oversee the American response to Syria and to monitor developments around the world.”



Well-Known Member
For at least the bank fraud charges, they have equivalent NY laws. Bank fraud is in the mix because he claims he used a heloc to get the money to pay cliffords. If he didn't disclose that to the bank (intended use of funds is a required field), that constitutes fraud. Also, the way he transferred the money also opens him up to banking fraud charges. It could even be called money laundering since he hid the origins and purpose from regulators.

So a pardon would/could/might clear him of federal charges, but he could still be in for years of pain at rikers. NY doesn't have fancy white collar prisons like the feds do. Depending on the charges and how many years he got, he might not even get a min security prison. Those go to people eligible for work release and have short term, nonviolent offense sentences. Cohen could be a flight risk, so no min sec for him.

He's got a few phases of grief to go through, and then he will flip.
I think Trump is starting to realise that a set of cuffs awaits when he is removed from office, he going directly from the White House to the Big House! Personally I'd like to see the FBI perp walk him out of the WH immediately after the senate convicts him. If Vlad is pissed over what the US might do in Syria, he might drop a dime on Donald too, why not use what ya got, cause Mueller is gonna have it or better soon enough. Perhaps we will see some Donald sex videos with russian hookers or something juicy appearing on the internet! It would have been so easy for them to blackmail someone like Donald, a sex addict who operated on impulse with no moral or ethical boundaries. Wikileaks here's your chance to get on the good side of the FBI!

They got a plan for Cohen, how well he sings determines how long he serves. I wonder how good Cohen's memory is, or if they need him with all his files in hand. They will bounce Cohen back and forth between Mueller and NY like a ping pong ball every time they run across russian related stuff (lots) in the files. He's another guy who might be charged in two different justifications with different crimes like Manafort.

The deep state is gonna be deep in Donald's ass before long!

greg nr

Well-Known Member
I think Trump is starting to realise that a set of cuffs awaits when he is removed from office, he going directly from the White House to the Big House! Personally I'd like to see the FBI perp walk him out of the WH immediately after the senate convicts him. If Vlad is pissed over what the US might do in Syria, he might drop a dime on Donald too, why not use what ya got, cause Mueller is gonna have it or better soon enough. Perhaps we will see some Donald sex videos with russian hookers or something juicy appearing on the internet! It would have been so easy for them to blackmail someone like Donald, a sex addict who operated on impulse with no moral or ethical boundaries. Wikileaks here's your chance to get on the good side of the FBI!

They got a plan for Cohen, how well he sings determines how long he serves. I wonder how good Cohen's memory is, or if they need him with all his files in hand. They will bounce Cohen back and forth between Mueller and NY like a ping pong ball every time they run across russian related stuff (lots) in the files. He's another guy who might be charged in two different justifications with different crimes like Manafort.

The deep state is gonna be deep in Donald's ass before long!
The problem with vlad dropping compromat into the public is with how much of it does he have?

If he has a lot, and it ranges from embarrassing to devastating, this would work. He can start at the bottom and work his way up.

He has probably already done that to some extent.

The russian lawyer who testified about what was said at juniors trump tower meeting wouldn't do that without vlads nod. That was probably him warning the brat to back off.

He surely has recordings of EVERY call and meeting between he and the brat, for example.. Those could be pretty embarrassing.

But if he only has one big piece of ammunition, he can't just fire it. The brat could just retaliate at that point since he has nothing to hold him back.

He will wait until he thinks it's usefulness is over. In the meantime he will just slowly torture the brat.


Well-Known Member
The problem with vlad dropping compromat into the public is with how much of it does he have?

If he has a lot, and it ranges from embarrassing to devastating, this would work. He can start at the bottom and work his way up.

He has probably already done that to some extent.

The russian lawyer who testified about what was said at juniors trump tower meeting wouldn't do that without vlads nod. That was probably him warning the brat to back off.

He surely has recordings of EVERY call and meeting between he and the brat, for example.. Those could be pretty embarrassing.

But if he only has one big piece of ammunition, he can't just fire it. The brat could just retaliate at that point since he has nothing to hold him back.

He will wait until he thinks it's usefulness is over. In the meantime he will just slowly torture the brat.
It's Vlad's style to turn the screw slowly, savoring every scream! Donald deserves Vlad.


Well-Known Member
Top Judiciary Republican: It's 'suicide for the President to fire' Mueller
(CNN)The top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee said Tuesday that if President Donald Trump were to fire special counsel Robert Mueller, "it would be suicide."

"I think it would be suicide for the President to fire him," Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley told CNN. "I think the less the President says about this whole thing, the better off he will be. And I think Mueller is a person of stature and respected and I respect him. Just let the thing go forward."

Mitch was making noises too and I figure this is the line in the sand, Donald will cross it. It would be a good time for the GOP to get rid of Donald before the midterms, none better. If they could dispose of Donald and have him in court, convicted and discredited before the midterms it would be the best thing for the republicans, remove Donald from the stage. If the GOP goes into the midterms with Trump at the helm in the middle of this shit storm with Mueller fired and the DOJ burned to the ground, it will be a bloodbath.
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greg nr

Well-Known Member
For 2018, and ust in case trump is still around in 2020......

A 41-point preference among likely voters under 30 for Democratic control of the next Congress - and a 81% disapproval of congressional Republicans. (Harvard IOP Spring 2018 survey)

Pretty strong disapprovals of Donald Trump from voters under 30 on a broad range of issues, including 75% disapproval on healthcare among likely voters (Harvard IOP Spring 2018 survey).



Well-Known Member
Unless the GOP and their russian handlers go all in on hacking the vote again including changing vote totals.
Ya gotta reform voting in America and at least use paper ballots, they can be audited and recounted etc. A federal agency called Elections USA that insure the integrity of elections and supports states for all elections, would be a good start, they could recommend district boundaries too. The agency could also keep an eye on social media too, lot's can be done.

I don't think there will be enough issues this time around to make much of a difference in the election and if the house at least changes hands, the problems should be addressed. Hopefully Trump might be gone soon and an immediate danger to the country removed. If he moves on the DOJ or Mueller I figure that's it for him, he'll be gone so quick it will make his eyes water from the wind rushing by as he goes out the door. The GOP leadership want Donald to be a bad memory ASAP, no one will be more surprised than Donald! Mitch and Paul can do him in a single day, hours in fact, they just need enough cover. I'm pretty sure Mitch would as soon nut himself as spend the upcoming midterm elections carrying Donald's water. People will be ripping the heads off GOP candidates when they are campaigning and there will be a lot of difficult questions, no wonder so many aren't running again.

greg nr

Well-Known Member
Ya gotta reform voting in America and at least use paper ballots, they can be audited and recounted etc. A federal agency called Elections USA that insure the integrity of elections and supports states for all elections, would be a good start, they could recommend district boundaries too. The agency could also keep an eye on social media too, lot's can be done.

I don't think there will be enough issues this time around to make much of a difference in the election and if the house at least changes hands, the problems should be addressed. Hopefully Trump might be gone soon and an immediate danger to the country removed. If he moves on the DOJ or Mueller I figure that's it for him, he'll be gone so quick it will make his eyes water from the wind rushing by as he goes out the door. The GOP leadership want Donald to be a bad memory ASAP, no one will be more surprised than Donald! Mitch and Paul can do him in a single day, hours in fact, they just need enough cover. I'm pretty sure Mitch would as soon nut himself as spend the upcoming midterm elections carrying Donald's water. People will be ripping the heads off GOP candidates when they are campaigning and there will be a lot of difficult questions, no wonder so many aren't running again.
The agency you are talking about actually exists. But the brat hasn't appointed anyone to lead it since its director left and hasn't authorized any of its funding to be spent.

Further, the agencies in the intelligence community that actually could deploy countermeasures have no orders from the brat authorizing them to take action to protect our voting systems. They have asked for the authorization but it has not been granted.

I wish this were shocking to more people.........


Well-Known Member
Don't underestimate what these criminals will do to stay in power and out of prison.
I'm not completely disagreeing with you, but too many people are expecting something and will be watching. Once the house changes hands, the democrats are gonna be on it and voter suppression like stink on shit. Europe has been dealing with this bullshit for years now, they have found solutions, one of them is holding facebook by the nuts with privacy laws.


Well-Known Member
The agency you are talking about actually exists. But the brat hasn't appointed anyone to lead it since its director left and hasn't authorized any of its funding to be spent.

Further, the agencies in the intelligence community that actually could deploy countermeasures have no orders from the brat authorizing them to take action to protect our voting systems. They have asked for the authorization but it has not been granted.

I wish this were shocking to more people.........
Like I said ya need reform and a vacation from the republicans, like California did, where pot is legal and the economy is booming.


Well-Known Member
The agency you are talking about actually exists. But the brat hasn't appointed anyone to lead it since its director left and hasn't authorized any of its funding to be spent.

Further, the agencies in the intelligence community that actually could deploy countermeasures have no orders from the brat authorizing them to take action to protect our voting systems. They have asked for the authorization but it has not been granted.

I wish this were shocking to more people.........
That's a good idea, the next elected democratic president declares a national vacation for a week to unwind from Trump and Pence! Or maybe just a new holiday, Doing Donald Day!


Well-Known Member
Fmr. Federal Prosecutor: Trump 'Unhinged' By Michael Cohen Raid | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC
Former Federal Prosecutor Paul Butler tells Ari Melber Trump appears “unhinged” in his response to the FBI raid of Michael Cohen’s office and hotel, as Trump blasts the act as a “disgrace” and an “attack on our country”. Former White House Deputy Chief of Staff Jim Messina, Washington Post opinion writer Jennifer Rubin and Council on Foreign Relations fellow Max Boot join The Beat.

greg nr

Well-Known Member
MSNBC is reporting that trump is walking around the wh saying he wants to fire muehler, but staffers are telling him its a bad idea, which makes him want to do it even more. Even fox is referring to him as "unhinged".

Stay tuned. This ain't over yet.

greg nr

Well-Known Member
‘He is losing his sh*t’: Insiders say Donald Trump is ‘at a different level’ after Cohen raid

Donald Trump is angry, isolated and “more unpredictable than ever,” according to a new report in Politico sourced to four people close to the president.

The president already canceled a trip to South America, apparently acting out after the raid of his attorney Michael Cohen’s office, and may now unilaterally fire the people he considers to be responsible for the investigation into his ties to Russia and his lawyer Michael Cohen’s activities.

“The all caps tweet, that’s the primal scream. That’s the war cry,” a GOP operative “close to the White House” said to Politico, referencing his early morning rage tweets.

“He’s losing his sh*t,” the source said. “We’re at a different level now.”

Targets of the president’s rage—who may find themselves fired while he stews instead of traveling—include Rod Rosenstein and Jeff Sessions.

People who know Trump say that his body language gave away his rage: “his arms crossed and his punchy rhetoric meant, to those who’ve worked with him closely, that Trump was not happy and no amount of information could change his mind.”

Having lost close advisors like Hope Hicks and Rob Porter, Politico says Trump is now calling Fox News personalities Sean Hannity, Jeanine Pirro and Lou Dobbs for advice.​