The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

greg nr

Well-Known Member
Better living through technology! Yep a big database of hundreds of terabytes of data hooked up to advanced AI and an army of nerds, with some like Vlad Putin, Robert Mercer or Steve Bannon in the driver's seat, will make Cambridge Anal look like amateur hour.
Uhmm, even petabytes doesn't begin to describe some efforts. What exactly makes you think that the us gov hasn't been building this for years already?

But in a lot of ways it's all a cover op. The real secret the russians don't want you to know is that they actually changed vote totals. Our gov doesn't want it known either. The gop doesn't want the election de-legitimized and others don't want public confidence lost forever.

But, sadly it happened.


Well-Known Member
But in a lot of ways it's all a cover op. The real secret the russians don't want you to know is that they actually changed vote totals. Our gov doesn't want it known either. The gop doesn't want the election de-legitimized and others don't want public confidence lost forever.

But, sadly it happened.
That's an interesting conjecture, any source of this info, links? If that were true, it would come out after the midterms for sure, assuming the democrats won and it wasn't rigged!

Paper ballots solve such issues and can be audited manually.
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Well-Known Member
tRUmp and the GOP talk about freedom but are trying to turn this country into a police state.
Hopefully people who don't normally vote will realise how many morons there are in the country and that it is downright dangerous not to vote. Remember loonies always vote, especially in GOP primaries and if they lose the midterms, look for a real bunch of slime balls and nut cases to be vomited up during next primary season. The election of 2020, like the one in 2018, will definitely be between the sane, and every moron and arsehole in America, so if yer sane, for fuck sakes vote! :lol:


Well-Known Member
We are all consumers. If you don't consume enough you will be terminated.
We still have the option and freedom to simplify our lives and live according to need, not greed. You can still check out of the digital world move to a rural area and live a harder, simpler, more independent life, take the road less traveled. Many folks deliberately live in small houses, some off the grid with a minimum of possessions.


Well-Known Member
Humanity is on a big technological/social experiment and we don't have a clue where it leads.

As for technology, we're along for the ride and don't have much choice. The world is becoming more global and interconnected, it's estimated in 30 years 80% of the population will be unemployable because of technology. That's ok, most folks would rather be golfing or fishing or making the world a better more compassionate place. It will be like this or we won't be democratic and free, but something else and people will be seen as useless mouths and not valued human beings.

One thing about technology, it makes us richer, you live better than the King of Britain (father of the current Queen) did in 1938, you have a better diet and more food options, better medical care and improved access to information that can improve your life, and you drive a better car! All this with the 1% screwing the living daylights outta ya since the 80s and all the gains going to them, that's why the world looks screwy, cause it is.

Life ain't so bad and sometimes ya gotta just count yer blessings old feller.


Well-Known Member
We still have the option and freedom to simplify our lives and live according to need, not greed. You can still check out of the digital world move to a rural area and live a harder, simpler, more independent life, take the road less traveled. Many folks deliberately live in small houses, some off the grid with a minimum of possessions.
I'll pass on off the grid. My closest neighbor is a mile. Cut my own firewood and grow a garden. I wouldn't live any other way. Being close to people makes me nervous.


Well-Known Member
Is Trump the Worst President in History?
America has had its share of crooks, bigots, and incompetents. But never before Donald Trump has a president who combined all of these nefarious qualities.

greg nr

Well-Known Member
ruh roh rorge....

The FBI raided the office of Michael Cohen on Monday, who has served as President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer for years.

According to the New York Times, which first reported the raid, federal prosecutors in Manhattan obtained a search warrant after receiving a referral from special counsel Robert Mueller.

Agents reportedly seized documents related to payments to adult film star Stormy Daniels, along with other emails, tax documents and business records.



Well-Known Member
Beat me to it!
NYT: FBI raids Trump lawyer Michael Cohen's office
Washington (CNN)The FBI raided the office of Michael Cohen, a personal lawyer and confidant of President Donald Trump, The New York Times reported Monday.

Stephen Ryan, a lawyer for Cohen, said the US Attorney's office for the Southern District of New York had executed "a series of search warrants and seized the privileged communications" between Cohen and his clients, according to the Times.
I wonder how many NDAs they will run across in the files, hundreds? How much criminal shit? How many russian deals?

greg nr

Well-Known Member
Beat me to it!
NYT: FBI raids Trump lawyer Michael Cohen's office
Washington (CNN)The FBI raided the office of Michael Cohen, a personal lawyer and confidant of President Donald Trump, The New York Times reported Monday.

Stephen Ryan, a lawyer for Cohen, said the US Attorney's office for the Southern District of New York had executed "a series of search warrants and seized the privileged communications" between Cohen and his clients, according to the Times.
I wonder how many NDAs they will run across in the files, hundreds? How much criminal shit? How many russian deals?
Sorry, you can have the one where emails prove scott pruitt knew all about the raises........ ;)


Well-Known Member
If the dems take back the house and even the senate in 2018, they will provide cover for the FBI to go after the NRA, the Mercers, Erik Prince and other high profile republicans who are ensnared in this bullshit. Mueller and the FBI want Trump and these assholes so badly they can taste it, not many targets are as big a threat to the country or FBI itself as this bunch of pricks, Jeff Sessions included. If the house at least changes hands look for bigly justice to be served up, the senate will be like a fart in the wind when this gets rolling, not too many will go against the courts and they won't have the majority for a fight with the house over russia.

I figure someone will get around to throwing Scott Pruitt in Jail before the dust settles, he might have committed a crime or two, if anybody cared to look. Donald is keeping him around for a reason, he hopes to use him to wipe his ass and flush him down life's toilet. Donald would appoint this slime ball as AG some weekend and order him to fire Mueller and Rosenstein. It's the most likely scenario, with a run for moscow on AF1 when it comes crashing down. I hope he makes it, but I also hope his family is lead off the plane in cuffs before it leaves. I still like the idea of Donald in moscow making propaganda broadcasts for Vlad. It would be a catastrophe for the GOP, the best thing for America, would deal with Donald and Trumpism for good and his supporters would wear the mark of Cain.
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greg nr

Well-Known Member
If the dems take back the house and even the senate in 2018, they will provide cover for the FBI to go after the NRA, the Mercers, Erik Prince and other high profile republicans who are ensnared in this bullshit. Mueller and the FBI want Trump and these assholes so badly they can taste it, not many targets are as big a threat to the country or FBI itself as this bunch of pricks, Jeff Sessions included. If the house at least changes hands look for bigly justice to be served up, the senate will be like a fart in the wind when this gets rolling, not too many will go against the courts and they won't have the majority for a fight with the house over russia.
Yeah, if muehler ever had any sympathies for a republican president, they have long since be peed upon by the brat. In the beginning there was a chance that muehler would go easy on him personally. Maybe he would take out his campaign and maybe even family, but leave the office alone.

Now, it's personal.