The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

Logical bullshit, what's with the hate speech, usually a sign of low self esteem. Your attitude is that of a chicken shit who is afraid to compete with the brown folks cause deep down inside you know yer not as good and can't cut it.
If yer a racist yer a sucker and someone will soon serve yer malice, someone like Trump.

Are ya tired of winning yet? Is winning the same as treasion? Burn yer country to the ground and fuck yerself because hate makes ya stupid? Catch a hold of yerself and give yer head a shake, talk fucking sense.
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Logical bullshit, what's with the hate speech, usually a sign of low self esteem. Your attitude is that of a chicken shit who is afraid to compete with the brown folks cause deep down inside you know yer not as good and can't cut it.
If yer a racist yer a sucker and someone will soon serve yer malice, someone like Trump.

Are ya tired of winning yet? Is winning the same as treasion? Burn yer country to the ground and fuck yerself because hate makes ya stupid? Catch a hold of yerself and give yer head a shake, talk fucking sense.
You don't agree with it, so it's bullshit. One is just as much hate speaech as the other, that you won't admit that is either you being disingenuous or ignorant. Typical liberal logic. Also, what is treasion?
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You don't agree with it, so it's bullshit. One is just as much hate speaech as the other, that you won't admit that is either you being disingenuous or ignorant. Typical liberal logic. Also, what is treasion?

moron, join my ignore list.
You don't agree with it, so it's bullshit. One is just as much hate speaech as the other, that you won't admit that is either you being disingenuous or ignorant. Typical liberal logic. Also, what is treasion?
I can think of some african Americans who might beat the shit out of ya for using such a racial slur. Words can be used as weapons, you showed yours, they create harm not harmony, your being judged by your thoughts, words and actions, not your race or ethnicity. Your being judged by the "content of your character" as that great American MLK once said.

The fact that you have to ask "what is treason?" speaks volumes. I'll give you a simple example: Putin with his hand up Trump's ass working his mouth like a ventriloquist dummy, for his interests, not America's. Do you love yer country or hate many of the people in it because they are brown? Only racism/tribalism can jerk somebody's chain so bad that they fuck themselves, happens everyday. Your really just another victim of a con man, sucked in to fuck yourself and the country too. Trump has made you look like a fool in the eyes of the world, patriotic Americans are outraged, you are not.

BTW God also judges ya on yer thoughts, words, and actions, ya can't get through the pearly gates carrying the baggage of hate. Our intentions show through in everything we do, your no different.

No room for racist in heaven or it wouldn't be heaven, would it? The good news is ya can grow and change, yer not stuck being an idiot forever, you have a choice in the matter.

Are ya tired of winning yet?
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This Nunes memo bullshit is hurting the GOP, they want to release something based on top secret material that they have not read, neither has Trump. This looks like it might backfire on Trump and turn into another fiasco, I figure it was his plan and he was pushing it along with the russians and it will be a screw up too. The justice department and FBI public objections to the release of the memo are a result of Mueller squeezing Sessions nut's. Jeff made his bet on which way the wind is gonna blow, the fact that the department of justice is not silent speaks volumes. Trump must be on Sessions like stink on shit, to shut down the justice department objections, they are still howling. Maybe a few republicans in the house might wanna get a clue about this, it looks like a few are and are not running again.
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I like Stephen's take on this stuff.

There's a reason Trump is blowing puffs of smoke, he's running scared, stupid and desperate. The circle is closing, time to give Mueller a nickname, "Deep State Bob" it is! Though I prefer, "Ball Buster Bob". Maybe this might be a good time to coin a new word, "trumpfucker? Dragonslayer has been taken I'm afraid.
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This is what a "Deal with the Devil" looks like, it's what happens when ya sell yer soul, let this be a lesson for all to see. Donald owns the GOP and Putin own Donald.

What amazes me is there doesn't seem to be an adult in the room acting rationally.

Seriously, they all seem to be in on the conspiracy. Otherwise you would expect that at some point, they would distance themselves and let trump fall. They did this with bush - not by letting him get indicted for anything- but by speaking out against cheney and torture. They actually reigned in blackwater after abuses (not by a lot, but they tended the optics).

So normally you would expect the gop to at least show self preservation tendencies.

Not under team russia. It's like they are all compromised. They don't even try to tend to optics. They just exercise power in an autocratic fashion.

This ain't logical behavior, even for the gop. Something else is going on here. And it isn't smelling good.
What amazes me is there doesn't seem to be an adult in the room acting rationally.

Seriously, they all seem to be in on the conspiracy. Otherwise you would expect that at some point, they would distance themselves and let trump fall. They did this with bush - not by letting him get indicted for anything- but by speaking out against cheney and torture. They actually reigned in blackwater after abuses (not by a lot, but they tended the optics).

So normally you would expect the gop to at least show self preservation tendencies.

Not under team russia. It's like they are all compromised. They don't even try to tend to optics. They just exercise power in an autocratic fashion.

This ain't logical behavior, even for the gop. Something else is going on here. And it isn't smelling good.

Trump is running the GOP, he has almost total power through the base, these morons are along for the ride for the most part. Trump is gonna ride these dumb pricks into the ground, he is the leader and republicans fall in line. This time the line is a que to jump off a political cliff in november. I figure they are starting to break and run for their lives.

Everything Trump has total control over dies, he bankrupted a casino for fuck sakes, he consumes all he can get his tiny hands on. A T. Rex like Trump-a-sore-ass has the GOP in it's tiny hands and big mouth, and is chewing the republicans into dinosaur shit. Meteorite Mueller looms larger in the sky and is gonna cause a mass extinction soon.
Trump is running the GOP, he has almost total power through the base, these morons are along for the ride for the most part. Trump is gonna ride these dumb pricks into the ground, he is the leader and republicans fall in line. This time the line is a que to jump off a political cliff in november. I figure they are starting to break and run for their lives.

Everything Trump has total control over dies, he bankrupted a casino for fuck sakes, he consumes all he can get his tiny hands on. A T. Rex like Trump-a-sore-ass has the GOP in it's tiny hands and big mouth, and is chewing the republicans into dinosaur shit. Meteorite Mueller looms larger in the sky and is gonna cause a mass extinction soon.

Correction, he bled a casino dry, then dumped the carcass on the investors. He never intended to run it profitably; that is the way gangsters work when other people put up money.

But the gop is always lead by the president. It's the way a political party works. And the gop has opposed their own leaders in the past on specific issues. Sure, the base might crucify them, but they are used to that. The base will forgive at election time. Most of the time anyway.

Besides, the past several special elections show trump can't move his base to other candidates, so he may not be able to punish them. this is slowly becoming evident.

So it's something else. Some "hidden hand" is moving the gop, and it isn't just trump.
Correction, he bled a casino dry, then dumped the carcass on the investors. He never intended to run it profitably; that is the way gangsters work when other people put up money.

But the gop is always lead by the president. It's the way a political party works. And the gop has opposed their own leaders in the past on specific issues. Sure, the base might crucify them, but they are used to that. The base will forgive at election time. Most of the time anyway.

Besides, the past several special elections show trump can't move his base to other candidates, so he may not be able to punish them. this is slowly becoming evident.

So it's something else. Some "hidden hand" is moving the gop, and it isn't just trump.
Maybe Vlad has a hand on their balls like Trump (unlikely) or perhaps its a show to help retain control of the base after it all blows up, cause it will. They can't be seen to turn on Trump until the overwhelming evidence is presented, the GOP is coming apart at the seems, cause some wanna cut and run. They might be trying to force Mueller to act early, as far from the election as they can get, the dems appear content to wait for a bit, they want maxamum shit as close to the election as possible. President Pence is not an appealing prospect for the dems until they can get him by the balls through investigations.

One thing is for sure, Dumbo the GOP elephant is gonna dance and howl until he stomps on Trump.
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Maybe Vlad has a hand on their balls like Trump (unlikely) or perhaps its a show to help retain control of the base after it all blows up, cause it will. They can't be seen to turn on Trump until the overwhelming evidence is presented, the GOP is coming apart at the seems, cause some wanna cut and run. They might be trying to force Mueller to act early, as far from the election as they can get, the dems appear content to wait for a bit, they want maxamum shit as close to the election as possible. President Pence is not an appealing prospect for the dems until they can get him by the balls through investigations.

One thing is for sure, Dumbo the GOP elephant is gonna dance and howl until he stomps on Trump.

It is looking more and more like the bastards will win. They are positioning the firing of rosenstein as we speak. Once that happens, the investigations are over. No recourse. It won't matter if there are sealed indictments or what evidence exists, it will never see the light of day.

Trump will burn the proverbial house down to keep from losing it. And congress will just let him do it.