The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out


Well-Known Member
The scary part is Trumps antics are while he is sober:wall:
Can you imagine Trump with a few stiff drinks in him, his own secret service would punch him out! That would be a video worth paying for, Trump drunk, if ya thought cold sober was something to behold... Keep the nuclear football away from him and hide his biscuit too...


Well-Known Member
This is not a boast but Ford is a amateur compared to tRUmp for being a crazy disgusting human being, the difference is tRUmp has always had the money to bury the stories. What will come out will shock even the people who are repulsed by him.
Just don't want you folks to think we Canadians look down on ya for Trump, we have our crazies too, though Trump is a sociopathic lifetime criminal, a traitor and a real and present danger to the republic. We are all lucky he is such an incompetent fool and damaged individual, if Trump had a brain and a plan America would have been screwed, depending on the midterms, ya still might be. I'm hoping for a landslide midterm election as America's salvation, the bigger the victory the shorter Trump's reign and the quicker he's in russia or jail.


Well-Known Member
More proof that Trump is cracking under the pressure, he's going nuts alright, wanting to regulate internet searches says it all.
Trump’s economic adviser: ‘We’re taking a look’ at whether Google searches should be regulated

The Trump administration on Tuesday said it would explore regulating Google — an effort that would challenge protections around free speech online — in response to the president’s allegations that the tech giant manipulates its search results to prominently display negative stories about him and other Republicans.

President Trump in a predawn tweet claimed that search returns for “Trump News” were “RIGGED, for me & others, so that almost all stories & news is BAD,” apparently responding to a report from Fox News. Then, his top economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, said the White House is “taking a look” at whether, and how, Google should be regulated by the government.

In the United States, regulating search results could violate the First Amendment, said lawmakers from both parties, free-speech advocates and tech experts. The Trump administration’s threat drew rebukes from Democrats and a few Republicans, who said government shouldn’t play a role in monitoring search results or other content online.
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Well-Known Member
With his closest allies defecting, the president increasingly trusts only his instincts. He “got joy” from stripping former C.I.A. director John Brennan’s security clearance. And after betrayals by Allen Weisselberg and David Pecker, a former White House official says, Trump “spent the weekend calling people and screaming.”

AUGUST 27, 2018 2:22 PM

After Michael Cohen’s plea deal last week, Donald Trump spiraled out of control, firing wildly in all directions. He railed against “flippers” in a rambling Fox & Friends interview, and lashed out on Twitter at Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the Justice Department, and Robert Mueller. In the wake of his outbursts, White House officials have discussed whether Trump would listen to his closest New York City friends in an effort to rein him in. Two sources briefed on the matter told me that senior officials talked about inviting Rudy Giuliani and a group of Trump’s New York real-estate friends including Tom Barrack, Richard LeFrak, and Howard Lorber to the White House to stage an “intervention” last week. “It was supposed to be a war council,” one source explained. But Trump refused to take the meeting, sources said. “You know Trump—he hates being lectured to,” the source added. (Spokespeople for LeFrak and Lorber say they have no knowledge of a meeting. A spokesperson for Barrack didn’t comment.)

More than ever, Trump is acting by feeling and instinct. “Trump is nuts,” said one former West Wing official. “This time really feels different.” Deputy Chief of Staff Bill Shine has privately expressed concern, a source said, telling a friend that Trump’s emotional state is “very tender.” Even Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump are unsettled that Trump is so gleefully acting on his most self-destructive impulses as his legal peril grows. According to a source, Jared and Ivanka told Trump that stripping security clearances from former intelligence officials would backfire, but Trump ignored them. Kushner later told a friend Trump “got joy” out of taking away John Brennan’s clearance. His reaction to the death of John McCain—quashing a White House statement in praise of the senator, and restoring White House flags to full staff—falls into the same self-indulgent category.

The news of Cohen’s plea and Paul Manafort’s conviction, which were followed by revelations that Trump Organization C.F.O. Allen Weisselberg and National Enquirer publisher David Pecker are cooperating with federal prosecutors, have rattled Trump like few other turns in the investigation have, sources said. Flying on Air Force One to his West Virginia rally last week, Trump seemed “bummed” and “down and out,” a person briefed on his mood told me. “He was acting like, ‘I know the news is bad, but I don’t know what to do about it,’” the source said. At the rally, an uncharacteristically subdued Trump barely mentioned Cohen or Manafort.

By the weekend, though, his anger had returned. “He spent the weekend calling people and screaming,” one former White House official said. According to sources, the president feels cornered with no clear way out. His months-long campaign to get Sessions to resign—so that Trump could appoint a new A.G. who would shut down the Russia probe—not only failed to get Sessions to step down, but it’s caused him to dig in, as evidenced by Sessions’s rare statement asserting the independence of the Justice Department. “Trump knows at least through the midterms he won’t get another A.G.,” a former White House official said.

After Cohen effectively named Trump an unindicted co-conspirator in campaign-finance crimes with the payments to Stormy Daniels and Playboy Playmate Karen McDougal, Trump’s public posture was that the payments weren’t crimes. Privately, according to two sources, Trump attorneys suggested that a strategy for dealing with the issue could be for Trump to admit to having affairs with women and paying hush money to them for years. That way, he could assert that the payments to Daniels and McDougal were normal business—not campaign donations meant to influence the 2016 election. Trump, according to the sources, rejected this advice. “It was because of Melania,” one source said.

Inside the West Wing, a sense of numbness and dread has set in among senior advisers as they gird for what Trump will do next. “It’s a return to the abyss,” said one former official who’s in frequent contact with the White House. “This is back to being a one-man show, and everyone is on the outside looking in.”

Two sources told me that Trump continues to raise the possibility of a pardon for Manafort, his former campaign chairman. Trump has been clashing with White House counsel Don McGahn, who, sources said, is strongly against granting Manafort a pardon. (A lawyer for McGahn did not respond to a request for comment.) Trump has told people he’s considering bringing in a new lawyer to draft a Manafort pardon, if McGahn won’t do it. “He really at this point does not care,” a former official said. “He would rather fight the battle. He doesn’t want to do anything that would cede executive authority.”

The White House did not respond to a request for comment.


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President Donald Trump's Latest Battles Are With Google And Canada | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
The president's new trade agreement with Mexico seems to leave Canada out in the cold. Trump also accused Google of rigging its search results against him. Shannon Pettypiece joins to discuss.


Well-Known Member
"Everyone's against me because they think I'm paranoid". Stop making bad news and the bad news will go away. Fatty is going down and he feels it. To quote James Brown, "I feel good".
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Well-Known Member

very good article. only thing i don't like is that trump could NEVER be Macbeth....Macbeth is worthy of pity....
If Shakespeare were around today the current US political situation with Trump would be the meat and potatoes for many a play. The bard would have made quick work of Trump and I'm sure would have had something to say about the current POTUS.

Those he commands move only in command,
Nothing in love. Now does he feel his title
Hang loose about him, like a giant’s robe
Upon a dwarfish thief.

About sums up Trump's end, he is lost in the shoes of his predecessors, Obama was one of the best and Trump is undoubtedly the worst POTUS, the contrast couldn't be clearer. He cheated and stole the election by breaking the law with the help of an adversarial country that was attacking America at the same time (with his help), he's a literal traitor and as Obama said "unfit" for office. After impeachment and a fair and honest trial he should be publicly executed without undue delay.


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Trump Administration Is Trying to Systematically Strip Citizenship From Many Americans Born Near Mexico Border

The next phase in the Trump administration’s effort to reduce immigration is to strip Americans who were simply born and raised near the border with Mexico of their citizenship by claiming their birth certificates and other birth documents are fraudulent. In June, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, which is part of the Department of Homeland Security, began an Orwellian-sounding process of “denaturalization” of American citizens that the U.S. government believed obtained citizenship through identity theft and fraud. Over the last nearly 30 years, revoking an American of citizenship has been exceedingly rare, occurring in only several hundred instances. That appears set to change and a Washington Post reportWednesday found the government’s program of invalidating what appears to be almost exclusively Hispanic Americans’ citizenship, by revoking passports of Americans born along the southern border, is not a limited piecemeal effort. It’s an active, if discreet American policy that’s being carried out against card-carrying citizens.

INF Flux

Well-Known Member
More proof that Trump is cracking under the pressure, he's going nuts alright, wanting to regulate internet searches says it all.
Trump’s economic adviser: ‘We’re taking a look’ at whether Google searches should be regulated

The Trump administration on Tuesday said it would explore regulating Google — an effort that would challenge protections around free speech online — in response to the president’s allegations that the tech giant manipulates its search results to prominently display negative stories about him and other Republicans.

President Trump in a predawn tweet claimed that search returns for “Trump News” were “RIGGED, for me & others, so that almost all stories & news is BAD,” apparently responding to a report from Fox News. Then, his top economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, said the White House is “taking a look” at whether, and how, Google should be regulated by the government.

In the United States, regulating search results could violate the First Amendment, said lawmakers from both parties, free-speech advocates and tech experts. The Trump administration’s threat drew rebukes from Democrats and a few Republicans, who said government shouldn’t play a role in monitoring search results or other content online.
Just for a moment, try to remove Trump from the equation and ask yourself, is corporate censorship a thing that fit's the definition of Fascism? I feel like we're going down a slippery slope and the slide is being sold to us in such a way that people are cheering it on.


Well-Known Member
Just for a moment, try to remove Trump from the equation and ask yourself, is corporate censorship a thing that fit's the definition of Fascism? I feel like we're going down a slippery slope and the slide is being sold to us in such a way that people are cheering it on.
It's bullshit there's supposed to be a separation of church and state. Yet corporations like Facebook are becoming a government of their own. Many companies "require" a Facebook account to show you're not a degenerate and grade your "ethics" based upon their corporate religious ideals.

but show how you drew a swastika on your friend's head while drunk at frat party ten years ago, indicating uninclusive behavior not compatible with their pinko commie mission statement. But it was funny how Disney fired James Gunn giving them a taste of their own medicine with the whole #DisneyrehireJamesGunnbeausewe'rehypocrits.

INF Flux

Well-Known Member
I feel like there's no Left, left anymore. People who give to the ACLU seem to be blind to what's happening.

Meanwhile, what's #TheAssistance doing?



Well-Known Member
It's bullshit there's supposed to be a separation of church and state. Yet corporations like Facebook are becoming a government of their own. Many companies "require" a Facebook account to show you're not a degenerate and grade your "ethics" based upon their corporate religious ideals.

but show how you drew a swastika on your friend's head while drunk at frat party ten years ago, indicating uninclusive behavior not compatible with their pinko commie mission statement. But it was funny how Disney fired James Gunn giving them a taste of their own medicine with the whole #DisneyrehireJamesGunnbeausewe'rehypocrits.
You'll see what the democrats will do soon, there is no "left" in America, only variations on right wing ideology, there might be after the election though. Corporate media does not cover left leaning politicians and if it does, does so pejoratively, they are afraid of losing all those pharma and insurance advertising dollars.

Meanwhile, Donald continues his Hell ride to reality and it's gonna be a hard landing. He won't be alone though, since the WH staff is gonna be along for the ride and it's gonna cost them a fortune in legal expenses.
Harried Staff Sees Donald Trump Unready For Possible Democratic House | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
You'll see what the democrats will do soon, there is no "left" in America, only variations on right wing ideology, there might be after the election though. Corporate media does not cover left leaning politicians and if it does, does so pejoratively, they are afraid of losing all those pharma and insurance advertising dollars.

Meanwhile, Donald continues his Hell ride to reality and it's gonna be a hard landing.
Harried Staff Sees Donald Trump Unready For Possible Democratic House | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Right wingers fear Rachel and any intelligent woman


Well-Known Member
Right wingers fear Rachel and any intelligent woman
There are a lot of them headed for congress this fall and the Trumpers will like them a whole lot less then! I think we need to stop calling Trumpers conservatives or even right wing, they are a racist cult of personality. Republican/Trumper are one in the same though and it's a difference without a distinction that's headed for political extinction. Trumpism will disappear like Hitlerism because there was nothing to it but hate and fear, it was based on bullshit. The fear, stupidity, cupidity and hate will linger however, ready for the next Trump to gather up and use against America, freedom and decency.


Well-Known Member
Democrats Alarmed At GOP Use Of Private Security Documents | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

This should alarm anybody with a brain... If the congress changes hands some of these folks are gonna want highly detailed answers about this matter and there will be an intelligence committee hearing on it ASAP. This is very serious criminal shit and there are only a few people in the WH accountable for it.
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Well-Known Member
I agree, it will be violent when they drag Donald out of the WH kicking and screaming after his impeachment, more so when the FBI indicts him, puts a set of cuffs on his wrists and perp walks the fucker... When Mueller and Uncle Sam are done tag teaming this asshole the American public are gonna wanna burn him at the stake. When the public finds out the truth about Trump they are gonna be inclined to be very violent, Donald will need the full power and protection of the US constitution to avoid a gruesome and quite violent public end.

Trump warns change would come 'violently' if Republicans lose in midterms
President Trump told Evangelical leaders during a closed door dinner at the White House that there will be "violence" if Democrats take control in the November election.