The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out


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President Donald Trump's Legal Troubles Resembling 'A Crime Boss Struggling' | Deadline | MSNBC
MSNBC contributor Eddie Glaude, NYT’s Michael Schmidt, the LA Times’ Eli Stokols, and MSNBC national affairs analyst John Heilemann on Trump’s ‘mob-like’ approach to governing the nation


Well-Known Member
I don't wanna install shit or subscribe to listen to a podcast, there are better sources of information, they need to provide information first, instead of harvesting subscribers and email addresses. It's just a goddam mp3 file and if it's important it should be more accessible.
Does this guy have some special insight or information not available elsewhere?
In the states you don't have to do anything but go to the link and listen, must be because your in Canada.

Try a VPN with a US exit point


Well-Known Member
I feel like after Cohen spills it all we should have some kinda special election. I also think trump will resign soon.
You are gonna have a "special" election in less than 80 days, Trump is not the problem in America, massive racism is and the next "Trump" won't be long coming on the scene. If racism & tribalism wasn't a factor the GOP would lose every federal race this coming election, if people voted on the basis of facts and the good of the country the GOP wouldn't stand a chance. Trump rides on racism like a surfer on the crest of a wave that is about to crash on the rocks of reality. He could run to moscow as an open traitor and fugitive and would still only bottom out at 25% support, nothing matters to these folks, they don't respond to reason or facts and like Trump would destroy the country if they could.

Vote, volunteer, give money, help register people and drive folks to the polls this midterm, ya can do more than just vote, do whatever ya can, your country is on the line.
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Well-Known Member
Tom Arnold has turned into an idiot. Trump can do that to some people.

He's on the right side of history and he's right about all those Trump recordings.

As for the walkaway bullshit and russian trolls...
Stephen Examines The Conservative 'Walk Away' Memes


Well-Known Member
For possibly paying two hookers with campaign funds, (if this did happen). Yes.
For not firing Mueller and Sessions. Yes.

Everything else. No.
Two years later, still a better choice that Bernie and tHillary.


I'm always late to the party and just found out what walkaway means. So, now I know what a "Russian bot" is, too. Hey, put in a "y'all" for authenticity. It's always good for a giggle. But seriously, you need new material.


Well-Known Member
Dropping Like Flies: Another President Trump Ally Cooperates With Investigators | Deadline | MSNBC
Former FBI assistant director Frank Figuliuzzi, former U.S. attorney Chuck Rosenberg, AP’s Jill Colvin, and NYT’s Nick Confessore on AMI CEO David Pecker’s cooperation with federal authorities in exchange for immunity, following Michael Cohen’s plea deal.
Another one bites the dust, Donald's buddy Peckerhead is in deep shit and is gonna squeal like a pig, he'll back up Cohen's testimony along with documents and records. Donald confessed on TV yet again, this time criminal election violations, they are starting to turn on Donald to save their own skins, Uncle Sam has got these clowns by the balls and he's squeezing real hard.
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Well-Known Member
I wonder what Donald will do when the FBI raids Trump tower, they've got cause and the evidence for the warrant. Of course Mueller won't have anything to do with it, yet... Rosenstein fucked Trump by spreading the investigation through five branches of the DOJ and I figure they've got a deal cut with Sessions to cockblock Donald and protect Rosenstein until after the midterms.

Donald should be in fine form this weekend, but he's gonna have more bad news everyday as the pace of events quicken. If this keeps up much longer they will carry Donald out of the WH frothing at the mouth and raving. Maybe stress and cheeseburgers will get him with heart attack and put him out of his misery...
NY Times: Manhattan DA looking at criminal charges against Trump Organization

The Manhattan District Attorney's Office is considering pursuing criminal charges against the Trump Organization and two senior company executives in connection to Michael Cohen's payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels, the New York Times reported Thursday, citing two officials with knowledge of the matter.

According to the Times, a state investigation would focus on how the Trump Organization accounted for its reimbursement to Cohen, Trump's former personal lawyer and fixer, for the $130,000 he paid to Daniels, who said she had an affair with President Donald Trump. Trump has denied the affair.
When he pleaded guilty Tuesday in Manhattan federal court to eight criminal counts of campaign finance violations, tax fraud and bank fraud, Cohen admitted he paid Daniels the hush money during the 2016 campaign. Cohen was speaking as he accepted a plea deal that includes jail time.
The officials who spoke to the Times said the DA's office has not yet made a decision on whether to proceed and the review is only in the earliest stages.
The Times reports the Trump Organization recorded the reimbursement to Cohen as a legal expense, but federal prosecutors said Cohen did no legal work in connection with the matter. The payments were for fake legal invoices in connection with a nonexistent retainer agreement, according to the report.
The Trump Organization declined to comment to the Times.
Should charges come against the organization or employees of the organization, Trump would not be able to pardon them. While the President has vast pardon powers over federal crimes, those powers do not extend to state crimes.
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