24 - 48 hours of darkness before the chop will do more to help the cure than flushing.
nope i would have to disagree but i will let u no in 14 days as i have some unflushed cureing right now the flushed im smoking right now no crackel no harshness no head aches but i will find out with this unflushed in 14-20 more days
but saying this will be my 10th year of growing never use to flush when i started people use to bitch about all the time since flushing i have had zero complaints
i rekon i have moved more but hey i not here to fight about flushing if u don't that's cool i do
Why is there a warning about precipitation with this formula, but not sweet raw? Does potassium bind with calcium more easily than magnesium? Also, why does the raw formula need to be boiled, but this one doesn't?
I'm confused...

Binding is not a problem with Mg

The Epsom dissolves to slowly - Hmm, you might do it to this if you have troubles with it be slow to dissolve.
Gents.....really enjoy this thread while I sit here waiting for the rest of my household to wake up. I started a thread called organics hall og game that has alot of good info for being such a new thread. Dr, i have a traumatic brain injury that makes retaining shit a struggle 24-7 but I refuse to give up. Is like to bounce a couple questions off ya of you wouldn't mind
the keyboard got wet on the phone. starts respelling words and I've taken that off in the options. of phones are trash ime
Awesome info thanks Doc.

just trying to find a bag of that potassium sulfate that wil ship to Canada.. anyone got a hook up?
People I know personally (not internet amateurs).
If you doubt whether or not it works, try to root cuttings that have been given 48 hrs of darkness (in a cup of water) prior to being put into cubes.
They won't grow -- guaranteed. They will wilt, and then they will die.

Thanks for the return.

Interesting.......One I never looked into for that......Heard it did other things - it don't do those.
Thanks for the return.

Interesting.......One I never looked into for that......Heard it did other things - it don't do those.
I should clarify: 48 hrs of darkness before the chop does NOT increase potency; it uses up the extra starches, which gives the cure a head start. Since I try to keep my leaves green and healthy through most of flower, the dark time at the end helps a lot. If you fade your plants, dark time is less important.