Haha ok cool so I’m not the only one with OCD around these parts.. I’m thinking of making a journal, I flipped on July 29th and I’m waiting on some recently translated clones to get big enough to flip on the other side of the room.Holy S***! Amazing work, my OCD thanks you!
Got a journal to follow along?![]()
I kept the water lower, if it ever leaked it could only go down.OMG.... water and electricity on the same command center?...
i prefer separate command centers... one for water (en la parte de abajo de la pared por si hay fugas)--- security space of separation - and one for electricity...(en la parte superior de la pared lejos de las fugas de agua ...aqui donde vivo se exije un margen de separacion de metro y medio entre agua y cuadro de electricidad...)
...think in security first ever...
veo tuberias de agua que suben o que bajan ...mejor llevar las tuberias de agua por el suelo o lo mas cerca del suelo
yo evitaria las tuberias de agua de mitad de la pared hacia arriba... subir tuberias de agua para llevarlas por el techo me parece mala idea... a no ser que quieras montar un contraincendio ... pero llevaria otras medidas de seguridad ...
y con un cuadro electrico cerca... no se si me dejarian montarlo... aqui el tema contraincendios lo supervisan los bomberos... y creeme son mas extrictos en seguridad que muchos electricistas...
Si Wilson este cuadro lo ve un electricista o bombero y se hecha a temblar...(very dangerous command center for my pov)
no hay normas electricas donde vives?... te permiten hacer algo asi? ... yo lo flipo
tendra hecho el test de tierra en ese cuadro y en esa habitacion?....
...en fin alla cada cual... un cortocircuito por agua y mucho del hardware del panel podria quedar inservible...
...o una derivacion y llevarte un susto que recordaras de por vida... buufff que peligro...
avisado quedastes ahora tu mismo
e function actived
Saludos de un pobre y viejo electricista canario
I kept the water lower, if it ever leaked it could only go down.
I kept the water lower, if it ever leaked it could only go down.
Is that not a pressurized system?
If its gravity fed, your right, but if that system has any force behind it (it pumps) then catastrophic failure could cause water to spray in any direction.
But as long as you have ground faults (either in the outlets or breakers) that should give you the peace of mind to not have to worry about burning the place down
How do you like the Dosatron system?
It's the only way to grow lolHow do you like the Dosatron system?
I like living on the edge lolIs that not a pressurized system?
If its gravity fed, your right, but if that system has any force behind it (it pumps) then catastrophic failure could cause water to spray in any direction.
But as long as you have ground faults (either in the outlets or breakers) that should give you the peace of mind to not have to worry about burning the place down
Hey, this is unrelated but I have to ask. I have a EU passport and could easily move to Spain, how’s the weed growing business there? Profitable? Hard to get licenses? Where do you sell the product? Is it very regulated? Feel free to not answer a question if you don’t feel like itse que la pregunta no es para mi
que como quiero el sistema?...
...pues en otra pared... en una pared la instalacion de agua ... y en la pared de enfrente la instalacion electrica...
pero aun asi la instalacion electrica tiene que tener la tierra testeada y los diferenciales ajustados para trabajar en entornos con instalaciones de agua
el sistema comercial me sirve para tomar ideas para el diy... y la web la veo en español ...gracias
...pero a el con una recolocacion de su instalacion del agua en otra pared ...se le solventarian muchos problemas
...y aun asi le recomendaria que hiciera un test de tierra (hecho por profesional que la prueba es con 1000v por aqui y si no sabes donde te metes mejor dejaselo a un profesional que tiene herramientas especiales y medidores para eso... )
...y de paso que mire ...aqui en españa los llamamos diferenciales ....ustedes por ahi creo que los llaman GFCI ..
los gfci bien elegidos para trabajar en entornos con agua y la tierra testeada os daran la paz mental que buscais...
Hey, this is unrelated but I have to ask. I have a EU passport and could easily move to Spain, how’s the weed growing business there? Profitable? Hard to get licenses? Where do you sell the product? Is it very regulated? Feel free to not answer a question if you don’t feel like it![]()
[QUOTE = "salmonetin, post: 15734105, member: 878479"]
ok don't listen to me (or don't trust my pov) ... what do the electrician tell you? ... the plumber? or the professional firefighter? ...
mmmm ... have you been given the ok for that installation by an electrician, plumber or professional firefighter? ...
I want the best for you and for anyone who has to work on that painting ... I care about people much more than teams ... the teams have spare parts and you can buy new ones ... people don't ...
PLEASE ... ask some professional electrician, plumber or firefighter friend to give you their professional and honest opinion of that installation in the photo ...
and say here what they tell you ... it will be very curious to read their opinions ...
..and as I edit adding more pov of mine that does not appear in your quote, I temporarily deactivate the e function even if it has no likes .. ;-(
Unless someone walks in with an axe and starts going Hulk Angry on my plumbing ill be fine bro.. You need a physical force to break a pipe.. And this was the only space I could put everything anyways there were no other options..
Thank you for your answer. I was under the impression that it was possible to get a license to grow weed legally in Spain after talking with a guy over there. He sent me some nice pics of his grow and I don’t know him personally.in spain cannabis still illegal...seems to me to the end of times...
...hay gente montandoselo illegal y vendiendo y hasta parecen clubs... pero no te lo aconsejo quedate por usa que tienes sitios geniales para hacerlo legalmente o con muchos menos problemas que por aqui...
...la vieja europa le cuesta avanzar en temas de drogas... son mentes caducas de otro siglo...
...tratan a los adultos como a niños ... e ignoran la realidad...
quedate por ahi... ustedes avanzan en muchas cosas ... aqui no cambiara nada en politicas de drogas... ellos (la vieja europa) se pueden pagar las suyas ...legales o ilegales... y hasta sacar tajada economica mientras tanto...
como sitio para cultivar que te voy a decir ...el sur de europa ...esa GRECIAAAA... en fin verdaderos paraisos si se pudiera cultivar cannabis legalmente... altisima calidad... sol agua y clima...
en canarias peor ...ni se te ocurra comprar hashis ...sera malo malo malo... y yerbita mejor plantatela tu y no se lo digas a nadie... las multas y confiscaciones no son baratas.. un porro en la calle te puede costar 300 euros de multa no importa si ni te lo has fumado... con tenerlo basta (te lo quitan y te multan)
las asociaciones siguen siendo illegales... una pena..
pero es lo que hay ...
Thank you for your answer. I was under the impression that it was possible to get a license to grow weed legally in Spain after talking with a guy over there. He sent me some nice pics of his grow and I don’t know him personally.
Remember Murphy's Law.