What in the world going on?? Cola growing from center of leaves

Yeah I was gonna say, I'm sure you can induce callous formation from leaf/stem tissues. I never seen a conventionally rooted leaf though, that I can remember anyway.
The problem is for the most part there's no growth point, the little tiny buds are only going to produce a few caylxes then they're going to mature and not get any bigger. It's highly unlikely to put out more stems or growth points, or stack more than a few caylxes. Plus, in the rooting process there's only one leaf, and it's doubtful it would survive, but hey, give it try if you want.

Edit: another important question, photo or auto?
Yep you're right but he said it's not possible. It is very possible and as easy as rooting a reg cutting. Sometimes, after a very very long time they will grow a shoot. Other times not so much. But a leaf stem WILL grow a root.
Yep you're right but he said it's not possible. It is very possible and as easy as rooting a reg cutting. Sometimes, after a very very long time they will grow a shoot. Other times not so much. But a leaf stem WILL grow a root.

I have no doubt it could, but why? All you”ll get is tiny little popcorn buds, after investing a lot of time and effort. For science/learning go for it. I don’t think the rooting success will be particularly high.
Id either try to smoke it and compare to the rest of the buds, any difference in highs or flavas? , but if you feel really freaky: try monstercropping/revegging it. When you move a flowering plant into 24 hours of light it goes a bit apeshit for a while and the starts revegging and the new stems start growing out of the buds. Now thats a freaky pic for your insta: plant harvested and throwing all sorts of crazy growth and eventually you see a new shoot coming out of a leaf, with brancing and everything. Not sure if the leaf would take it or grow into a stem or die or what. Im always curious....

But youd need the space and time to do it, revegging takes time and no guarantee that it would happen like that. Thats my take but im a nosy guy who cant stand that the plant is keeping secrets from me :)