America's Drug Czar William E. Simon. Around 1973. Damn Obama and his ability to change the past.
Even if you don't want to listen to the scientific community that has warned every type of disaster with astonishing accuracy that global warming is occurring and going to change the way we live, if you go around the coal heavy areas of our countries you cannot deny how dirty it is.
Scientists: Lets not live in costal swamps that help stop hurricanes from washing away shorelines and the damage of low areas with high populations will be great. We should not live around vocanos. We shouldn't live in the desert due to water tables, we should not have so many foods that are not natural or sugar and fat laden, we should not dump toxins into the water because we need it to drink, shouldnt allow massive deforistation since it is destroying ecosystems, We shouldn't allow banks to grow so big and allow so much deregulation since it could cause more collapses, We should make sure children get exercise and eat better, on and on.
But yeah only the ones that agree with you are right until it is too late and then noone cares about who they were anyway. So the sun is affecting the solar system those scientists are right but others are wrong, thats just cherry picking.
Anyway back to the point of that, just because something may not be the real reason of warming doesn't mean we shouln't take steps to clean up the planet.
sorry, global warming is a giant scam
the earths climate follows the sun plain and simple....
Funny enough I don't disagree with this. But saying that is the only thing that can affect it? That something that I don't. And like I said, even if you don't agree with it you can't deny using the air we breath as a place to dump waste is not the way to go, maybe you can, but then you may be as ignorant as the ones who say it can only be global warming and not the sun.
With astonishing inaccuracy
What the hell happened to the horrible, horrible hurricane seasons we were supposed to have in 07 and 08?
Oops, Scientific Community FUCKED UP!
Accurate, about as accurate as some one trying to hit a barn with a baseball. There's no doubt they can get in the general area, but sometimes they just miss completely.
Alantic hurricanes: 2008- 17, 2007- 17 2006- 10 2005-31 2004-17 2005-20 2004-14
After almost double hurricanes in 2005, it would be prudent to warn of increased risk don't you think?
Science is just taking the data at hand and making the most accurate inferance based off of it possible and contiually trying to discredit it.
Electricity does NOT suffer a 50% loss when traveling, you need to stop pulling facts out of your ass....
bottom line, the system we have now is the most efficient cost per watt generated right now
dont buy in to the global warming propoganda....
I hate to quote a wiki entry but here it is:
The very best coal plants have a effciency of about 45% so 55% of the energy of coal ends up as waste heat. Some power plants can send the waste heat to another user like a paper mill if one is nearby. Additional losses occur in transmission of electricity (about 7%) generator losses (2-3%) transformer losses (2%) and then further losses depending on what appliances you run. In all only about 1/3 of the energy from burned coal will end up at the end user so 2/3 of the energy is "lost". But since energy is not ever lost but just ends up in a form that cannot do any useful work.
I just think it is idiocy to not develope new better ways to do things and stay stagnant because you would rather say something is wrong and dismiss it than to figure out the parts that are right and useful.
If we developed a system to on a massive scale to put solar panels on every home in america the electric grid would almost never fail. They would become cheaper and increase in their productivity and technology.
But I guess I am an idiot.
It just makes sense to keep an open mind about these things and not just listen to the people that profit and take everything they say as the only truth.