Ended up with 37 grams from the pineapple express.....lots of little nugz...such is the life of the 'no head room' micro grower...
The 'Spectrum Matrix Terrifyer' is pumping along nicely....such a nice feeling opening the doors to the cabinet and been smashed to bitz by photons.....reliability is one of the growerz best friendz...
So letz look at the progress of the cabinet....
Nope...still havent harvested this one....5 days....(drying in her pot) this should be my 1st 2 ouncer ever...bit of a big deal for me.

Just to recap for those at the back (this is everyday tit for tat....) Im growing in 4 litre potz, each plant (5 in the cab) getz 30cm x 30cm by 55-60cm (height...MAX...17cm is taken up by the pot height) so training is essential to get any substantial harvest...

These 2 are about a week apart...the Purple haze on the left is under the 2700k (3050) main light....and 3000k (3070) for the right....it will take over when the left purple haze...leaves....musical chairz....
The (unknown) plant on the left should yield really well....except i didnt train it early enough and it is too close to the lightz for mine. It is around 4.5-5 weeks. The plant on the right...(5 days in 12/12) i took care of better in veg and only need to do a little tucking and arranging to keep the uniform height....and the last of the foliarz applied before bud set...

Heaps of bud sites on this unknown (cutting was grabbed in last seasonz outdoor session) And light have trouble getting down into the lower regions.
Because of its proximity to the lightz....(around 5-7cm) I will have to leave it in this position for the duration of itz life...The 'Delta' fan is blasting it from the side and is keeping the canopy cool....