Blame it on yourself pussy!.. nah im jp. i feel the exact way, like ok i feel like i done it all n i aint done shit. whats my purpose? i done tried everythingto get myself off the shit im on. even today homie i applied for a comm college buti cant get no records from my old school cuz that bitch closed so i cant doschool now. back at square uno. i hate that everything im good at is illegal man. and getting a job been out the question i dont blame nobody but me, but damn i aint been arrested in 8 years for anything serious and they still on my dick. i live in an apt now just moved in. my name cant even be on the lease but i pay the damn rent. so i be here on the couch tryna make moves feeling like shit, barely feel like a man nowadays cuz the money aint the same. through it all though, i gotta remember my position in life and my circumstance dont affect my happiness. believe me if ppl like us that are trying to find change cant find it. they better clear out a grave or a cell .