the chitown sourkush thread

LOL ^^^
im a mad man

the good book says we are supposed to rejoice at death and be sad at birth
i will forever have it backwards
we all have to die - no one gets outa here alive

stay up stay strong
i have seen a lot of my peeps leave here
as you get older is more an more
yeah.... I feel u... to be real I think the hardest loss in my life is yet to come... I donno how ima act when my moms passes.. ima mommas boy jo..
yeah.... I feel u... to be real I think the hardest loss in my life is yet to come... I donno how ima act when my moms passes.. ima mommas boy jo..

ditto...ive lost a lot, i whole lot in my short lifetime losing my mom might have me back in mental health, or prison.. but i wont be stable on these streets.
from 1989-last year Chicago recorded over 16,400 murders... more then any other American city in that same time frame,... damn....
we fucking fill up cemeteries this way... we keep funeral homes in bizzness..... my man sean connery said it best in the film the untouchables.. "he pulls a knife... you pull a gun.. he sends one of urs to the hospital.. YOU SEND ONE OF HIS TO THE MOURGE.. THATS THE CHICAGO WAY" been like this since da beginning
wont let me read that.. some digital plus add comes up and when I try to close it it tkes me to some George zimmermann shit

Sorry, fucking Trib is still trying to sell the's on page 1 of today's hard copy.

Lemme see if I can paste the text.
man I wish I knew wtf is wrong with me... why am I such a spiitefull angry as mother fucker all the time jo..... it gets old and it takes a toll on me... I feel homicidal has fuck today... I don't even know why... my temper will be the undoing of me.....
man I wish I knew wtf is wrong with me... why am I such a spiitefull angry as mother fucker all the time jo..... it gets old and it takes a toll on me... I feel homicidal has fuck today... I don't even know why... my temper will be the undoing of me.....

at least you aint feelin suicidal. Homicidal is natural for us. most recently well a few months ago right after i stopped growing i was in a depressed fucked up angry state, pushin people away for no reason, I was getting emotional over dumb shit and im not emotional. shit was crazy u i think i had some kinda imbalance yo. i'm good now a lil homicidal today, not suicidal like b4. i feel im on the right path i just keep runnin into roadblocks.
homi bettern sui any day

why stop da grow if so much pennance to pay for stopping

pushin people away for no reason - reason was you were in a pissy mood , they did nutin but be in wrong place at wrong time
emotional - cause you were carrying pain
u i think i had some kinda imbalance - you did for a while
i'm good now - dats good
i just keep runnin into roadblocks - not following you but a prt of you , must shake them

on da right course sumtimes takes time

stay high
stay up
stay strong

spress i dont want none of dat BI's pie
homi bettern sui any day

why stop da grow if so much pennance to pay for stopping

pushin people away for no reason - reason was you were in a pissy mood , they did nutin but be in wrong place at wrong time
emotional - cause you were carrying pain
u i think i had some kinda imbalance - you did for a while
i'm good now - dats good
i just keep runnin into roadblocks - not following you but a prt of you , must shake them

on da right course sumtimes takes time

stay high
stay up
stay strong

spress i dont want none of dat BI's pie
why u gotta hate on paula joo....
u don't think rosa parks calls white people honkies, crackers, and ofays on da day to day???? but yet white folks still got love for rosa!!! I just think we missuderstood what paula dean actually ment... im just sayin da old bitch can throw down on some peach cobbler jo... lol
lol, nah. she wanted slaves dressed up at a wedding lol. she did and said and treated ppllike shit its all over the net iono where i read it tho.
at least you aint feelin suicidal. Homicidal is natural for us. most recently well a few months ago right after i stopped growing i was in a depressed fucked up angry state, pushin people away for no reason, I was getting emotional over dumb shit and im not emotional. shit was crazy u i think i had some kinda imbalance yo. i'm good now a lil homicidal today, not suicidal like b4. i feel im on the right path i just keep runnin into roadblocks.
find myself bord with life a lot lately..... nothing makes me happier for longer then 20 sec. one of my biggest worries in life is that I wont leave my mark on the world, and DIDNT LIVE UP TO MY FULL POTENTIAL... that scares and angers me... im torn between who I want to be, and who I am {who I made myself to be since I was young has hell} I wish like I would just grow up and mature... that's one thing I am looking forward for to ageing... my body producing less testosterone cuzz shit I got waaaay too much... I hate that I just go ape shit for any petty reason {and I can tell those close to me do to} I fucking programed myself too be a mean callas mother fucker since about 8 years old.... ive spent 20 years living has basicly a goon... it got me nowere good... I got a shitload of felonies that's all I got to show for this life... there is no real good secure job out there for me.. I fucked up my life pretty damn good before it actually got started... now i gotta deal with it... now what we got.... a angry ass adult stuck in his ways even doe he knows it holds him back... you wanna join my club famo? its called fucked from the start!!!!
find myself bord with life a lot lately..... nothing makes me happier for longer then 20 sec. one of my biggest worries in life is that I wont leave my mark on the world, and DIDNT LIVE UP TO MY FULL POTENTIAL... that scares and angers me... im torn between who I want to be, and who I am {who I made myself to be since I was young has hell} I wish like I would just grow up and mature... that's one thing I am looking forward for to ageing... my body producing less testosterone cuzz shit I got waaaay too much... I hate that I just go ape shit for any petty reason {and I can tell those close to me do to} I fucking programed myself too be a mean callas mother fucker since about 8 years old.... ive spent 20 years living has basicly a goon... it got me nowere good... I got a shitload of felonies that's all I got to show for this life... there is no real good secure job out there for me.. I fucked up my life pretty damn good before it actually got started... now i gotta deal with it... now what we got.... a angry ass adult stuck in his ways even doe he knows it holds him back... you wanna join my club famo? its called fucked from the start!!!!

Blame it on yourself pussy!.. nah im jp. i feel the exact way, like ok i feel like i done it all n i aint done shit. whats my purpose? i done tried everythingto get myself off the shit im on. even today homie i applied for a comm college buti cant get no records from my old school cuz that bitch closed so i cant doschool now. back at square uno. i hate that everything im good at is illegal man. and getting a job been out the question i dont blame nobody but me, but damn i aint been arrested in 8 years for anything serious and they still on my dick. i live in an apt now just moved in. my name cant even be on the lease but i pay the damn rent. so i be here on the couch tryna make moves feeling like shit, barely feel like a man nowadays cuz the money aint the same. through it all though, i gotta remember my position in life and my circumstance dont affect my happiness. believe me if ppl like us that are trying to find change cant find it. they better clear out a grave or a cell .
Blame it on yourself pussy!.. nah im jp. i feel the exact way, like ok i feel like i done it all n i aint done shit. whats my purpose? i done tried everythingto get myself off the shit im on. even today homie i applied for a comm college buti cant get no records from my old school cuz that bitch closed so i cant doschool now. back at square uno. i hate that everything im good at is illegal man. and getting a job been out the question i dont blame nobody but me, but damn i aint been arrested in 8 years for anything serious and they still on my dick. i live in an apt now just moved in. my name cant even be on the lease but i pay the damn rent. so i be here on the couch tryna make moves feeling like shit, barely feel like a man nowadays cuz the money aint the same. through it all though, i gotta remember my position in life and my circumstance dont affect my happiness. believe me if ppl like us that are trying to find change cant find it. they better clear out a grave or a cell .

id rather blame my father...... who should have been there has a man to teach me right from wrong and lead by example.... would have prolly came out different if i had him to look up to instead of a gang chief..... but he didnt....
not that there was much too look up to... a man who couldn't even write his own name, is a fucking janitor, and tried to kill my moms 2ce... that vic is barred for life from me, my bro, my moms, and my nephew.... still all that hate aside... im too much like his punk ass.... fuck him, his unstable mental genetics, that i got, his fucking receeding hairline that i got, just fuck him in general... maybe when he passes the hate will too... im not going to his funeral.. he knows this... i told him that right after he told me im not his son... i wish that was true....