the chitown sourkush thread

65 still a lot i think
i never been over 6 the wife gets nurvous
got 4 runnin now
a bubba couger by bill-a bubba cheese by cgg-a white s1 by og rask-a clockwork or by riot

gluck wit yo 65 may end result be 65
sounds nice

ya need to pull a good one each an overnight dem to me to reproduce em

my avy gulfrin when you eventually see her face its not bad atall
its been a fucked up week with the loss of my friend and bizzness partner... I aint even gonna lie I put alotta that boy up my nose...
thought id mention im running the whole fox farm line for this outdoor.. even the additives open seasome, cha ching, and beastie bloomz....everything but the big bloom bullshit....
thought id mention im running the whole fox farm line for this outdoor.. even the additives open seasome, cha ching, and beastie bloomz....everything but the big bloom bullshit....

I'm running aged manure and compost, mixed with epsoma and very effective as a top dressing.:bigjoint:
you smellin P

caution back off da boy

i used to run to harlum or alphabet city in village for boy

uptown for da girl 160's to 180's latin an dominacan city

was a rough perioud in my life on da run and id buy big pkg's an turn ova my $$ back dat i wasted was a very dark perioud i was getting straight to da point

you did whut you had to do now step off - let it go you start out takin it then it takes you

they released my niggas body to his family today.. he is getting creamated.. his wife keeping half the ashes and taking them from socal to phoenix.. his moms get the other half and bring them back home to da chi.. shit be fucked up.... need to find someone else with balls to ship me to ship me big boy units intween harvests
I took a few new pics but I cant accesss my old email... I know the password but it keeps directing me to a security question I fucking forgot answer to lol..... and if I wanna make a new one I have to put in a valid cell phone number!!!! suck my fucking dick yahoo... peace of shit I tried to put in a bunk cell fone number but it kept telling m it had to be valid.... sorry guys.... I should have just brought my actuall camera and uploaded to my comp and download them from comp str8 to photobucket... instead I took cheap ass pix with my cell fone ic ant upload anyway
Yo express, you like good BBQ?...check this place out:

its actually on the south side .... just looked it up

It tells you in the vid, which is why they have bullet-proof glass...:mrgreen:

This channel has a shitload of restaurants from all over city/burbs...I use it find new spots. Only I can't find JJ's chicken and fish, the original one on Roosevelt in Maywood.

I was there last month, they still make everything from scratch...wings are da bomb.

relax my dude erryting be erie
dis is a pass itup
sumtings we gotta pass dem up to our creator
cause day be to big for us to handle

pass it up
LOL ^^^
im a mad man

the good book says we are supposed to rejoice at death and be sad at birth
i will forever have it backwards
we all have to die - no one gets outa here alive

stay up stay strong
i have seen a lot of my peeps leave here
as you get older is more an more