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And I would never shake hands with you.
If I was a woman I would play with my pussy all the time.....:mrgreen:

I'd say get a new boyfriend.Or keep the boyfriend for handyman work, and get a rabbit vibrator.You won't sleep when you use that.
i seem 2 b able to sleep through sex. ma bf has apperntly had sex wid me twice but ive never remembered it. do u fink this is a bit strange?

Not for the faint hearted.
rude thread.
If YOU were a woman I 'would' play with you all the time....:mrgreen:

If I was a woman I would play with my pussy all the time.....:mrgreen:

waaa hoooooo SPRING BREAK!!!!!

And I would never shake hands with you.

I'd say get a new boyfriend.Or keep the boyfriend for handyman work, and get a rabbit vibrator.You won't sleep when you use that.

I still haven't gotten mine:cry:

Not for the faint hearted.

is that what YOU call it?:?:blsmoke::peace:
LOL...hey tips, I'll check you out now!Lets have an affair.Oh...whats that...he's not online...too bad...offer expired.:mrgreen:
man boobs.....:neutral:

Ok true.....I was thinking more if his attitude and personality were in a woman's body then, well , I might just have to check him:-| her :mrgreen:
out :hump:

up close and personally...............:hump:
ok ladies...stoney would not shake my know that's bullshit...and the hairy tits thing, don't even go there...cause i would play with you even if your tits were hairy. AND LACY WOULD PLAY WITH ME IF i WAS A WOMAN?? please...
Oh, allright!Lets duet.(leads tips behind the privacy screen.A scuffle is heard...clothes tearing....a shriek from tips...more scuffling...Stoney emerges with a satisfied grin.Tips can be heard gasping for air......):mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
ok ladies...stoney would not shake my know that's bullshit...and the hairy tits thing, don't even go there...cause i would play with you even if your tits were hairy. AND LACY WOULD PLAY WITH ME IF i WAS A WOMAN?? please...
Oh, allright!Lets duet.(leads tips behind the privacy screen.A scuffle is heard...clothes tearing....a shriek from tips...more scuffling...Stoney emerges with a satisfied grin.Tips can be heard gasping for air......):mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
I think you must be confused....because by the time I got finished with you would not be emerging from anything....but you might be able to grin........:mrgreen: know...when I mentioned screwing ya, it was almost like you sat straight up and zoomed in on your target....that's the impression I lolling about in his computer chair...suddenly stoney says from far away "I'll do you" and ZOOOM! Target acquired!:mrgreen:
see...there you go again...I am the opposite of clingy...
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