The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

mr west

Well-Known Member
Cheese for the fat chick, I dont think so, shed need to lose some pounds b4 id give it up for her lol.


Well-Known Member
is that your missus..... shes hot.

.....wanna share theres plenty to go round by the looks of it lol.


Well-Known Member
hehehe..thanks bros... puff puff passs.... thats some good indooow..

MAn i doo have tones of shit going... LOL.. soon you all will see me garden of eden i got going... plus the indoor... some pretty dark purple shit on them buds right now... plus that 8 miles high that is thick as shit... Learning from mr westy on the amount of tops... Reverting back to 4 to 6 branches only.

Puff puff pass

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i couldn't help it i saw the chick was flipping a burger n the thought process ticked to cheese next thing you know were knee deep in roly poly

mr west

Well-Known Member
Right the state of play at min is i need food and then ill pull em out cuz they a bit tied up in the tent and its gonna be a funtime taking em out to fall all over the place for a shoot lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
well Ill see if they can be moved or il take a pic of em in situe insted, itll be tomoz now tho i got ppl round now grr.


Well-Known Member
if u go to the homegrown fantaseeds main site there isnt any regular cheese for sale i recon dave at pick and mix made a mistake bless him and yes they are all females.
That's a bummer for any pimping you had planned.

I've just put a couple down in my next order.
Least I won't have to worry about weeding out the males.
Gotta try some cheese. :hump:

mr west

Well-Known Member
That's a bummer for any pimping you had planned.

I've just put a couple down in my next order.
Least I won't have to worry about weeding out the males.
Gotta try some cheese. :hump:

yeah sucks, but at least i get females out of it lol