The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

mr west

Well-Known Member
very nice thanks. Got two blue cheese to take soon and the tester bud tatses lovely lol, im a bit chuffed i didnt think it would taste but its very promising.


Well-Known Member
very nice thanks. Got two blue cheese to take soon and the tester bud tatses lovely lol, im a bit chuffed i didnt think it would taste but its very promising.

Hehehehe nice.... you convinced me about the Cheese... I got some for my next grow... heheheh

mr west

Well-Known Member
Cheers Ras, Ill take some nice bud shots soon of the cheese and psychosis, both dripping in frost lol.


Well-Known Member
I've gotta get me some cheese action, I've never had the real deal i got some ages ago that was supposed to be cheese but i don't think it was proper coz it was shite. I'll try and get some for my next grow, what do reckon is the best cheese you can get from seeds?


Well-Known Member
westie your thread tricked me lol.

i was sitting there reading the first page thinkin sweet he busted some more in there..

then i realised i was reading the first page again lol :eyesmoke: