The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

mr west

Well-Known Member
i only resort to chemicals as a last resort, this time it was me teef lol. I have to be carefull how many pills and such i take what with the meds i have to take daily/ weekly lol. I just ate a farlys rusk and its top munchiess

mr west

Well-Known Member
I have about 7 or 8 males in veg now lol. 3 dippy eltons, 3 jakes dreams an la confidential male and a kush male now lol. I must chop the majority of them.


Active Member
quiet week for the thread suprise suprise... well my grapefruit is coming thru nicely but hurricane sandy decided to fuck things up with power outage and then snow... crazy because it was almost eighty degrees friday and this morning i woke up to yard flooded and now on everything.. no coffee lol what a day.. got my sweetie and my sweet n sour diesel with me better than nothing... she isnt in bad shape just a little stressed the weather atmosphearic pressure change and ontop of it all a lil extra dark than she needed.. hopefull bounce back one we get our gas filled for furnace.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Hold tight and batton down the hatches, its been very exciting on the new channels bet its scary as fuck in reality. I was gonna go sort my boys out today but didnt get a chance to even look in any rooms lol. Hope they will last till tomoz lol. We got hatty a cute lill outfit and mum has been crafty and made her a hat out of card as tescos sold out of witches hats lol. Cant wait to see it all on her tomorrow lol. Happy halloween and samhain every body peeps..>>>>>>>:joint:


Active Member
hey hey happy halloween take pics me and the lady were zombie nurse / OBGYN lol... i would upload pics but dont have time to edit them atm.. Have Fun and be safe tonight and tomorow, stay warm and dry..

As for sandy ... my basments dry just a bunch of hype.. i we got friggin snow man im cold cant get heat for 8 days... i guess i better stay nice n toasty with my red eyes lol... some one say brandy cogniac or whisky.. scottch?/ that'll do...bongsmilie


Active Member
i got layer upon layers lol... grow room makes alot of heat helps keep the upstairs warm n danky... i just noticed a mildew smell for the first time ever tho... not bad ... no mold at all... kinda smells like cabbage

mr west

Well-Known Member
I have a running battle with powdery mildew but thanks to cof i got it on the back foot. Ferti lomb or something works great


Active Member
man that shit is tuff.. i hope u beat it ususally means crop down... done n over... good luck man im really sorry to hear it.. keep those temps up and leaves moving... more exhaust

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
happy halloween fred n fam, i've got a pot full of ket, and no not that ket ;) to feed the bairns tonight. i might even buy a pumpkin. and i never celebrate halloween. just fancy carving something. actually i think i've got an old butternut squash i might have a go at.

have fun peeps.

mr west

Well-Known Member
shes finaly in bed after a bath at twenty to eight. Should be a quiet night lol. Some group of kids all dressed up jus knocked my door trick or treating, I just said sorry, just got in and aint got nothing for ya. They said thats ok and went away lol no tricks or anything yet lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
They a freaky colour man, we aint sure if they green, blue or hazel at the min lol. Im hoping they will darken up a bit but yeah they quite cool at min lol