The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Active Member
LOL well thanks man.. im exited first child.. I imagine were all still in for a few more adventures thats the luxury of getting old... and you never know i never would have thought id have a child in a million years didnt even think it was possible... o well im along for the ride now hehe


Well-Known Member
stop worrying about a bit of a sniffle will you, like a bunch of old men ffs!. i'll share a snot covered joint with any one of you.


Well-Known Member
your immune system will only benefit!. wait til your little one starts school, you will be sick on a weekly basis then lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
Well she was the first one to catch this cold that we jus got over lol. Yeah when shes mixing with hundreds of kids and teachers fsm help us lol


Active Member
well i hope you all get better or stay healthy i know it sucks but eat healthy.. lots of tomatos and citrus fruit..

mr west

Well-Known Member
Lol, starve a feaver and feed a cold so they say. Hey seanel, congrats on being pregnant mate its a ride i can tell ya. My ween was 14 months on the 21st of this month lol. She is now running and dancing and toddeling now, so funny, shes sucha joy lol


Active Member
DSCF1233.jpgDSCF1235.jpgDSCF1237.jpgDSCF1239.jpg couple shots of the flower tent, 6 plants under the scrog, 4 2 tokes a qq and a psycho killer i was bargaining on being a male, turns out female. strongest one of the bunch hopefully good things to come from her. i still have 3 more psycho killers in there too but there late showing sex. and a couple shots of the veg area. think i had cuts in the bucket 6 days and 1 has got the start of a root coming already so pleased the cloners working.


Well-Known Member
I'll be having a wee dram the night with a couple of codiene things my old dear gave us. I get really bad ear ache, like someone rammin a needle in there every heart beat...bongs and codienes are doing the job this arvo for watching the voetbal!


Active Member
you guys are a trip im american so i have to laugh my ass off sometimes just listening to the differneces in everyday customs... like above explaining codine and a bong.. our countries are very different in so many ways.. not a bad thing.. sometimes really puts things in perspective... i can only imagine how you look at our ppl sometimes seeing us in the news... hope you and your familys get better fast.. easy on the codine lol youll never make it thru the cup with that, either than or be sure to take an extra bottle with you haha ;-)

mr west

Well-Known Member
I over did it not to long ago on paracetamol and codine, its like having a constant white death for a few hours lol. Im always careful now when i double up on pills